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<br />_ .. g ~ "~ it l' ~~~ ~3 `' v <br />Ltnder',c +vriacn agreement or npplicab}e law, Borrower shat} pay the ::mount of all mutt rage insvrancc premiums in the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Anu amna nts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall hecorne additianal <br />indcb:edncss cyf Flarrnwer secured hy~this Dortgage. Unless Bor..*ewer and L rider agrcc la other terms of payment, such <br />amoontssbatPbe payable upon-notice fromLendcr ut 13o rower raqutshntpavm-nt thereof, and shall burr int•reCfrom the <br />dflta of disbursement. 3t the rate payabl+ from nmr to on out landing pnnctpai under the hots unless pnynienr of <br />mierestatsucb me wpufd be~contrary to applicable !aw•, m which event such amounts shat( bear inter •at at ;hc highest rate <br />permissible under applicable law: Nathinc eoniairied in this paragraph 7 shalt require Lender to incur any expense ur take <br />any action herernder. <br />H. Inspections Gender may.mnke ur catrscto-be made rea+nnab(e entries upon and inspectit~ns of the Property. provided <br />iknt Londerah;iiJ giveBorrower nokicc prior ro any such inspection specifying rcasonab3c cause therefor relafcd [o i.:enders <br />' interest ir.the Propern•. <br />9, Condemnation. Thc-proceeds of anvaward or claim fc:r damages, t3irector consequential, in connection with any <br />condemnatinti or othcrlakinG o€ the. Praperrv, or part.iherent, or &.r conveyuree in lieu ofcondentnation, are hercbyassigned <br />and sha1Y'$c paid to Lender, <br />' In the cvetit of a total taking of the Pro pert}-, the procect~ls shall be applied to the sums secured by Ibis Mortgage. <br />withthe excess. if any, paid to Born~wer. In the event of a partial taking of the Propern•, unless Borrower and Lender <br />otherwise agrcc in tarising.. thcra shall he applied u+ the sums scented hy~lhi: Moneagc such proportion of the proceeds <br />as is equal to that proportion which the amount of IJtc sums secured by :has S4artgage immcdiatdy prior to the date of <br />takitigbears :6 thefairmarket value of the Vroperiy immediately prior to the state ofaaking, with the balance nFahe proceeds <br />paidto.Borrower. <br />Eftfic Fropcriyisabsndoned by IIarrowcr. ar if, after neticc h,; Lander to Borrower that thesondemnor offers to make <br />an award or sMt(r a claim for damages: Barnwcr fails fo respond to (.-ender within 30 clays after t}ic date such notice is <br />mai}ed, Lehdenisauthoriaedto cnYlect and aoply thcproceeds, at i_ender's option, either tosestoraiion or repair ofihe <br />Propcrt} or to-Ehesums secured by this \4arteage. <br />Unless Lender and Borrower~othervise a,rec in writing, an}' such applicai=on of proceeds. to principal shall not extend <br />arpostlxutc the due zPatc of the monthE^, installments rc(crnd ro in parergraphs I ;utd 2 hereof or change theamount of <br />such installments. <br />., ,~...-r..:,.. ~.. .,,..°-,._. , ,. ::.:._ fi_..-~.:-,... a ...:....t?., nF_ih-~ sums_sccurcd _ _. <br />__.. __.. -- iG -3irsn v.r,*r\ur-naexus..~.-.,:,..~,:. _-: -__ -. <br />by. this Morfgage granted by I.cnder to sac succcsoo* in :rterest cr Herren tr cka13 not operate to release. iii am' manner, <br />the liabilityoL'the. originat~Borrowerand. Hermuer's s .:csiors ins 'ntcrest. lender shat}. nn[ be rcquircd tocommence <br />proceedings against such successor or .refuse m extend time hr p tc:nent ~+r othcrvlsc. mcxiify amortization of the. sums <br />secured by. tltie hfongage hyreason o` env demarc m;,de. h}~ the oriemal ^nx:rro•a~er and Bnrrowor's sacecs'sors in interest. <br />!1. Forbearance by Lender Not a >.i'aiver. -1nv R, hrararzc h~ L. .c3:r ~ . zvcrcising trn• right or remed}' hereunder, ur <br />otherwise atTorded' by applicable }aw. shall not hc. a waiter of c cc kicie t,~! exercise of any such right or remedy. ~, <br />c <br />`Pie procurement of insurance or the pa}~mcm of taxes ru abet t:cns char4es by t.endcr shall not he a waiver of Lender's <br />rich€to accc'.erate ,he maturit}°. of !h. indc`?tcdne~s see,: cf v. tl;a \i-. ~.cacc. <br />12. Remedies-Cumufntive. All remcciies p o•,idcd in Cnis L(i r ie8 arc. a. tiro anti ucmulative to any' other r'ghtor <br />., ~.. <br />remedy. tmdertnisMnrtgage ar afford~dby to ' r etiuin~ and ma: n. ,. + -oncurrcnt{v, inciependentl}• orsuecessiveIV_ <br />lJ. 5trccessors-and ;lssigns. Bound; Joint ^att $c+craY Liv~rhtt:. C'aptiorrs. "rhr. c:•ccrnants and agreements herein <br />.contained shall bind;and therights hcrennder aha(i inure :o. the ri.:pcc h~c s: cwix> aiu assigns rf Lender aiidBorrower, <br />subject to the provisions oP Laragraph. 17 hereal. A3I. covenants a d :rgrcc.rnents el Borrower shall he joins and several. <br />"f?ttcaptions and headingr of. theparagrnphsof this \fartg:rge. art fxrrtanve?iience only and arc not to 'oc used to <br />interprcror define-the p-ovisions hcrrot. <br />I4. `once. Except for ary noises rcquircd corset :.pp}ica~•it t.i ;, :.zit:. in a,~~~f~icr manner, ( tuty notice to <br />Borrower provided form thisMorgage shag tie Liven hs t,t,u'irr .us t •ie~u.:c~tryccr[~fied mail-addressed•.lo Horrowcr at <br />the Property Address. or at suehather address as &srrwcr may' de,igit;ur m n.>iict m i_cntler as provided herein, and <br />(1}) any nefice to Lender shall be given bs crlified m;ut, retunr tee_,;.t l~equcstesfi. is t_entler"saddress stated herein or to <br />such other address as Lender may designate b}' notice t ~ Borrowci as. pr.~sndc<i herein Anv'-irolicc provided. for in .this <br />;1lortvatte shall tie deemed to have been given toBorrowcrar Lenc4cr when g.veninthenutnncc;~iesignated herein. <br />15.. Uniform Mortgage; Governing I:aw~t Sccerabitdv. l?tic fr>nn of mortgage con.thinus uniform zovenants for national <br />ctsc and. non-uniform. covenants with limited variations hs juri.dic,ion ta:cnnsnutte a uniform ~sccurity instrument covering <br />rea. property ?'his Martgageshall be Sovtnted hytbe law c` thG )u::ai.ctu*n iuwhich lire Prop~rh' is located. In the <br />event that any pruvisinnpreiause of thisMortgageor the Vote-cuartict.with applicahle=iaw,-sac.h conficrshall not affect <br />tither nravisiunt of this Martgagc ix the Is3ote rchich inn be ¢i ^r. c11~tcC ividtoiii thc~conflic(ing provision. and io this <br />- end theprcivtssinsofrhe:vfortgage and the Aotc are ~i :aredur ,c ve•;crahle, <br />td:-BorrowrrsGapp.Borrower shall he R:rni-.bed acs:mfcxmc3.onv .srthe Nolc and of this M'or.,nge at the time <br />of cxecutionm after :ccordation hereof:. <br />17>-Transfeco[ the Property; Assumption.. if a(l of any p.irt of the S'ropcrtyoran-intorest therein is Bald gr transferred. <br />by'Borrnwcc w~ithOVt'.Lendet's priorw-ritten consentr ~xckiding (u ,tiv; .~catioitoE a lien cr enctrtrbrancc subor4inate m <br />the iNgrzgage. tb}'thecrcation--nf apurchaae money.: security inu est far-hc.ttseholdappliances. ic) a lrans(cr. 6y devise. <br />descem onbv opcraoion .^f iavvppor. thedeath . , n ;sin; tcitar.t or ' ~ ' `' ' <br />~` - .Lender m2v, ~t 1_cn tier's opuon,. dcdhre aR the sums .,_c};i ~d 6y .this ;v[ortgage ro be <br />immedratelyduc an3 pa}'ab}c ~Lendc~ shalt na ~ .~a;ved such opna,t ;.ct •lerate i#: prior r,i rite sale o' u.'tnsfec.Lendcr <br />:rnd thepcrson to whom thrPropcrty is to be so4ci gr3rans(crrcd r :c}, agree nc:i(.ir.. writing that rhrcredit of suc}t person <br />issnti,•actot}~ to Lenderai5d thatlhe:interest pa}abic on the sums secured by this blarty~aL,t than he a[ such rate as Lender <br />s1r~;l rcyuest, if t ender has waived the optior.,n:.ccelerrie provided in>lhupirragraph a7, [znu if lornrowus successor in <br />m2 c,t h,as executed a wn;tenassumptior..agreeinert in ilineby. [.cnd~r, Lenclershall cclcase Borrower from all <br />?o..ezt~ons under thrss2artgage and thes+ote, <br />dfLender exercises suchopt on tcracce(eratc, E.c+..~r shall mail BOfrt)w'd! notice cif iccclc~auy~n nt accordance with <br />par: enph id hereof. Such noticeshai}.provide ;t period of nrn less than 30. irv: Fron~ithc date the rolict is mailed within <br />whr,,l. Borrpwet rtaypa} the cams deci.:red due. if ~Horr..r.rr filts'o p:r.° such .,ants pri<r ti, tk;t .x pi r:.hcn of such period, <br />Z..endcr may, wtthout.fnrther nUticc cr demand on B.)rr4weL invo. c uny remedies pentuttcd. h•: p~;agraph IC hcret~f. <br />yos-lv}Htros,nt.Caatyh>v,s. Florrowzr and Lenderfarrher co c t:,nt and ~ce as toliow•s: <br />i$. Aeeeleralioa, Rcatedias. Except as provided in paragraph S7 hcrcot, upon &rrrnaer's breach of auV s•~nv<cnant ;tr <br />~;rexmeni of Barrowex in this it urt>:age, inch:dingthe covenants to:pay. whcu dun any sums secured by this. R4arlga$e, <br />Y,e;: ~fer prior io acceleration sfoai3 grail nirtice to Sarm..~rr as pro.idrxl 'sn pnraY;rap3a Y4 hereof sp < fv'ing: li}. tlsc breach; <br />t2i .hc :nc~i~n rcquucd to curesuch breach;: (3) a date, net. letic than 2t# deys froneihe date fhe notice is utai}ed to 1Ttxrnrvor, <br />t,s nh4L >oc4 6: _e<h~roct becured; antl fA) that toil tire. to cure such breach trq or before the date. xpeeified in Yhc notice <br />m it J i n tit ~ su ins secured by thia2.tnrtgafir, f bs Judrr'iat pr r.a~ediist, uid ssle tf t}te Yrop4 rt)'. <br />t z t xe sr 3 fi r i r d rx. Borrocvcr of the right to rrimtete tft r tr to rt and the til;ht k i s •rt in the fnrcclmurc <br /> _ho ncn ._.i,•en:c o! a ~icfaultur an5other iJrfcn;apf Y.~.r,~r, to acctleraf~ore said forcchisurc. iF the hreuch <br />.~ + . loge, : e or h.4.,r- ,.~~ ,lain ,prciticd in thenotice, T.t hcler rr Y c:~dcr + ~~ptiun may dx•c tare all <,.t tlrcr sum.; 5eeprc•rY Uv <br />Ri iv Stoc L.ig t.; Sc 'c cdi. c .disc ,mil pas•abYc rvithgu[ tarftur dcsnp-t ~.ind rang tqr ~dagc Pre yudicial proceeding. i.endcr <br />_, - 4 Lc . ~~t.9a...:. i:c, :.. „i_.r pr.ccediatg ail ezpc nsKS of tore<,usura. .. ~tndGnx„ hui nor YimitcrY ra . cast9 of rlacnim-ntarr <br />Y9~ Sore: ., id Mt.t ~ R,-...~.ri e. .~ L4.,. ! r. .. ~. ... ..r.. .,. ,... ~.q:.i . <br />