<br />-. , 52-A-REA#^ ESTATE MORTGAGE-(With Tax Glauae) ftev, isg2..,~p 3 ~ ~5 Nuftnran and Felton & Wolf, Walton, Ne. 68061
<br />3 14NpW ALL -MEN 8Y THESE PRESENTS: That I+dark J: Griesman, a single Berson i.
<br />4 of Ha11i County, and State of Nebraska , in consideration of the sum of f!
<br />1 Tvemtysix Tho~.ISand Five, Htimr?sed & no,~2C0 - (~~6,$CG) ------- D(3LLARS I,
<br />in hand paid,.do ]sereby SELL and CpNV'EY unto ~
<br />/~S~bOfl~r S.S' Gri®Slrian
<br />of Greeley county, State of Nebraska the [ollowing described premises situated
<br />in Hall County, and State of Nebraska , to-wit:
<br />j ~ Lots dne (1), Two (;f)~ and Three: (3) in Griesm3n S`ubdivisian,
<br />Crrand Island, Hall Covnt~, Nebraska
<br />The intention tieing to eom•ey hereby an absolute title in .fee simple, including all the. rights of homestead and dower.-
<br />TO"HAVEANDTO'HOLDthe premises above described, with all. the appurtenances thereuntobelonging, runto the said ,~
<br />mortgagee(s). and`to his,: her or their heirs-and assigns forever, provided always, and these presents are'.uponthe. express
<br />condition that :if t_he said mortgagor(s), his,.her..oraeir heirs executors, administrators or assigns shall pay or cause to be i
<br />paid'to the said mortgagee(s); his, her oi. their heirs, executers, administrators or assigns; the principalsum of 5 2Xi f,~00.00
<br />i payabieasfollows,ao wit:
<br />On dsr~and of Mortgagee.
<br />I
<br />` with interest accordmgtothe tenorand effect of themortgagots writteirpromissory note bearing even date with. these presents
<br />it andshall pay..all taxes and assessments levied upon said :rear estate, and all other taxes, levies andassessments levied upon this
<br />! mortgage or the note which this mortgage is.. given to secure; before the samebecomes delinquent; and keep the builduigs on -.
<br />I said. premises insured focthe sum. of $
<br />NOnQ ,foss, if any,payableto the said: mortgagee, then these preaencs
<br />.~, b.^. ~ci~,. others •sa.'c be. ,d. ^ ma. farce.
<br />IT IS FURTHEIYAGREED {1} Thatuif theaidmortgagor shall-fail ,to paysuch'taxes or procuresuch ~in~,sdurance, the
<br />~ saidmortgagee. maypaysuch taxesand procure such-insuranc e;'.and [hesum so advanced, withinterest at 14F. per ;
<br />4 cent; shall be repaid by said mortgagor, andthis mortgage shall, stand as security for .the same., (2) Thatafailure topay any
<br />~ of said money;: either principal.or interest, when the same becomes due, or' a failureto comply with any of the. foregoiri
<br />agreements, shall cause the whole sum of money hereissecuredto become due and collectible at once atahe option of the
<br />mortgagee. //
<br />Signed this, , f~ day of ~~ ,. 19 3~ ,
<br />I Igpresenceof `~_
<br />I .. .. '. ' -- .......
<br />........... .. i
<br />I S`1'ATE OF ......:Nebraska':......... , Countyof , .. •~~.•~1 .::..............
<br />!~ The foregoing instxument was acknowledged before me .... ~l`...... ~" '° `"l'~..........19 F~-
<br />bv/,1/s~.~(~~wiw,r-.,cam
<br />i
<br />i ~~a-
<br />~~k~11~~s,w~rorw signature of Person Taking Acknowledgrrient
<br />;.
<br />A G aE70Tf..~i c~ .~~/rc
<br />Title
<br />L ~ ST.~TE OF
<br />__ - • ~ Entered on numerical index and Hied for rocord
<br />i County ___. _...,. ':,.:._. ,........_- } in the Register <rf Deeds Offtce of said .County the
<br />._._ ...__ ._.day of...........
<br />~~. end re~urdc~l in Sook......
<br />