<br />TRUSS DEED $~-- $~ ~~ 3 9 ~ 2
<br />TNRSTRUSTDEER3;:madethis 12th dayot August ,t9 B2
<br />be and between:.
<br />t~+y KNflTT'S INC,
<br />whethee one or more, herein-
<br />aftercalRed'°Trustor"whosemaiiing address 9s _ 3435 South Locust. Grand Island, Nebraska
<br />` and
<br />~gy 'Joitn 4io f
<br />as ``Trustee"whose malRing
<br />address is 5rs Naiiona;l Bank Buildin brand Island. Nebraska, and
<br />!tr) The- First Nationat Bank of Grand Island~Grand Island. Nebraska.
<br />_ as `'BBnefiGiary"whose mailing address Rs
<br />X02 blest Third Grand Tslan~-Nebraska
<br />tNlTNESat-T'~ii: That Trustor, in eunstaeratioh of One DoRiar (St:flt?) and other valuable consideralion recetpt
<br />vrhereaf is rierehy acknowledged; grants, conveys, selRS and warrants to Truster; in trust, with power of sale, the
<br />foflawing.descrlt~ed property; sldusted-ln ualL.._ _ County, Nebraska:.
<br />The inters#fon being to cgrrvey heretty in absolute title Rn fee slrnpte, including: all the rights of homestead: and
<br />dower, ttspetherwith ail truiidings fixtures, impra+rements and appurien:tnces thereuhtQ belonging; and ail of the
<br />forogoirtg, tapethsr with sale property are herein referred to as the °'Praperty_"
<br />FOR THE Pt3RPQSE OF SE~:t,9i~iNGperfarmance of eacn agreement arstl covenant ot.Trvstor herein contaRned
<br />and#tSepaymertto#ihePrirtcipaRsumot_,S.i~X3:Y~~±i1.SAClf3_.&..i#I1L1{~fSoRlars~~-;, fiR7_QO(l QQ __, ),
<br />as eYideneed try s Promissory note) t~arsng even date at the rates of inte;eflt therean which may hereafter t>e paid
<br />or advanced under fire terms of trill TrusC Deed; txatri principal sum and interest thereon being payable according
<br />to terms set forth Rn said promissory hater, reference o which is hereby made, si that office of trie Beneficiary or at
<br />suctroth+ar piaGa 88 the irodider may designate rn wrttirg, She. final payment of princrpai and interesC; if not sooner
<br />`paid, shah be due and payable an the-___. 35 t Pay of W: ~. ~ nua rv _: ~ __, t 9,..e.._.$3
<br />Truster and 9eneticr9~i ccve+tant and agree as fellows:
<br />,,,a ~, r.,. ,
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