<br />82-~~~3~~ ~ ~ ~t~tE~SE ~3F M+GRTGA~E
<br />In taz;:deratiun of foal} gaw~cktit aad csxn~}anx.•e writh t}te:~~nditiokk~a-nf a niprtgtg~
<br />;x~le by €?ctnald E. Garxsicga and Barkzara Ann Gatux~n, Each :r. ?zis arxi her tx.~n zagi:t
<br />arse as gavse ~f ~ac.~ ether,
<br />zn 'i"tiE EQLi"3':18I.I; TtlttLi3i.'tic::4,'~iD lf]fiv' A^iSC)(-,:4'rT{>ti ()F• t.F~A~D IaL.a\L?, ':E13RASIiA on ci~e
<br />fa}~vrFrs drurs}xvef pr4~em~, zo-,,~FZ. Is~t Fc~r ~) in ~3lock ^hr~~ b3} in t~odbine Acid~ion
<br />tz~ ch? c~izv- of Gra.~sd 3slaF~, Hall Ccx:x~ty, Ne~rasks.
<br />wlzsch sand xrwzzgEt Frrsrs ~?xsr '.:d ;way eat .'iL5:7195t 19 i2. and
<br />LS ~CRX29dK1: kf6 3$.~~y i:ia +~ i~HNff 6,ai;d'F t3:1 7~3,I''P` Y`JV
<br />c~-therec+uzxis r~t`}~sl! ('aNRttEV, A,~tsa~a.. sa~r3 ;1s~rslffscxx ,hrxrrias ~e~iur.`1niK«a fsn7F ssza~Fastaann r+! :cird zekas~s tho '-
<br />saime_
<br />Das +cftan, ..sue..-.• „~ ~37JF}: ~'~+•_"F7 ~£+d.T? isi.'dt.C3:Vt; :C1i) I~i.;!.~~ iti~aATIC3ti`<F)F ,
<br />(:6tA1i13 (S1.A,h13. ti~1}}i.+l~}sA, Fksa s,~zzsed t}~~ :.trzon~rt,a z~ }.r ~~<,~nuK3 {•~ Ets }'raacxSrx~1 xut$ aifesitd }1v rU
<br />a+e+actar7'zhta~ iEu) <.!# .t 1~,, I~3ii
<br />The £gsxitab{e 6MiWinq snd laae /Ineciatiea, of fs+rsrni ts{and~ N~brislu
<br />. ~.
<br />s!~S.
<br />~`0 CS'a% CLi9" Q}. ,~. F7, ~«`a`' }=Y, ': ~lpe ~ .. '1 ltt }`~:b}y,C
<br />ejs.ks cw.iii~uxnteu .~: .~~..,1~:>Cd z.as ~~ zr.3.ci:z;_ :k saxc3 t:.vckzt}, Fara'a<a;~aug~ canx: r' E.. K ir~~kxs`i .s:
<br />J~ilrs5 'r,'. 'vZ °it,7i
<br />:o n~ kzrr.~n !:, ikc tt~ :,;ec,tic.k3;~r'+~ais +~Fxs.u~acs;;ire:t#ftsltac3'u:;,'yr;-ek~k;:sse.<uPreskd~sa8.4sid ~-~,'e.~.
<br />tit said .isue:zatsoti ae:~:i :xi F:kxrw.:tz.~ev ttv_ =-ud. Ylisitiud~zs3.3te s7e `iq::r s ~l~~istst} ..tc{ ;..~~ ;3rtvS azu:4 tisi vv3iznf~: ~.
<br />AY irk! ~j cd ekx xsx' TttE Et16!-r.~.Ff_c: Ts`LFCLF7Ih'tiC:t.:;'i i..~?.tti .;;~tk:.':.~,iV~ ~.3#~ .:R.4:'wi3 LS~;.A."tif7,
<br />lf:Ef1:.1Si;.~.
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