<br />. ,
<br />~.~ _,_ ,.
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<br />s t { Nutfmnn and Peitnn Lt Wolf. Walton Ne 6dd6'.
<br />r
<br />- '~'i:'t?ct};y iv. ^erreZi, x1 Sinf;ie ^e.rson ,Grantor, whether one or more,
<br />i
<br />- in cansaderation of ~I r,~ 2nd ether ~a1ua?;le ce:~:sideratier.
<br />,receipt of which is herebyacknowledged> conveys 4o
<br />carry 'ri, ester ar;~ ~;athleer. "+i. ~t~s~e^, ??~asband and [tine ..Grantees.
<br />as joint tenants and not as tenants in conunan, the foliowing described real estate { as defined
<br />1
<br />in Nets. Rev. Stat. $ ifs-2oi) in yai County, Nebraska:::
<br />is".e Scrt;trcer~,, r:.,'.'ay _°=*e Feet t5:".• ~f L~*_ ;?tirtQe*: (13)
<br />and the "3cr~?~eriy T~ae:1t'i ~,p,,. ,;, . > o f %,c~t ~~o:.rteer.- (1 •',' )
<br />itl.~lf?'s .~~1 ~':~,. i.'v j.S:w71, :.:: ~_:~ ..,~"et ... arc T,t7 Is1c.F?d., t31.'+. .
<br />t,~ta^ty, Cve~^3s~~.
<br />S7AItAP TIUf
<br />I
<br />.: RU6121962
<br />:s~~r
<br />- (;cantor covenants.. {jouttly and severally. f.more ihasi ane) with the Grantees that Grantor:
<br />(l) is lawfully se>.aed of such real estate and that ;t is tree .from encu.nbra:nces
<br />i~XCB~t °3:"s~IIik'~3?r3 a.fII fi. ^c.,,;. ... ~ ~,;<i,., ~. _ .. .*~~i rC. ~,~
<br />f 2) has legal power and lawful authority to convey xhe rme;
<br />i (9) warrants and wilt dtfcnd the t>tle to the real estate against the lawful claims of ail persarna.
<br />. ;~ ;
<br />Executed: .. ta~e:il~ t. ,.fir... .................. 3~._:.ts.
<br />State of Nicbraska
<br />County of .. s:~3~: ...,...
<br />..... ,..
<br />The foregoing tttstrutnent ^vas ackno~r-ledged before me s,n ,.,.. L~;.z:~ s '~ , .•.,v~ , ,
<br />r7 ~ n
<br />a O:.
<br />NiMYI~ Anlr'71.111i `
<br />- ~. t~ cu ace of ............. ........._..........
<br />Fi._d f^: recurd:,jnd entered :n'_eunae,rical Index an ,.._......< ................. ... ...........
<br />-' F.: ,... o`>wlt7ck ,,._.~3., asid r~-cvrdgd sn C1Fed R.eaars~ ..................._... F'sa~,~ ._ ....,..,:.....
<br />;:srrnty Cr :~etpt y C:x;-ti.^ ~ C`?M.z~k.
<br />~. Ke~r._~ er :sY:?~c, ~if.~ z>z• w'Yt l,rt.;:v F?r. {, :~t.s~r ea` Z>r•~rcir'.
<br />