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. S2~ <br />and. wungm aemMd, nnu bet a r I. n.. ne p h ry T. f <br />raN interest at tea maximum anbwa a 19pai mlp' F d d, ~ew¢vnr ~na[ at mR <br />optbn of BenMtciary or Trustoa euM Sums may by ,adiM td "rite principal balance <br />of any IntlRbl@tlnesa s urad Rereby and malt bear the » :ale=eat a0 such <br />IMeDledMSS and AnH!1 De PBVanI@ratanly aver mprsmainingat@PniMreOt. <br />10. Aealprtmartt pf ReMa: BenetiClary sMll nave In0 right. U and authority <br />tlunngin O IlnuanbR )o) nsTrust Deed to CO lott'he 1 s dp kt o. <br />Uro PropartY arM of anY M net prop ly -et@d the ih ~ h king <br />po8seS8ion of the DroOBriv ar!@cietlne a6 and T i m. h eby absnlt f@ly and <br />unCpntlltl0nelty essipn4 all. Such rents, tssuaa and Praf its l0 89neliClery. <br />BaMtldtflrY, hgWarer; harabY tPna@ms t0 Ih3 Trtialoi s CO!lePllpn and retantlbn o1 <br />euchren15; iaeuaa end Orofits a3 they accrue and become Rdya Die sa long as <br />Trusts. u rtbl.:at sucn times, In tlefault with respBtf la paymem bl env <br />IrafeDiBdness sBCUred nerBDyor In 1M PerrormartGR or any RgrR@mant hereunder. <br />Upon any sucn Oanuit, 8anetlc!ary may at any lima, c;tnerin person. by agent, or by <br />a rBt@iVBr to'de eppOlnled by a court, wilnWlt notice and without rdgerd t0 the <br />@tlegwcy of any axurity for the indebtetlnasS hereby sealretl, far. @nlat upon and <br />SHk@ pOBHeaaldn Or the PfPpeny 01any paR tnarp0l, and In Its OWn name! Cue !PI' or <br />otMrwlaa Collec[sucn rants, is and prchts. including Ihnse Fast due and <br />urtpaltl, dntl 8Pply Iha same, lessscosts and expenses at aPeralion and tbllaction. <br />Intludfng reasona0le attorney facts:uROn any mdadietlness sacumdher¢Dy, anC ir. <br />uch OiOer. as BenetlCidry may tletermme; (b). D¢rtortn sucn acts n' rBpalr o <br />Rrotectbn as may ce necessary or proper to conserve the v31ue Ot tF.e'Property: (q1 <br />lesab ina aama pr any part tner@or for Such rsnial, term, an6 upon sucn cdnaittans <br />as ilafotlgemanT maydittaib, 1}nles5 Trasta and Beneficiary agree olh@rwi4A in <br />wFHllrp,.any aPPlicA[ian of renla, issu@a or prolita to any irdobtotlness a¢curetl <br />Hereby anallnOt.¢xtand Or pOatpOne: t11¢ tlUB Caie Ot iha in Stalment Payments a9 <br />proHdetl In saW ptomissory nb[e Or tnangs ina amount or sucn installmBntG The <br />anttYnhpupon arNr taklnp pOSSessran UI the property. Lne col:ectlon of Bach rents, <br />i9aaee eHd: plolll5,: are Ih@ applicetlon tnBfBCt a9 at0!asaitl. shat l rb: weiv¢ Or W r@ <br />arty OetaulS tx hotiCR. Of de!eult Mreu d arinvetidate any act done pursuant t0 <br />suchMtlce_ Tnrstpr also assigns to 8enehtiary, ds 'Urtnar s u:ify for ;h0 <br />peHOrmenteof CM obllpatiOns a¢LUred h9rBDy; ail pr@paitl 'ems and ail mgnl@a <br />svidtn may Mva been or may nereatf@r Da daposned "Ihsaitl T•usiP!by anylessae <br />of iM Prdpprty, to secure the payment at a and u n tlefault 'in ina <br />pertOfmanae Ot Hny Oi the provisiOnS Y,@regl, Tn stOrnRgrB@5 to CeliYe.: sucn rants <br />in0 ORP09its to the e¢nefitiary. Delivery of wntl¢n nonce e! the Ben¢rlciar`:'a <br />erclaa Or iRe ngnta graniN h¢reln, LJ any. tensnt. UCcUpyinq _ad:tl PfP.m14@9 Shall <br />O<SUtfl~iMrta reouliesaid:enMlio pay Said rani lc kh@~s-atlCiaryun117 fuYtnsr <br />notice. <br />1T.,(ANIp PIM11nw. Wrrnln t04ays attar tlamMC. T rUatgr Snail turnigh iP TrUateB <br />a aCrtetlUM teRitbd t0 ~ true. SattlnA. lortR all )ea9ea OI space in ina Trust <br />Property iMn.1n eHxt, 4ncludMp, In eactf ca ;ne name or IM tenants are <br />occYWnn. a deacriptbn Ot TRe spate OLCUpIOtlsDy sutra tenam end atcupenl, the <br />rsmaf WYaGe fOY such space and 9trCn aNBf inform OtOn and dotYmBnis Wlth <br />respect t0 auchbabee lrb tenaxias as 1M Trustee may rrquest. <br />WHltout tranrfmwrinen cansent 01 TrUStsa, Trustor sha» not; dirRCtry Or <br />indlnttly, with respect tD anyiease or spacein iM tloxrlt»0 premises, wMther <br />each teeN Ia rlbw drnHealiNln WriatanLb•; (d) dcc@pt dr pOrmlt dnY PnpdynrenL <br />Olaeount or atlvance rent oayebleLherBUmfer. {b)cancol or terminate the'same, or <br />swept arty tarKailatfon, isrminabdn ar suyrenda. t>ereoq or Permh any event to <br />attar which would emitn era Maseetrareuntlar to terminate or canceitne same; (cl <br />BlrMrrdOrntOptty ina acme BO ea ip ratlUtB ina t0rm thereof, Ina ienlalDeyeble <br />tnweuntlar; or bcMnpa arty re ewal. proviAlona LtYenlncontalned'. id). waive any <br />tle/Wlz [hereundx p[ breath rneregt: fe}.give .any cpn98nt. waivarOr approval. <br />tlYerepMwor tekw. artyotrar. action In connection therewith,. or w+trt a lessee <br />SMr.drtw, which woum rare tM etfatt or hnpaiaog ma rwma of lessors mtereat <br />1Mieundw; on tM Property eub}act tneitno; or of impairing tiro positior. or interest <br />PT2MTrua[sa Or BMtefldlary,.w lr)'seN,. assign. FleOpe, inortpepa or otrterwisa <br />tllepoM Of, or encumber, it~lmBre6tmany 9YCh@8se or any rants; 199Ula drprotll9 <br />lasufnp Dr adalnp irareundar. <br />T2 COIaeernMba4lf title marry partOf[n@Prbporty anaif De take0in contlemnation <br />prpceWlhgs,byflghtof eminent tlomaihorsimilar lftlon; N.ahell Dasollfunder <br />[hfM[ Of crndemMtlOn, ab awarOS, Aemepes and Pr .ae0s are Raretry aaelgneo <br />arw BMilbe pai0to Beneflclary wad aheN' apply 9utn awertls, damages. and <br />pfOCNda fo tM aLLmisetYfetl bytne Truer DBtltl; with tD@.BxCa9a, it eny,.paid tO ihB <br />Tlustor. Truador wilt Ordmptly,afW with tluedingence, tepelr.aiter endreatore the <br />remalnlrtp. partatiM Tyusl PraparlY toils former conelpon: waannhniiy to ina <br />~~vr _ _ f kAtnta anti gnasip CprtailtUi@d tomplBtflanpU98bte <br />unit.: <br />t1 Febie MauroM: Uponrequeet o1 Tru9tpr,8aneficary, et eerrehctary's option, <br />- prfOr to renonvsyante OltM PropertY[G.IM"frusior; met make lutunadva(:tae to <br />iM TNStOr:SUCntUtUroBWancaB, with inten5t tnerbdn, shall be SaturedDy 11tis <br />• Tn»t OMd. when: avltlencetlDY. Dromisaory ndiea slatlnp that 9dld notes a-e <br />aeCUrW MrlrDy; Prorldbd tnai a[ n0 lime sMll 2ha axurad principal, future <br />adyMga,:n01. ittclUding 9uma: aavancetl io prntact Ih0 aaGUrity,. @xcea0 one <br />hundred peroM7(10p%)'offra oripinai prtnctpalamounts secured her@oY~. <br />tS,1l~eteOMe CYmu4twa.All.>:dln@tlles. provltled in title Trust Daed ate disllnel and <br />Wrnuletlw to My otfter[ight of nmePY Under [nla Trust t)eatl pr afrordetl by tawor <br />putty, and mayhexercAed-cOncunenlly;.l,~depenaenily or succesalrely: <br />ti:AeoNratlorg,PneedMe: HeM..Upon defaultby T:ue[Or M tM paymentof any <br />IrWeblWtsegeacurW MrebYgr In'lM peAdrnwnce ql airy agreement Hereunder,. <br />iSMreficla7 may tlabrate altaum89ecured hMebY lmmedlaletYduearW payable by <br />deliv'4Y to TruajHa.. W wrllnn tlectaratlon o7be/su+t Tna firdateA aM1i have tM- <br />ppwerof Bale ol-ttNPropeYtY eptlEP8snelk+ary deatras SM.Proparly to be aolgil <br />Mail Eeyoen wile TfUBTN LnIa Truet Oeatl:Mdallpromisapry nbtBaaM tlOtumept9 <br />' srfWnclrtp szpeneitureH aepured:heraby, and. efuil deliver to Truaiae, awrlizen <br />natf a olGlNI(:end ateGtbn to cause IM:Prdperty to Da sold, and rM TrustBe in <br />Nrtl Mail prepare a:afn+Wr Notice.'m the tone requlreddYlaw, whiGn aha11 M duly <br />Hied for rptord bYTruatea, <br />la} Altw iM lapse of sucn time as may beiequlretl 6y: law lollowinp Irar@tgrtl~ <br />etlnr, o! eetCnotlte at tletaott;: sntl Rotice dttlatautt and notice otaata tavlnp <br />daM glvansa. regulrad DY iew, TruatBe, wllhout demand do F ip, ahaU sell <br />Ifte f:opeRY On MV date and et the tlmaan0 plate tlesipntited Heald riptiCe. dP <br />ai pubDC auction to "`.@ nlflhaet6idCar, IM.purche% price payable in <br />fu. money o' tM (Ihitetl Staiae H: the t(ma dtsaie. Tree person cOnduCtinp <br />eM ula nay,!u .y ~a~ati n- dal" •s exp@tlibnt; postpone. to saW troth time <br />anti I I1 shelf Oa c=mpla:etl and; ihavaty auph teen, no:ida of Pdslporte- <br />Mahal oe p: o rr_Iarptton thereof bysuch pct eon at rM. Lfine <br />anQ place leer appot tad uc!ttB sa4b;. pYOVldrtd, !t the. safe la. PO0[ponad for <br />tongat t'ran it;• day beypt,ti ;na day Oaeipnet@d In the. nal(ce Olsale,ilOilcp <br />iHerecl shall be pF+pn lnlMaBmB mBnnere82he Original RO14t8 of Ba{0. <br />Trus;ea ana:- HxBpule arts dnLtvBr to lnepurCnesar hla Otlao canueytnp2he <br />OtOporty SolO,:bu: wllhout Grey Covenant w.wa anty; expraaa, or Lnplltad:The <br />reciWis inttee f)eetl pl aey. mathta. pifacls anal! de conL7ualvabroof qF TRB <br />trvMlutnea8 SMrwt. AnY.paraOn "nUudinpBpnehPiery, may purchase. et the <br />e-tA. - <br />ipl WMnTrusrae aeL's puraoant lc the powers hweln, the Truatao. snail appry the <br />-' ptxesda of T?te sae to pas«m t ' "e. coats and expanses oiexarclainp iha <br />pOwiei CF Bale end of. thcs :_:ihp i`!a. psymBntN ina Tr@Stae'sp%s <br />aaYeNy ineurrvd of to can a /. of inaapis A lea; ardthan to <br />iM ltemBln SUDParag aP , 1lnt a•a•@C. <br />k) Atnr nnylgp iHe dame arlac'77e.. o ~S+a:agraP"1)11 m@aata abV.7ryatua., cr <br />lire proper court -IId OSrusr beat ,~drettG@u: .tad 48lB r't`B aaIA IS pU:508nt <br />njudfpletloreptocurtt;theprocaads of seta aDA'I b". Upplind in the gnat stated <br />tUtM peyttmni dt <br />{b GoaTOt a^y::r'.idtlncrt of tltM CroOUrao in.A. -ion w;:n ,nCn sale and pt <br />anyreirenue Stamps; <br />gry Ail avma trait aeptraQ hbraDY: <br />i; p}Ltw.amaltdar,det•:'y. NHte palatal legally anfuttsd ihera!o. <br />G. OuUse sntl ObtlgtllPnv of lraabR. r e rLm«n »na oblipallnns of 'T uatea <br />Hal b0 dot .I rvls n!t:,s Trust D«Aa and T,uStna <br />Snail nPt De IlabrR «v.<;nor Iqr tax pnrrr rmp ~cn of each dullaa and 00»gatia n9 as am <br />aDecHlcagy sal for+» hwsln, and r,t impl:od covenants or obllgatlOn9 MAII De <br />mnaead upnn Trush~:= ~ -i tva r:PJl elan rat this Tnxat DRad » a!I rnqu(ra Truetaa rp <br />n <br />expand Or risk nib a..:~ ~'~1xMS u' nlhevwf93 incur any hnanclA! onligallOn In InB <br />perfwmanca or any ct nv Cutias Hereunder, or {n !M exercise of p of Its Rpht Ur <br />FOwera, If it shell havv 'a •PUnds fpt helim{ng that fee rspaYmsn:orysuch tund5ar <br />adsq 1 It d m Ily a" ' ch fl k I'eDllity 's not a4DnaDfy BflaU 0 1 It: (Cj <br />7 t. a If :,,. 1 4 h. h Psing d fh dvl 9 uch <br />tpuna0l anal) b@ }till ana . ndleraaut onzd.iPn dntl prOtafllpn In ina rBapaci or <br />any aF1lon taken oe Sull@rRtl Dy it her8ilnder In good faith and rpliMCa ShtftObn; (tlJ <br />TrvsteO ena11 Hat he liable far any aullon taken by him In pOOtl leitn and <br />b0118vad by n m to be authd-l'.ed O wknln iha dlsnrellon or rights Of pgwnrs <br />Cbnfertatlupgn Hby this TtUSI'Oeed. r <br />57, Additbnst 6aeudty InatrvmMM. Ruexor at rte expense, will exaaute end dolivor <br />tb Ina i tastes, promptly upon tlamand, s'urh 9aCtenty inelrumBnta H9 may ba <br />requiretl by Trustse, in form and substance satlslpctary to Trusne; covering any o1 <br />Ina property cgnv9yad by IRIS Trust Dead. which security lnsirumpntsshall be <br />dtlditlonelsacprllY for TIUSt Oi9 lafihfUl p9HOtm@nCe Of all Or fns ternt9, GoYe nAnlA <br />and Condltlons of t.^.IS imsi Osen, thA Riomissory nhto4securadnbraby, arM shy <br />other saturlly inslmmanty @ tad Iri connKtinn with this trensectlon. Subh <br />Irsiruments shall Da mtordaG OY fI1M, sntl rarecordRd end ntllrYd, flt TruatOYe <br />expanse,. <br />t3. MtrcWlartsrws: <br />(sl in the event cry .Ohs or more of Ine Provisions contairlRdln tnla Trvat DeeO.or <br />IM prdmissary nRte or any Otrtar securlN Instrument plvenln connection with <br />Ihls t a fl shall tot anY rB son b@ heitl '.O Ce invalltl; lilegal or <br />UnenforCeablBIn any res DOtt sucn Invalltlity, .III gelity, Or unenlorceeDitlty <br />shall, et ineoption o`9snahclary, not atf¢ct anyotherprov;atomot ihie Trua: <br />Oesd, qut this Trust Deed Shall ba construed aslf Subh lnvelld,lilegel,'Or <br />neniorceabi9 prUV{Slon hatl Haver been eon!einetl Mreln Or therein: <br />(D) Tnis Truer caps Shall ba cgnslNBd according to U9 lawaof the state of <br />Yabraska. <br />ic) Th'I9 Tru91 Oeetl 911811. inure iG and Dlnd ina n91rs.. i0getiYBS,. derlseas, <br />aamini4tratPra., axacu:cra, saaBAaor9 a„d aasipns of the oantea Hereto. <br />,d! truaior sneu pays awns ra•;dtl..uFU :., s-, ru>t ,:ew0 °:°.a~-de(SI 68.,tii03-- <br />nersby, togetnor with any OLRBr nxas cr ass@ssmants which .may.Mlevied <br />.aga!nst tea SrUSt9e or eanetidary or !na legal holder of said promissory note <br />n count aF ina intlabtetlness avtdbnced ;hereby. <br />j@j Wt,anev@r asap hB~Bin, ina singular number' Shall Include the plural, ina' <br />singular, ina use of any Bandar snail pct 3pprlcaule to all gertdera, sntl the tens <br />"88netiCiery" shat} inC!u0a any payee G! the IndeDletln839hBr8Gy aeCUredor <br />any inn5ler thereof. W RBxhaf DYgnaraflDn Gr f8W or mherW 13e.. <br />:g. 8uecaaeor Truatae. 6enellclary may from time tc time substitute a succesaoror <br />flay Truste9 named Mrein or acting hereun0er. to execufeinls Trusf <br />Daed. upon such eOpointment and without comeyan to the. suwasaor T!wtae, <br />the letter @nellbeveated. with ail tills, poware. 0nddufle9 contarr80 upon any:.. <br />7rtistee harafn. named or acting D@teundar. E@ch sucn: appolhtment Mtl <br />s bsittutian snail De. made by written tnatNmenl Dy Beneficiary, containing <br />etarente io inla rruat. Dace ana us pia Pf,aaora, wnitn when reagrdea Inabo- <br />office Or the Register o1 Deatls dt ilia county or. c0unbesln whicA said property. Is <br />slloentlaR II.MonCfusl p' of of proper appolnlme t fine aucce Or TrusGA@. <br />Tile ibrBpOing 90wer of Ub511illtlOn and ChB. prOCetlUYB tnarefOfeahHli Hai be <br />excluslva of Iha powareno procedure PrOVldeo for by IawfUr NaauDSlHUtlon OE a <br />Trust9e orTrualeea in Ne piece o' Ina Trustee. <br />2]: Forbeanpce by iseheHCiaryor Truateo Nat a N"alver, Any Ignbeerence by <br />6enetictary ar Truatea. in rolling any right O renMdy hareurWer; orOtMiwiae' <br />"+Ortletl Dy appllCeble law, shaltnot ba a waiver plot preclude the exerclaeoP any <br />ngnlOr ra Jy herbunda .i Y,ewiae., Ina welter by Beneilciary or 7ruatae gt any <br />'delaui[ Of'Nato: undertNa TN91 Da@d shall not b@ tleem@d 7o. bB a walynr O! any. <br />oNeror Bimliartl0faults auDSRquMt+y occuninp. <br />21. Ttueim Nm Re1MMp:Exibn910n bt me llm0 i0f payment qr mW <br />morilzailon of the aum9:setured ray this Trust ^vaedpranted Dy 6enefi i rylo zany <br />9utt9580[ in mtaf89t of TnralorsMll natORera!@ torpleas@: In any menner,.IM <br />IIablNlyof the origmei Trusror. or Trb51o 's auCCasaorin Iniarr»[.BBneliciery Snail <br />nqT M:r¢gU1rBd t0 gOmmbrtCe prOCSedingsagain9l such 9000B89oY or lBfU9Ht0. <br />Bxl@ntl Tlm@.tOr payment Or otnB<wae moaf(y art+oArzetlon of Me gums s@curadby <br />;His 7rusf DBSd Uy :aa5on a( any aemana msda by tits origlna! Trvstor end Tfustor's <br />a 6990ra in inleSBet. <br />22. Delwll. Ii there shall De a data Utt untle r. iN5 0@Bd Of 1 rust Or unCpr any prior <br />mortpegB, iha Beneticlary may curs such tlot8ult,.antl the ampunls atlvBnCetl. by; <br />sntl other testa entlaxpdnaes ~Of the DanBtlciary In Puring such d@leuii,wilh <br />tnnrest atiM d t rat bnts!nptl to iha Ngnsetu eon aby ,`rdm the ilmeof. <br />ti+e edvan o pet ,sat imp bB aadeC to the lndetitWne uratl by this Tavst <br />Deed and maybe coitectad narbuhC@Y. at any timaafi Br the bme of bath advante9. <br />or payments and anan De:tlsematl is Da sacuratl Hereby:, <br />23. Op16an io Fonclaaaa. tjpon the otwrenC9 of any tlefault Hereunder, 8eneficlary <br />Stall nave the option 1o foreclas@ ih,a Trust Duea In the manner provltled by taw: for <br />SM 10lbClOSUro Gt martgag0a lea, P+operiy. <br />2a..Truatora: flighb, AOSent :Default. Until any CBinult m the. payment of <br />!ntleptedrreas hereby 8bcureC Or Until ina UreaChol any cbvananl Mreln pbntalned, <br />Me.TruBtorNits aucteasGrs sntl assr0n8. nhAil pbssase dntl enjoy ina Vroperty, and <br />receive th ants andprol t tne•nfrom UpUnpayman / I4 curets secured bythia <br />Trost Dbea eenelicfary s`tal :dauast T sioa torewrrvey lap property and snail <br />rrBrtder this Trust Daed and ail nola5:pvldenctnp indebiedneas S@curetlby. Ihls <br />Titual Daed to Trustee.- stabanati ratonvsy. thePrgpody'witnoui wartentyand <br />wlthout.Charpe r0 tap. pprsa~ts iepaily@ntl:led IhareloThe Grantee IRany <br />reconvayar: may Ua duscr!tutd'as "the µeraon Or parsons entide[I tMreto;' sntl <br />ina reciia.n ttrorein a n-y matters o acts shall. M C ncluaiv@ proof of iM <br />r!u:hfuiness IHaleof. Such parso^ror Pn sons Snail pay all cosxs O1 recording, if any.. <br />25. Aacaf ratbn Ir. iha 6vani of 7nnaler.:^ iha avant iM. title to saitl rn8: ostatal5 <br />rsteriea,.w cdntraatatl tab@'.ra,st@rrea IrOm tM,.na@Y9:gnetl (Or any reason Or <br />tta <br />Dydnynletntw whatsop v ha i v Cr?n<IDaI sum end a P u@d.InterBSl ha 11 <br />once become Caa sr.. pxtao'na, ina elbdlo^of the flanofilary. Fall ra t0 pxorc'e0 <br />f his Upliq DBCauaa O' '.Ydnsiar u: t`t.n as above 91a'a or:e inslanCO Shall n01: <br />constlt Utea wai+¢r at ina lghr. tp axarese the same in the event u} any 9ubsaqueni <br />rnnafer. <br />ze.Tnladopecrbunttalursoctgon@dal d _.._._.._._ __......____. ....__._.._. <br />exepu:etl LY Trustu to __._. _..._... , ,... ..~. _.._..: truatoe, <br />ae<U[ingeCrlntipainGtb la _.__.__...... ......_ .____. __.._. <br />DU!iar3 and `lied far =ac<r~" r.nB Pay Wier a'DU8[Is analCenbliaa as,'Ollowa: <br />