<br />ASSIGNR1f1NT CaF ?~DRTGAG& - mrForati^n qr~ } '~}
<br />V(~:w~ lj ~i J`t~`~
<br />KDNJW AI.L DtEN 13Y TENSE t?RESENTS, That SUge.~rior Mortgage, Inc, a corporation,
<br />the party of the first part, in cansidera*_ion of the simr of Fifty four thousand one
<br />h::rndred and i~To/10(x-----------_r_____---Dollars lawful money o£ the [kited
<br />Stites of RrscEZica, to it in hand paid by UNrVfl2SAL MLSRTC;AGE CORF>QRRTION 4F
<br />WISCONSIN, 744 N 4th, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53203, a ~rporatior., the party oE`
<br />the second part, at or be£are the ensea'ling axrl dciivery of these presents, receig:
<br />whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained., sold, assic~ed, transferxnd,
<br />and set over: and, by these presents, does grant, k~argain, sell, assign.,
<br />transfer, transferred, and set over, unto the said party o£ the second-part,
<br />its successors and assir~ s, a certain INpF.43'S'TIRE OF !~4ft'it;RGE, searing"'-3ate
<br />2F4th of July 19 ~2 ~'~eccrded Dacument ?~ °x-403152
<br />o!~ the :Mortgage Records o£ ~dal3 County, ~lebraska and made by'
<br />Clifton G, Murray and 3etsy ~. *'urray, husband and wifz to 9xperitar
<br />Mortgage, Inc. and all its right, title and interest to the prera.ses therein
<br />described, as follows, to-•xitc
<br />Lat Three !3}, C~lstle estates S,r;rdi~ision, '-lall County, ?;eDraska
<br />'?'ogether with the note therein described, sra3 t4ie :saaey due ar to became due
<br />thereunder. including i.ntesest thereon. TO E3AVE AId) TCk'f30LD the sane unto the
<br />said party of tare secarsd kart, its svccessorsandassigtas £or€,ver, subject
<br />only to t2re provisions-of said INDENR'S.~I2E CF +DRTGAGE ;therein cor°tainedS
<br />Ar-d ttie party. of t}:e.£irst part does hereby make, constitute and appoint
<br />the sa3@ [~nr*Y of the s.~and puirt. Sts tree and.lawful attorney, irrevacats2e-,
<br />in its: nerre, oz octte~mis~r, tssst at their nwrr EsroFaer costs and charges,. to have,
<br />u:ac, and tekc'ail lavfui vaya aril means for the recasezy of the said sroney
<br />ararl interest, 7rc:, zn case of lrayrent, to lischarae the same as the pant of
<br />tt;a* first purr -n:;~z, e~z could Flo, is chesa> ~,r~~,~ssta r+ere not rwnde,
<br />iN MtITNL''SF s,niEStEt'tP`, ::~r~res dor "brtgrs9s.. 'sac, ~ corrporation of the State
<br />of Ek•uclxica has cauwed LPais ;,ssx~;yssaerrt taE '•YCrigAg¢ to tre ewecuted by its
<br />Pt •• ~: ~ ~±~r,! ,rae3 =stt s~sted '*y ! :3 :'1 r• , cr gi,#.sn^c a-~d . tso ~rporate psi to bra
<br />!xe.xer;nto affaxwl were ~t•. gay ,. „sz in rhea year 19 F3? ,
<br />8tata of :~braska 3
<br />.S amen S, fte3xi President
<br />Attests L~.J.",.p,~KRi'•.-
<br />R.S Lancaster. t5.ce Pros,
<br />} ss.
<br />s~auaty of E~all
<br />~'n.tlris' 5th day o£ tkuyust , 192 , befrre; m~e, a
<br />'.btary putylic, duly cosnnssioaeci a:~2 y-uaiified i.n and fbr sai~..d tbunty arul
<br />9t ate.,. Persosar:~ly cares the above naraeci 3ames S. reed, Prpsicient, and R_ S,
<br />Lancaster, vice Pre-..sideat,of. t1.~e.Superor Mortgage, Inc.whoaze.:persoaally
<br />kna:+:~ 'o sea to be the idesrt:ical persons whose names are a'fixed ts+ the above
<br />a„az.~a~cit of :~#art~ge as th¢ Fresids_rrtand vice-€Yesid>-sat of said Qrrlsotation,
<br />~«3 ``e~ ackno,,rle~gwd t2•re instrument to be *_heir voluntary act and deed, and the
<br />.v..a~r_asy act ,and deed of *he said ibrporatioa.
<br />ra. ja~o£fic.a3 seai, :in Grasx: Zslanii, in sasd ;bunty, he
<br />~.,~ is
<br />1IM Saner. ~ l
<br />~~-~ r J
<br />~u ,-~YS,i ,~., ash ~ac~sgrt;sm~,...`_ _ Y. ~ ~~•i ?rotary ps hlic
<br />:zt ~ flax. .~-, iy ~
<br />z-are zAasrd, Ems„ SiR23~?
<br />