$2 --e1 t3 3 9.1
<br />and, wimoul demand, snarl [x immodialnty doe end payable by'Truslnr and snRlt
<br />Dear Infere9` at Ina maximum alrowablo IBpal into; ProvldBd; htlwevar, rn tat InR
<br />optlon of B¢nefiOlary Or TrV51Be sate sums may be atldatl to the prier, ioai balance
<br />Ot any Indahtedness s d Rareby antl shall DBaf toff s interest es sucn
<br />{ndebiadrma9 and 9na11 bHUnayaDls ratabry ever tea ramalningatRrm rnerxal.
<br />tp. Aaslgnmanl of Banta. 99nefltiary snau ndVe ine rlBnt. Onwer and autho+ity
<br />tlundq ine continUanca jOP !hIS T~tui DeRO to Colloct ine rents, issues and pro(Its o!
<br />ine PtOpOtty and of any personal property IoCalBd InBrOan with or without taking
<br />p098essian Of the prop0rty of lB<led hereby, and Trustor hnrRby absolutBiy and
<br />uncoruiltionalty assigns. dil sucn rem5, issues and Prplns to 9anOfiCiary.
<br />Beneficiary, nowaver, Hereby con9eni3 to the Trustpr's collection and ratentlon of
<br />uch rams. Issues and Drams a9 they a and DeCUme payablB sc long as
<br />T1USiOf IS n02, di Such IImBS, m delaUllu Wilh reapACl 1b payment Of any
<br />indeDtndnaa9 sa4ured narBby or in Ina performanco of any agreement nnreundar,
<br />Upon any ouch tl¢faul!, 9enenciary may at any timB, Bitner In person, Gy agent, or Dy
<br />a raCniver to be appointBd Dy 0 court, without noice antl wltRput regard !O the
<br />adequacy of any security for fee rndebtetlness Hereby securetl, I,ai enter upon and
<br />take Possession ai 1M1e P(pDef(y or any part Iharaoi, and In its own name sue tar or
<br />otherwise COIIBti SUCH rents, +39uf4 and profits, including (hose Past dur antl
<br />unpaid, and dp Dly tnB Same, Tess costs antl a%pBn5B9 OI Operelio:t and cD11RCIIRn,
<br />Inclutlinp reasonable attorney lees, upon any ~:ntlebteCness secu+etl hereby, antl in
<br />auto order as BBnellcbry may detOrminP.; (bJ perlorm such acts bt repair o
<br />protection a9 may t>e necessary or proper to conserve the value o/ the Property; ;.)
<br />tease the same or any pan mereot inr sucn anal, term, and ppon sucn tondmpns
<br />as Its lodgement may dictate. Unless Truster and Beneti Clary agree of Rerwise in
<br />wrifing, any dppllCdvOn Ot rants, is uea of prDfits to any inOebtednasa 98CUre0
<br />narBDy 8naH not extend or posipanasihe tlue data of Ina inalallment payments as
<br />provided in Gald Promissory note or change ine amount of such Installmen!5. The
<br />entering upon and taking pcsxssien N the Property, ins Collection of sucn rents.
<br />Iasue6entl prolib, and the application tnnreot as aleresaid, shall not waive or cure
<br />any tletault or notice of tle}ault harountler, or invalidate any act done pursuant :O
<br />uch notlCe. TNStor also assigns to Beneficiary, as lur[ner s only inr the
<br />pertOrmancA Di tRn obiigahons 4eCUrBC n9roby, aii pre DalO recta and ail monies
<br />wRlCn may ndve bBen Or maY Rereat(¢r be depo91i0tl with said TNStor Dy any 19339¢
<br />Ai the Property, to sec 9 ine paymSM o ant, anC upon default in tR9
<br />panormance of any of iha provisions hereof. arusmr agrees to tlellver sucn rents
<br />arM dBpa$Ils t0 LnP BnnB}iClary. D¢livery OP wn1t9R notice Ot the BBAeflClary'9
<br />xerGiae ottne ripnts granted Herein, ;O any tenant occupying said premises shall
<br />ba Autficiant t0 require said tortoni Ia Day said r¢nt 10 the 9enenciary until tanner
<br />notice.
<br />11, laafld PnsrnNM_ Wltnln 10 deya after demand. Trustor Snell fumbn to Truster
<br />a scftadulstertiiteata ce tins, xttinp Icon ail Ee of space in the Trus:
<br />Ploplny teen In etteet, Ineluaing; in eaeb ea e. thesna of the tenants a
<br />accupania, a6lsViptlon o! the BpeCO occupiedaDy sucn tenant and occupant, the
<br />rental Dayable tOr sucn apace and such oinM miOrmadon antl documents with
<br />rsapfet to auen ieaaes arM tenenclea as the Trustee may request.
<br />WittbUi ttb Dlior wrtiten COrtxnt of Trustee. TN910( 9n811 n01, dilnClly Or
<br />irWlrectly, wen rsepeCt to aM Tessa ai space in me tleatrlDea premises, whatner
<br />ouch iaax I.a now or nereaftar !n exietenCe; ;al accept a permit any prapaymant,
<br />tllstxwnt or advance ran! payable. tnBreuntler. (bl cancel or terminate the Same, or
<br />aocapt am R9RCalladon, termination Of HuRBnd9r tnBrBOf, or permit any even) tc
<br />occurwmcn wouldentine the Ie9Eee mareurwano Iarminate or cancel ine game: tU
<br />amend or modify the 9ameso as to reduce tea term tneraol, ;he rental PevaDle
<br />ttfanirrwsr; w tacrtanpe any renewal pnrvisbna tneraln cont8med; Itl) waive any
<br />defauit Lnereunder w Drench tnereaf: 191 gtvB any cOrl9Bnt. w aDprovai
<br />tMrfUhdet b( laaa any bins! eCdOn in COnABCIiOn [hereWitn, Or wile 8 bSaBB
<br />thlreuMar, wnicn .would navy iM affect of Impainnp tea value of lessor's interest
<br />ttisrwnear, oD ttro Property aublec: tnereta or or Impatring the PPEhlon or iniaresi
<br />Ot ttM TNStes w 9enetiClary; or i~ x11, assign, pleCge, mortgage or otherwise
<br />dltWOx Oi.Of enCUmt~r, its InterOdt In any sucn IBd9n Or any TBm9. i39U09 Or glottis
<br />WUing or arlalnB thereunder.
<br />12 C.erldflrlltatlon. Ifvita to a,~y. part of the Property snail Dn taken in condemnation
<br />prxfadings, byrlght of eminent domain or similar action, dr Shan De som under
<br />MrNt of CoMemnaUOn, 911 ewarda, damages and procea65 are hereby. ae9lgned
<br />arW ana11.DB paid to Senatlciary wM snarl Apply ouch awams, damages and
<br />proceeds t0 the soma secured Dy the Trust Cnetl. with ter excess, it any, paitl M the
<br />TN1tOr.TN9tOr wig promptly, and with due diligence, repair; altar and reStwe the
<br />MmilningpaR0l the TNS! Property 10 its fOrmerCOnditlon subslahtlelly to !rte
<br />siteht thSt Lhe aa_rna ^•ny. ti ._d^IDtn .nd .p 9a M CCnsNruta a complain and usable
<br />unit
<br />13. fYWe baaneaf. Bpon rBqu991 of 7rualot. Beneficiary, d[ BeneNClary'e option,
<br />prbrto racpnveyanceol ine Property to ine TN9tor, maymake future etlvantea to
<br />(M Truetoi: $uCR tutUreadrenceE. With In[9reat thereon, Shell Desecuretl by tots
<br />TNflt Ofed when avldenbed by promis3ory notes steiin5+ that Said n01n9. are
<br />aapuratl fiereDy;provtdetl teat fll no time anal) ;rte xcuretl princlpai; ~luture
<br />adyanCea, not IntlUdlnp sums advanced to protect Itre security, a ceBd one
<br />nundrw psresn1110gYe)of ine onpinai princlpai amounts secureC Rareby.
<br />1 a:BaB1adIM QlmalatlN. Ail rematlles Drovidedin tRisTrual Deed era dls[Inct end
<br />CIITUIttlre [o trey Olney right or r0medy under Nf9 Trust Deed or elforded Dy law or
<br />spotty, and maybe exerclaep concurrently, Independently or aucce9aiveiy.
<br />15.A.aaNMaYav:fNInWMa;SiN: Upon default by TNStor Inure paymon4 of any
<br />IrMabtadnaeeascurspheieby or In the performance of any egr9ement hereunder,
<br />Bsrtsfluarymay dlclem eli5umeaecuredherebylmmedlatety tlue and payablB by
<br />r1Nlvlry to TnteINOF written. tletbretbn of defauit Tee TNaies shall nave tM
<br />.pofrn dl ssN Drina Ropertyahtl I}73eneficiary aeairea ine Property to rte xitl.:i2
<br />aMlideyosit w1IRTNetee Nis7Nsi Dnod antlait promtxory notes and documents
<br />pidsnclnp dXpendBUtefl. xCb yed hBfBby; entlahail dative! ID TNEtee, a Wn(ten
<br />Mtlp oftlNWti and aleCtlonto cauxihe Properly to DB sold, and the TNatee in
<br />tumaMh prlpMSa almltar NOllcehD lhnlorm required by law, which ahallDe tluly
<br />flifdfor record Dy TNStes:
<br />' (a) A1tN iM lapse ot9uch time ea may.De required by law ioltowinp theracord-
<br />elloh bf ~Itl hotlce of tlefauk, sndr:otlceof tleteuR and notlCe o! sale navlnp
<br />DNn gWenasrequlred Dyiaw, Truatae; witnout aemnntl on Trusmr, snail .sell
<br />tM Prpparty pn tea tlale and et the time fled piece tlaelgnetatl in Saitl notice oP
<br />Eels. at pubgC aucllon td. ine: hlgheet Dlddnr, the purChD9n price payable In
<br />lawful money o1 the Unllnd $te109 et Ina uma of sale: Tne parson cpnduCtinq
<br />ttW Hale may; br. any c xhe deBms ezpBtliOnt, pOStpone IRa xle Irom time
<br />to tirtwunlll it shall be completed antl, in every auto case, notice of postpone
<br />msetshalt ce 9tven Dy public deelayatlon [tulreoi by sucn person et the time
<br />and plate InSlappolnted tnrihe aat0; Drovldad,'I! the sNe la pbstponetl for
<br />longer !Ran (tl daybeyondtne day deelgn8ted m the notlCe of xle, notice
<br />ttesrabi Enen m Bivnn m inn same manna[ a9 inn onBinal nonRn of sate.
<br />TNntse ansllexe<ute and deiivea to. [he purcnfleer nia bend c nveyinp Ne
<br />Propsriyxld<but witnout any Covenant or warranty. express, or Implied: TDB
<br />rscitala Jn tee. Daatl of any maitero Or IACIE sRaff beeonclusive Proo! of the
<br />tNihfulneas thereof. Any person, including BenOticlary, may Gurchaae at the
<br />sate:.
<br />NY WMnTNStee xlbpuraueni to the powers Harare, inn TNStes sear, apply the
<br />proDsade of ine sate to payment of the costa end expnn9ea of exerClemg Iho
<br />power o1 Dale and of the bale, irwlutling IhepayrnDnt of IRa Trustee's Faea
<br />eclwily inCUned, not t0 exceed _._.._._....__%. of the sale price, and Inert [o
<br />tM.{tema In Subperagreph (c) in Ina order fnere statetl.
<br />~(c) Attec paying lea flame apncitlad In subparagrapn (D)11 ine sale h by'iNat9e, or
<br />the proper wunsn6 other cCEts of forecioaure and sal6 rf the nab Is pursuant
<br />' tplud)blai }orlBClosura; Ne. prooeeda OI rile shall DB appiir>ct in iha order etaied
<br />to.IhO paymont at:
<br />(i) Corti of anyevidence or titb procured In tanrlBCtiOn with such x1A and of
<br />cry revenue stamps;
<br />hli Ali eum0 teen secured hereby;
<br />hIJ Ttw rernalndbr,.danv, to ine person lBan!tV entitled in¢rxt0.
<br />ta. p:,ua. and omiaetlona , any, >ci.^^„canna D „stae
<br />. nvasae. Isi 'qx c
<br />anAll DR tl¢191mine0 splely nd the ex C1ga3 OrbYS.:r nlaoa9l ihr ?Nei D^Etl and Tn.atee
<br />anal) not ba ha Gix axCOpt for InH aeriOrmanrs cf auto Cunea and obligatipn0 as am
<br />apecdlbaily gel torte hBrair:, and no ,mplletl ..ovBnpnt6 or obligations shall AO
<br />ImRO,aad upon TNStes; ;4);lo Drovfalun OI Ihia 1'ruat CRBd snail raqufra Trani Be ID
<br />axpRnd or risk hie O n tirntl R. pY 91;tarwi3B Inotlr any !i nCbl Obligation In the
<br />pertOrmanc0 of any dt Its duties Re~oundxr, or in tea dxnrciae of any or its right O
<br />powers, It It Shab havo gmundS fbr DRiiOwnp teat ins repaym0nt of sucn funds or
<br />adBCUate Indemnity against such rink Or ilabltify I5 opt :nD90RaDly eRaufed tO it; Ill
<br />Trustee may cpnault with r;oun5el pf ni3 own cno09inB and the advYCB of such
<br />sal shall bx toil and corn Ulete auihnrizalion and protection in the r9apeti of
<br />dny el`vdn taken Ar sUll¢rad by it hdrBUnder In gpotl tdilh and felanC9 ih0lBan, (d]
<br />7Nate0 sndli opt DR cable fOt Any eC[IOn IaN9n by elm In g000181IR dad
<br />beuavad Dy mm l0 nB aumonzed or wlmm the aiacrenon or nghra m ppwere
<br />conferred upon IE by tots Trust Geatl.
<br />17. Addllfonal $ecudly Inatrumsnte.. Trustor. at Its expert will execute and tlellver
<br />to the TruBteB, prpmpllY '. n demand, sunh s cudty Instruments a may bs
<br />requketl by Tustee, In !orm and suDStanta sallstattory to Trustee, !,overtop any Of
<br />ine Property cDnvayed by rn!s Trust Dnotl, wnldn security mslrumBnls snarl DB
<br />additlonel xCUrliy fpt TIUSIdr'$ toithtul penOrmancB Ot ail Of theterms, covenani9
<br />and condllWns of tY,is Trust Dead, tnB Promissory rotes secured Hereby, end Soy
<br />otner security Instruments exrcutnd Ir. connOCllnn with tots Iransattlon. sucn
<br />Insimn;en(e shall he recorded pr died, and :e reccMed and ratllBd, at TlLL91nYY
<br />expense,
<br />18. M4acfllahaoua.
<br />(a) In tnB event any one or more bf tea provisions contamBd In lets Trua[Dead or
<br />the promissory note or any other Sacunty Instrument given In eonneLYlomwltn
<br />this [ransacilon snarl Tor any reason On RBId to be Invalid, illBgal o
<br />enfOrcOabiB in any respect, sucn invailOliy, illegallry, o anforCeabltity
<br />snail, at ;ha option of Banetlclary, nqt atteCi any other provision cf this Trust
<br />Deed,.6ui Ihl9 Trust DBed anal) Dn coretruetl as It sunn Imiaild, Iilepal, cr
<br />URBntOrpBaDiO provision h8o never been COnlalnad herein Or tnarnin.
<br />;D) Th19 Trust G9etl Snell ce construed according t0 tea laws of the State of
<br />Nsbmske.
<br />(c) Thl9 Truer DeeOshall In dad bind the Reiro, legates, devi9e0s,
<br />atlminl9tre:on. axBCUtor3. 4ucces9W5 and ass+gns of the psNea Hereto.
<br />itl) ii DnY a ~ ailed :;pcn ;: TNS:.^.aaC A dab. w -
<br />eraby'.'.Dgetner wi'Cn~dnvsothar tax09 Or aaxsamnnts wRicRamay b0 IavlOd
<br />against [nB : rustexa cr Beneficiary or ine Iepet horde! of aa1C RromUSOry no".B
<br />On a..count 01 [h9 indebtedness evWentea tnereoY.
<br />(9! WhenOV of used n :hB singular number Shell InOludO Ina plural. Ihp
<br />singular. ine use ore a=v gentler snail ce aoDticahla to aii ganders, and the term
<br />"BBnehCiery'~ anell mC10Ce arty DayaH Ot the indeOtednnas nOrBOy secured br
<br />ahY tr]nsfar tnara0!, W RBttter Dy CA910iipn pl law R! ofnerW ix.
<br />19. Sueeaafar Tmataa. BenetlclaN may from Uma t0 time auDStnute a successor a
<br />essors Io dny T'uaten ^amed hBraln ar erring Hereunder to execute NI9 Trust
<br />Deed. Upon seen apcolntmem ana wltncul wnveyence to UB successor TNStes;
<br />the !attar snail ba yxslatl wire all thin, powers, ana duties corferred open any
<br />Tr491Be nBrBln RdmeC O. acting narounder. Ea CR sucn aDROintm9n[ 0n6
<br />9ubsiitutlonsneil De made oy w e inalrumeM DY Beneficiary; ContO{ninq
<br />rereranca to this Trua[ Dead and Its, place of retard, welch when recorded Inane
<br />office of IRa Reg+9lar bt 6neos ct thacounry or counties In which seltl property In
<br />situates shed De cpnciuelva proof of prnoar eopolntmenl ofine suCCeaEOr Truafee,
<br />The torogoinq power of 'suDEUfutlon afro the proCrw Urn tnaretore Snell eat be
<br />riCIU91V9 0} the power dad prx9dure proVlded lo: by 19W IOr 1n0 BUb9htuflon of 6
<br />TNStes or TNStses f n ine place of the Trustee.
<br />2g. Fotbafnrma by B1nlflclary or TNa1M Not a WBiv1r. Any rorebaerancn by
<br />Beneficiary or Trustee in Bx9rctsing any right or remedyh0reurtder, or otherwise
<br />attOrded D/ aDPlicabb law, sRall not be a walverCf or DfBClude ine axerGlae of any
<br />rry.+ or remedy narounder. tiNewrse, the welvar by Bene7lciarycr Tru9toe Of any.
<br />default of Trustor under this Trust Dana 5hei1 not ce deemeC to De d welvar at any
<br />other or similar dateulia sub9aDUently uccurrlnp.
<br />21. TN1WrNm AfNaf1Q Extnn9lon pone time for payrt+ent or modititatlon pr.
<br />emOrtlxdllon Of the sums s0curlsd dy !hisTNS! Deed granted Dy Benat'rclaty to any
<br />9aRCeflaorlnlnteresl of T!pator shall no[ bperateto !aieax, In any manner: ten
<br />Ile Dillty of the Original Trustor or Trustor s sutc99spr In Inlnres4. BanetlCigry 9nall
<br />no[ De requlrn0 t0 cdmmBnca proceedings .against sucn suc4esBOr or refux to
<br />extend vine for payment or otnerwix modify nmonlzalion of the sumsaecured by
<br />this TNSt 69ed by reason pf any tlBmantl made by ine Original TN9Nr and Truster's
<br />successors m interest.
<br />22. D1hul1. If tlhere shalt be a default under this Lend o! Trust or under soy prior
<br />monpape,.lnB 5aneilclary ma/taro sucn default, and the amounts atlvancad Cy,
<br />end other costs end 9xpensea of the beneliciery In cudngsech deieult, with
<br />Inlereat at thetlefault rate conteln0d in [he Note secured hereby Irbmtne !tine of
<br />tnaetlvarkna or payments snail ba adtletl tp :RS Indebi0dneea secured by this Trust
<br />Dnod antl may De collected nnreurtder at any timeatter the time of aUCR advances
<br />w Deymanls antl shflli De d9ernad tOOB secured Rareby.
<br />23, optlon to Forfelow: Uponin0 otcurance o4 any default hereunder, 9enefltiary
<br />shall have the oplionto foreclose this-Trani Dena in inn mannerprovitled bylaw for
<br />tho loroctoaure of monpegn0 on real property,
<br />21: TNltofa.RpMS, ADSMt paiault Untf1 any Oeieull In the payment of
<br />indebtedness herany xcured or until the brenCn of any Covenant herein eonlalneq
<br />ine Trustor, its successors and assigns, snail poeaBe9 and Bn)oy the property, and
<br />ve rho rents find Droflta tnerafrom, Upon payment of ail sums secured Cy fhb
<br />TN9f Dead: Bnnn7lciery Shell request TNSIne to rncOnvey the property ehd shah
<br />surrender tole TNS! Deed ana at! notes BvldanCinU indebtedness sutured by. this
<br />TNS! DaBtl t0 Trustee. ?ruste0 Shah rntonvey tea oropBny without wartanty antl
<br />witnout Cnarga to tR9 persona i9gdlly entllied thereto. Tne GldnIBB In a
<br />recOnveyarce may be despnbeU ss "the peroon or perebns enlitlatl thereto," anC
<br />inar9Citals tnerain cf any matters or fat.3 snail ba conclusivaRrool of the
<br />.ruthtuinese iner0oi. Such parson or per,RCns shall pay ail costs nl racoroing, Ii any.
<br />2D..ACUbntion to the Event of Trsnafar, in tea event the title to acid real eslarels
<br />transiennd, or contracba to oe transfnrrea, rrom tea undersigned ipr any reason or
<br />Dy any methotl wnetscernr, the entire Cnntipal sumantl apcrued Interest snail nt
<br />Ce become tlue and pnyaRlo at inn eieclVO~. of inR Bnnellelary.. Fallur0 to exortlae
<br />this optlon OeCnuae Pt iransier At title as aDovo slated In onB insbnce 9ne11 not
<br />COOStItUte a Wdivet Di ine right t0 a%erciae 1nB 9dma In iha event Df any xbEequenl
<br />tranaiar.
<br />m.rnladasdoflmatls)unlorl0onedated _~~A...---'-'---_.-_...-.--_..~
<br />execu+.aa Dy Truelor to _. ...._. . .._...__.._. _ ._.______.___ TNeteO
<br />ascurln0 a Drincipal Hale Ibi
<br />DOliara an6 ilyd for recaN wltR lea Aaglata: nl Deeds end bennhed es follows.
<br />