<br />MORTGAGE.. ~'Z .+rr1~ ~+ c3 4
<br />`t'his t`~fortgagc .s entered into between RTG73EIRD .F3I7SBOpM AIV~ VIRGINIA }3ikSHOCa't4,~I3kS~Llt1
<br />and jYife ~ (herein "Mortgagor"? a,id
<br />FIE OVERI ~'s~ _i~L'1'T10YAL,_i3.~~QE (;RAi~m Ttii__: ANn :.Gr2ve1_.Is7.3tu1T_liTeb~'~kr.~. _(herein.'hlortgagee"j.
<br />Mortgagor is ir.,iebtert to Mortgagee in the principal sum of $ _~.>_OQ4=:00 , e~'idenced by hiIortgagor's note
<br />dated _.at:~Tu5t.1C1, 1932_ (herein"Note")pro~idingfo~paymentsofptincipaY and interest, withthebalanceofthe
<br />• indebtzdness, if not sooner paid, due andpayable'on-,. ~UgllSt 10,.:1983
<br />To secure the payment of th~• Note, withintrrest as provided therein, the payment of-allother sums, with interest,
<br />advanced by ti~lortgagee to proteci the sacurity of this Mortgage; and the peztormanee of the~covenantsand agceemr~nW of
<br />Ehe 3fo,-tgagor contained herein, Mortgagor does hereby-mortgage and'convey-to.Mortgagee the~'oliowingdescribed
<br />property located in -;,~-1a11 _-_ l:ount}, Nebraska:
<br />Lot Ninetc~n ;19)-in Westgate Subdivision, Hall County,
<br />Nebraska
<br />Together -•rith all half dings.,mprovemen ts,'GxturesstreeLS, alleys,passageways, Basemen r,, nigh G, pnviieges and
<br />- appurtenances Ixated thereon of rn anywise pertaining thereto; and the.rents issues°and profits, reversions and remainders
<br />thereof; including, out not limiutd to, heating acrd coohng equipment and such personal property thai is attached to tie
<br />improvements so as to constitute a fixture; ;t}1 of wtiieh, including replacements and~additionsthereto, is hereby declared
<br />to be a part of the real estate securedby the henoftbrs Mortgage andall oFtheforegoing 6ein~, referred to herein as the
<br />:`Property"_
<br />Mortgagor furtherconvenan4candagrecs.withMortgager,asfollows:
<br />• 1. Payment. 'ho pay the indebtednessand the ~uciesCthereon asprovtded in [his Mortgage and~the Nbte_
<br />2_ Title. yforigagor is the owner of the Protx rt~~, ha the nghf and authority to mortgage the Property, and
<br />warren ti that the lien created hereby a aLrst and prlur lien on the Property except a> mayotherwtse beset forth.hptein.
<br />~~'lhe l'cope rtv is subiect toa 6forl.gege~wherrln ___ ___. _..___~_:_
<br />is the hlorcgagee, recorded aL BooA _.. _._ . l'a;;e _ __ _ .,. the Slortt;agc Records of _ _~ .County,
<br />Nebraska, which Mortgage is a lien prior to the lien cre.r ~ d henrht.
<br />^ Other prior liens or eucumbrnnct•. _.. _... -
<br />3. Tarn, Acwwmen[s. To pe}' when due al. takes, ;pe ,I sesserer, t~ andail other charg •a agni rest the Property
<br />ar,d, upon written, fiemand oy biorigagee, to add to the nay meat, ^~quird underth~?~ole Seca cell hereby, such amouni as
<br />,nay fie sufficient ! o enable the Mortgagee to pay- such t+~ ~. asses>ments or ~, 6her ebarges as they ~oecome due.
<br />4_ Insurance. To keep the improvements euw or hereafter ioea:ed nn the.real estate described he rein Insorrd
<br />a{luinst damage by fire and such other harards a_e AtorL_ agec may require, ir, amountsand with cbmp:uaes aceeptnble to the
<br />Mortgagee, and with lo_s peyable to the Mort, age e. I„~,a of •. ~_s u;id~r ~~t hpuGcies lhr~~biort,*aKuc is authorized to
<br />adjust. cc llect and compromise, in its discrr~tion_ all c~a~ms tlu•reundor at Ida ;:pie option, Gull ur,rd [e. citl ~r apply tha-
<br />graceeds to the resioratiou o: the Property or upon [ha indebt, ri^..ss secured hereb~~, but pa}airenL Hereunder shall cat-
<br />tirae until the sutra ;NCUred here bti~ are paidin Cull.
<br />~. °~ Escrow For Taxes and losurance. ~oncithstauGi q-un}tLing contaioed in pa~agrat ue xnri , hereof to the
<br />contrary, yortgagor shall pag;.o the \4ortgagee at ±ire time of pes!rtg rile roor~thh° installroeuts ~~' pnncipal and intereat,
<br />one-twelfth oG the yearlK rases, v_c •ssmen . hazeni insarance prvmiunr., rt,d grour,J uois iif any 7 which mar attain a
<br />eronty ci~er then i4tortgage. all ~ reasonacly .-limo x•dfrom elm to Irene Es the f~torg,g-~r The a,nuunv-mo oaid sha:1 _k;e.
<br />held by the ;ylorigagee w,thout Iriere~t ar:d applied :.' ~nr pay meet ut the items to c>pect to ~cnich such amounts were
<br />p da pxtsl ced I-hr.. sums paid Co 37ort~i{•E herc.undec arc pk Gg •d a dditi ~~„1 cti ,~ I nth I~,c,~ut Gt tsss un~dhy-this
<br />!t_. atortg:rge. Rfortgagor.h a;l pay to .iorigagec• hs an,vunt o, xnv t.r+, c. ~r~cy~ br s~~ ~ U:, r ,,u:J ~a,; a.~ ,mtntl, ;nsurarlce
<br />_ premkcsn;.aud kronnd rents m;d the <lep<,n~L } -rrunt'r :;:hire t dar= at[_r demand <<~ra2>a'. upon Morl.tag •r:egpesting
<br />pet:nt-ntxherru[.
<br />. 6, impair. 39air;tenaet;r ru;d Cssc. p;nr:pt;y ~t~par i .tau n_,.'rui]C :ray butiu'ing~Ar tm},n,~ nu ntsn9W."Jr
<br />i era~h-r on the 3'rope ¢:; Eo koep :he Prue ry t:, ;;=7 _...d.Ei. n vr;i re p.i- ~. r;h6al wasi+k: and fre+: trun~ .•r .!.ani.S"5or
<br />etas: 1:.'r,c . , _ ~ nano.:: ~.,a.,.o i , :h~ L~., cc=n. ~ . _ „~ ., :naAe .~"Pat ~r p~rcui: any nliixtsnc ,_ r•ci~i_ ac, :e, ditnin-.
<br />~,ls .ar .n;pa,_ ,r,. , j.~i of the 3'n o ,~s i_ i,F :,i. ,~ .,~,.,~~~~ ~_ i.=,:i !~, c'~.ttttyty ivtcb a;, r, ti•~ ,~ •~•. ,,ta or ht~ with
<br />