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<br />c?t' S v t;fl <br />$~ `° <br />edge. delivery of all the property specified; together with all <br />the terms of the Trust Organization herein set forth, agreeing` <br />to conserve and improve the Trust Organization, to invest and' <br />reinvest-the funds of said Trust Organization in such manner as <br />will increase the financial rating. of the Trust Organization, <br />exercising: their best judgement and. discretion, in accordance- <br />wi h the Trust minutes, making distribution of portions of the <br />proceeds and income as in their discre ion, and according to <br />the minutes, and upon the final liquidation distributing the: <br />assets to the existing certifica e holders as their contingent <br />rights: may appea-; and ih ail other respects administrating <br />said Trust Organization. in good faith, strictly in conformity <br />hereto. <br />b" TRUSTEES SHALL.. be at least one (l) in number;.andmay be <br />increased"for practical reasons beneficial`to the 'T'rust Organiza- <br />tibn. The Trustees herein mentioned byname; or their successors <br />elected to fill vacancie shall: hold office nave. and exerci e <br />collectively the-exclusive management and control of-the Trust <br />Organization's property and business<affairs wiehout any consent <br />ci Certificate ha ders. <br />PROVIDED; HOWEZ?ER, that a %rustee may resign or be remaved <br />prom o~fice by-a resoutioh of the Board. of Trustees unanimous y <br />cancurren in whenever in their said opihion Trustee shall have <br />been guilty of fraud,.malfeasance in office, or for cause., 'by <br />~hc mandate of a cqurt of competent jurisdiction; and <br />~, P~tOVIDED, FL2T':i~'R, r.?Zat in the. event of death, removal <br />i~;~m office, ar resgnatign, the Trustees shall appoint or elect <br />{ a s: ces-sop- by tha unanimous concurrence of the remaining Tres- <br />!_ * y` ` apof.:i~; t:ne entire Bearc9 of Trustees tsecotne. vacant., tE;e <br /><..~;=;ar ~~a;• ppain:: une 7'rus,4e<, woo., in tu.n, sF;all appainr the <br />