<br />MQ~RTGAGE ,~~. (.t~..~~t5~sft
<br />THIS INDENTURE: marls this_ __lQt;ll____._day of_.._vtu~rus.L .___..._ __....-. 19 g.~..__, by and between,
<br />- ~ERTRUE ANTC7.AK, aN LINR>;MARhIED iJIDOW __~-- _ _ _-_ -~ ----- -- --~-
<br />t
<br />L
<br />of Hdl l County, Nebraska, as mortgagor ,and Home Fcdcrai Boeings and Loan Association of Grand island, a corporation
<br />organized aadexisting under the taws of the United. Stores of America with its principal offftt and place of business arGrand 1sCand, Nebrazka;.as
<br />taor[gagte;
<br />WITNESSETH: That saidmortgagor,_^., for and in consideration of the sum of _
<br />muu>:>: .TUni•car`m "'rVE NU'sTDcZ.ED 2'T'^T^t:~ ti~Tt ~pc '~iy 1C2~ 1~C]-_Dolfars(E 'sill 0(I 1,
<br />tttereceipt of which is herebyacknawledged; do RS oy thesepresems mortgage ardwarran[ unto said motYgagec: its successors and assigns,
<br />Hall
<br />forever: atlthe folbwingdescrilxd real estate, situated ir. the County of __-
<br />and:Stateof Nebraska,2o-wit: --
<br />LOT EIGHT (8) i?: BLOCK ONE. (l j , 47Ir.FiE
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />ogether with all heating; air conditioning, lighting, aadplumbing equinmenx and Fixxures: including. screens; awnings. sinrmwindows and f,
<br />~'
<br />3
<br />~:
<br />f~
<br />
<br />doors. and window shadesor blinds; used onor ra connection with said property;.whether the same are nowlocaced on said proper~yor hereafter .
<br />~+
<br />placed thereon.
<br /> t
<br />'I'0 HAVE ANII TO HOLD.THE.SAME, together withall and singular theceneraents:. hereditamenis and appurtenances .thereunto be > '.
<br />longing or in anywise appertaining, Fore er and. • arrant the tale: to the re. Bard moYgagor__-... hereby covenant -5-...with yard tt
<br />,
<br />i mortgagee that _.__._S_ he-._ ..iS-.- at the dell erv }iereaf. the lawful owner of the premrses above conveyed arddescnbed.
<br />` ~
<br />~
<br />
<br />~ and _.?5 .. seized of xgMd and indefea_ hle ~ ,_ es .rti~_:xace tlier^ r. f:;;c ..: d ..a. ,., all ~ ..:,.,..,,,. ar,ca~. drd the .%4
<br />wr
<br />. e .
<br />fr
<br />( warrant and defend the title thereur foreverlagainst [he cIa'msand demands of aL personswhomsoever. -_
<br />.- F
<br />4
<br />E PROVIDED ALWAYS; and this instrumentis executed and delivered to secure the payment of the sum of ___-____._--~ F
<br />S
<br />________
<br />Tr?REE TROUSAND. FIVE HUNDRED FIFTEpN_ I}OLLARS t1ND ODL1O0_~ollarslS_%~?1? ~0..____. _-
<br />i
<br />_
<br />E wit6interest thereon, together with suchcharges and aavancesas may ba due and payable to said mortgagee under the terms and wndnro +~
<br />of the pronussorynoie of even date herewath and'secured hereoy, executed by card mortgagor._._,.__to said mortgagee, payable ase:<pr sscu 3
<br />
<br />inlaid note, mdto secure the performance of ail the terms end conditiohs. contamedtherein.. The terms of said noteare hereby incorparaced ,
<br />
<br />herein by this raferevice. ~
<br />}
<br />It is the intentmn and agreement of the parcieshereto that this mortgage shall also secure anyfuture advances made to said mortgagor
<br />by said mortgagee, and any and all indebtednessin addition w theamount akwve stated whicL said mortgagors; or any. of. them, may nwr u, - t 7
<br />saidmortgagee:.howeveravidenced, arhether by note, bookaccount orocherwise. Thisnutngage. siwll remains full forceand effect bctwet~n F
<br />
<br />the parties hereto and their heirs,: personal representatives, successors and. assigns: udtil all. etnounGS secu*ed hereunder..ncluding future .
<br />S
<br />advances, ere paid in fuL' with interest. j
<br />The mortgagor hereby assign 3 _ w: said morigageeall rents and ircomeansing. at: any and alk times-from sa d p op ty ono ?
<br />{
<br />hereby authorize: said mortgagee or its agent, at its option, upon default, to takecnargtof .said property and collect all rents din nine t
<br />t
<br />f
<br />therefrom and apply the same W Che. payment of interest, .principal, insurance premiums, taxes, assessments, repairs or pruvunents _
<br />cx+cessaryto keepsead progeny in teeantable coif:ion, or to other cttargesarpaymentsprovided for:horern urinthe notehereb
<br />secu
<br />ti
<br />7'h ~~
<br />y
<br />ru
<br />.
<br />rn
<br />:tint assignment s'nall continue m force until the unpaid balance otsaid note is fully pard. The taking of pussesvion hereundershad :n no manner S
<br />{
<br />prevent or retard. said mortgagee in the collection of said sums }sy foreclosure nr otherwise. ~
<br />$
<br />'Ihe failure of the mortgagee to assert any of)ftszights: hereunder at-sny time shall nbt be construed as a .waiver of its right to assert the f
<br />~
<br />
<br />same. ec a.1y lacer tixre, and to insist upon and enforte strict compliance with all the terhvs end provisrony of said note and: of h mortgage. .-
<br />
<br />if said mo ~
<br />rtgagar shall cause to be paid to said mortgagee the entirre amouncdue rt hereunder, and-wider the .terms ant provisruns S
<br />+
<br />f
<br />of said note hereby secu!ed, including future advanctx, end anv exteysions orrenewals thereofin aaordance, with the. fznns and pravisron, $f
<br />theraof, and if said mortgagor _~ shell, comply with all the provisions of said note and of this mortgage. then. these presents shall be i rid.
<br />Othefw180 W r6l0aili 13l fill] fottre and affect, and afildmarC.ga$ee shell be entlGlftl to the pUaeE'aalan Of eI1Uf Said property, and may at: iksopt nn
<br />,
<br />dec}ere tbe whole of said cote a~ all indebtednesstepresen,.ed thereby to be immediately due and..peysble, and maq• foreclose this mortgage
<br />or take any other:[egal acGOn to protectits right_.Apprarsemen„ waived. +d
<br />This mortgage shall be binding upoaand shallenure to the benefitof: the heirs, exer;utors, adnunistrators. succossurs and assifms ut the ~3:
<br />respective parcies.:hareco. 5
<br />~..
<br />tN W3TNES5 WHEREOF, saidMoctgagor.,._. has .._..hereunw set ne:r
<br />_h~iii
<br />_t,he day mud year first sic •r It
<br />t
<br />S
<br />~
<br />writWn. ,r~ ..
<br />j
<br />~
<br />_.__... ___, _ _..__. _ _~_ _ ..__- ,l
<br />i _. j
<br />~
<br />-------- --- --- --.- _ __..__ -
<br />E. -._ _- >_ ------ _ _, - -- - s,
<br />h
<br />