<br />$~.... o1U~3~:I`s 1
<br />EJCHI3IT "A" (CGtiTIAiU~D)
<br />=s
<br />?~ Part of tiie ivartheast quarter n: ;:e ftortheast t~uarter of
<br />_ erection. 33, awnship I2 Nortkt, urge '~:~ t of the oth P.Y., Ha1z
<br />vat2i,ty, <ti~UrFiBk'8, as Siustra«.ed Ori tr e L.t Tarked c.Xhibit "~'~ a'~.Y,d '
<br />'~cirg a.orc ~articular3y described as ..°c~:anMs:
<br />3eginring at the roe«haast cor.vr ox' said Sdetion Sj; thei:ae
<br />~ra5ter:y or. the North Line of the ?tor ur~,t +~:uarter o.f the Northeast
<br />:,darter of sago $eCtio2"i 33 a diSvaX2CE c,:~ ~~i j.-~ :@t'i.y tl7B.Ce 50UT.1"is'r~y
<br />gra de~,~ee5 00 r<.inutes ieft a distance: n' y.0 feet; thence ~resterly
<br />- .lU ca,;rCes 00 minutes. right a distance n. lo.6 test, thetzce sout;rer3y .
<br />`~~ ds~r~rees 00 ~airutes left-a distance o° i~+.~ fsEt to a Point o:1'the
<br />southerly existing highway right of" w~~r w_::~; 'the. ce eastsr3y ~0 a reaa
<br />v0 .^linutes ?eft and o~: said southgrly •- .__ 4~.g hi~hwsy ri~,ht'of day amine
<br />v dlstanoe of x+52.8 eet; «herce so:.~;:< ~ .:t•_ yy 3~ ciearees ~Jcr n,nu;~s
<br />r'_~nt s, distance of ?.+.2 Per=t; thercia .- :.:rl;r' do dE~;rec:s u8 minutaE
<br />rigs~t a distance of 33.o feet; the:rc.~ _.,...,.~r=ui soutizc;r3y OO r3er,rc:ns`
<br />0 ~.~lrutes Iaft a distance of iii:.? .L<-~; r.>ance easterlv'8b da~rrees
<br />3u „,iruttrs left a distance of J3.~ fcv': .i n a0...^.t o~ i.~ic: ".a5t liriu of
<br />s41d ::artheast ~tiaz•ter of the Northeas u ~~~°tvr; t.he~rce ~:or'therly on '
<br />a~.ia a:~t line a distance. of 37.0 feee:: to ,..^.e ~01nt ucr.:rani.g,
<br />eort~siniza;~ 34 , 945.3 square feet, mare or : ess , which. ircluda~ 33, 0 $q ,
<br />3C~UfiC•a f+zCt, 7k4rN or: e88, ~r6Yi.0usSy ooC:.,:.iada8.8.~ub1C RtghwBy, t:^^.tl
<br />re,sr`irin3 1,856.2 square :feet, sore or Css, being. tna additional area
<br />to as a+~curnd in .this actian.
<br />`Tlere mill be no in~5ress or acr~,ss :rota t=.a above described tract
<br />_ o..to 't;aa rerainaur of said Via: t of tY.e ::~i: t.^.east ~uLrter of t^e i<ortr;~ast
<br />.~4r~r«er, except over two private res~~c:. ~ oa er.:; r_ :ces , not «a t:xcbed 20
<br />r~4Y ic: ~ait3,th to yrovicie i,^~.gress axe a . ,.sy to c•,:e~l.: r, ~f t.~v owner ~o
<br />ia.g a:t tney are uaesd eorsistnn't sri,... ... '..~1 ac~avlties :i`lereL'o, the
<br />,te::ter~inzs of w~ic h are to ba +oca~ec . ~ fcet ;i:.d ~<2',v ;~;4t wc~L'ci'iy
<br />.rata. ..r.sz mast line of said .`orthtas.. ....:.c:r of 't:~r: :.ortheast Quarter a:;
<br />.,sn r.a :lr.'. aOng Gf~ Cezter2lre of tae ..: ity :aa.«. c:XCe:,•7 i. DY4r tY7Q
<br />co:~,r~ereial entrances, rot to except: ~.,~. _ ,,, in ~intr,, to ,~ro:rlde i=.t:r•t:ss
<br />~:,c: 4, : ~.,3 to prorerty of «:~e owner -• ~...,tar~,.:~3 c. are. *,;n ~~
<br />ioc~tr~: 16§.0 feat and 272.0 feet so..,,,.. r, •3 .fro.. .:::e ..ort;,jli^s: ni ..,.:.c<
<br />.iOr'v:le.. 'jLla:tCSi` af' tt8e .::Ortk;tlast .. i.. .:s~. u3 ". r: rt<V 2:.fy.Y.r: t;I'te~ Csst.:::t'-
<br />:«ts Ct'"y :::}i9 hir,hw$y A.T;d aD 111ustr°•t:'+.: ,1s: 'i: t ~'lL'U r x,ut~,. i:tF.i,ri£t.'`LS ,~li~U.''.t;
<br />"'a" A32 akirera? rights. in «:'3a apov~ .. .,. _i;e~t "~r~ct ~s~:il .,_ ,_~,,,,:::.:~;d
<br />.: c' ro, a1'Vrtt'~' tOthe 40ndem:.eti~, the i~^ .. .... .:'1CCCiSar nr S95i: ..s . . .
<br />., Ot:IC,".;.:t es~, t.:E'Sr t+vir3, 3uCC~S~ars Or _... ~ 5: ~l~ l:~Ve a __;',:.~ :: ti :>tl
<br />or ~rter tkte surface oT the above c-,~: _ ..+ «r2c« forrxy p::rpo«t cor:cerr.-
<br />::~ tt~.c :^asarved .~ctreraZ ~ig:°sts;- roe ~,: ,_~;.y~;te 0arnpt~,:eE:~, ~~+: ..~..:;,
<br />s;:~ccsso or assigns in extractrsg ~~:~~:. ....~sra:s, da~.a~;a csr In ash «ay
<br />it~pa~ir the LS.si 0a' the above describes tract.
<br />
<br />
<br />~~'
<br />
<br />_
<br /> ,.
<br />