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<br />$I~._,.. tat r ',k~f` <br />ana, wfinOUt tlamanA. s 1 pe :';r maAlate7 OU» anp pay D; nan <br />Dear mle.apt al tr@ ma>^:r•um a rowaple . a.e. , a n c r von i al a <br />option pt Banaticipry Cr Trust@o suM sums ma+ ba edd9..o tn9 pfnLlDai palanco <br />pr any inanmertnra9 Bacm9d r, aby a nrereyt ay aocn <br />+ntloDtadneassnd aha'ltm nayebin ,steel erne r pt»rm :n@revt <br />ig. Assipnmsnt of Rents. Beneficiary shall ravo !tie rise(. n and x Ori1y <br />duttnp Ina eominuanee fOl tell TNSt t'yeod to c0llsot the rents. is5uns anA p'iphts of <br />tM Propn nY s p Y a p. p p t tl tt r ' n wile (taking <br />posaeasro f m p paty 1, t Are p T. si Dyi aDS I e`y antl <br />uncondihonairy assigns al such rents saves antl protll_ tp R@ afiClery. <br />Bene}ibtary, however. Hereby cpnsen:5 to !tie Trusiprs cOliection antl nets^tlon of <br />such rents. I.ssuas antlwOfHS as (nay accrue anC becpme payable se long as <br />Truetor ig tint, al sash [irrras, to dehuit wkn re5pact to payment of a <br />InCebtOdna9a eBCUr@tl hereby or In the pertUrmance pf any a9ra@mant heraundaY <br />-Upon anysu0n tlefauti, Baneilclary rosy at any Ilma, either In parsdn, Dy agent. pr by <br />ecelver to. De appointed W a court, witnovt noK[a and without regain to ina <br />adequacy of any security for me indebtedness Hereby sacuretl, cal en19~ upon and <br />tek8.p089@3910n Ot the PrOp9rtv o any part thareOt anC in Its OWn name 5ua tot Or <br />OtMI'wi9a COII¢Ct Sucn rants, ip antl prptit, incluCing these p34[ Cue And <br />unpaid, and appty ina Same, laseacOafs and ezpenyes Ot opersilon and c011@Ution, <br />including reasonaDlF attorney teas, upon any indaDtednese sacuretl hereby. antl in <br />ucn order asBaneilGlary m v determ!ne: ibl perform s act pf rapaii p <br />proieC210nas may be neCa55dty or proper IO Conserve ina value p} ina property; Icl <br />lease the Same or anyp ntnareorrm sups name(. term, anduppn 5ucn conanions <br />as Its lodgement may'dlclat@ Unless Truster and Senafidia.ry agree otharw+sa .n <br />writing, any application of rents, is e9 or prntits to any incabtatln»ss sacuretl <br />hereby shallnot eztand or pO9tponasthe due date of Ina {nstailm¢nt payments as <br />OrOVided In said Rromissory note or chance the amount tit 5ucn installments. Tne <br />antaring upon and hkir+g possession o! ±he PreparlY. ina cOllactlon o' such rents. <br />and prbfita;antl ina applidatiOrt Ihoreof as alorasaid, snail not w'aiva cr cur¢ <br />any d01au11 or nplice o! delavlt har0undar, or invalidate any act .one pursuant IO <br />sate .notice; Truster also asslgn5 to eenelicary, as turmor s uri:y Por Coe <br />- paAwmarica Ot the oblipationa secured Hereby, ail prepal0 re and a:l moni¢s <br />whiCR may Mva bean Or may harps}ter D»dapp5lted wile SaiC Tft]$tpf Dy any Ia5S@e <br />of the Properly, to saCUra the payment of any re and upon dalaull in ina <br />pertormance of any of Ina groWSions hereof. T ustprnagrees to deliver 5ucn rants <br />and de0oslts to ina Baneticiary. 6env¢ry o nittah nPriLe o' (tie BanBnciarv's <br />axerdl9e Ot ina rights granted herein. to any la ant Occupying said premisa5 shall <br />be sulliclant to require Baia tenant to pay said rent to the Beneilciarv until further <br />nObCe. <br />__-....-,F.'caaaad9rayeiaac~:Ytdt-Sc'daas~. v'a ,.a°'bfl.., ....> .....:.: a, :u r...s,ae--. _.-. <br />aehadule cedllled to be True, setting lorih all )Naas pt space in M9 Trusi <br />ProNrry. then fn. strati including, In each case, the n a et ina tenants and <br />OCCUNnb, a daacrlDtlon Of the apace occupibtl bYSUCn tenant and occupant. (M <br />rsntUpaYable for 9nCh spate and suoh o1Mr {nformatiOn and documents wrth <br />respect 20 auehieaeea and hnanctas as the 7ruslN may repuPBl. <br />Ngthcut the priorwrltten Consent of Trustee. Tru9torahall not. directly or <br />IrMfrec[iy, wlm reapaotto any lease of space In the de8crlbed premises, whether <br />ucn INN la npv or Mreatter in ax{stance: fa} b[ca0t or permit any prepayment, <br />discount or advance rent payable mereuntlar, ID) cancel or tarminate tM same, or <br />acGpt any cartceltatlon, tarminatlon or surrender thereof. or Permli ant avant to <br />btxur whichwould entitle the INeNmereunder tc t9rminaw or cancel YM same: Ic) <br />amend. or mWify iM 98mp 90.uto reduce Ih9 farm ineraot, iha rental payable <br />- iheraunder, or to CMnpe any renewal provislonsmereln Contained; (tll walva any <br />tlefault iMrwnOaror bfNCh Mereol; (e) give tiny consent. w approval <br />ttwwndar or take. any "othen action In wnnpetion therawitn, or with a IesaN <br />MaaunNy, wnlbh would nave iM.efteet of Impairin9ehe value of lessorb Interest <br />ttreraundar, on iM PropprtY auDiscR 1Dereto: or of impalrinq iha position orinterost <br />of tM TruatN or: Beneflclary; or <t) sell, assign, pledge. matpada or otRerwlee <br />dlapON 01, OP encurnbpr, its InierBBt In any 5ucn IeaN or any fence, la5LLe9 or prOti{9 <br />INUinp Or arlalnp NSreunder. <br />12. CNdwnNtloe. If title to any pert O} the Property snail tin taken In CAntlamnation <br />Drabaatlinga: t>y right of eminent domain or snmiiar adtlon, dr snan oe sold under <br />thMt pf contlemnallon, ail awarOS, tlamegee End DrocerM9 are n9rabV essipnetl <br />artd shall ba paid to Benebdary. who anal) applysu<n awartls, tlamagea. and <br />procaeda t0 the. gums secured by ina Tru St Dead, wlin ina excess, d any, paid to ina <br />T}Uetbr: TmbtOr Wlh WQmpllY::and wlthdua Oilipance, i'epalr; altar eM restore ina <br />mNninq part of me.TNSt Prpparty to its iwmer Cpntll[lon 6uoalantrally Id ino <br />eklNl tMitM Nme maybe INSlbie and so as to tonatitule n compinie anC usable <br />unit <br />13..FU0re.AAaarraN. Upon request of Truatw, Banetlclery, ai.Senelictary's option, <br />prior tp reconr Byanca of IM Property to IM Trusto+; may make tuture advances to <br />fM 7ruator. Sucn future advent@s, witR mlere6i,IMreon, shall fx9 secured py. leis <br />Trust Dead a'ben avidanceo by Dromisaory notes statlnq tRat said noise are <br />sacurad MrebY: provided that a; no hms anen tM secured princiDa!, tuture <br />aWMGes,npt lrtcluain9 sums advanced to protect. ina security, sacead one <br />hundred p•rGnt (10p Ya) pf Sha orlyinal principal amoums eawred neraDy. <br />ta. NarrrarfM Cumuutlaw au remadlas provltlad nn rata Trust Dead era tlisnncl and <br />cumulabv~ to anyotMr right a remedy under inis Truai9eap or affoided by law w <br />squlty; and maY be ezercleetl concprgnlly, indeperltlently or buc[easivety. <br />/S.AaN4ratlorq Rwladlaa: Ala. Upon tleteult Dy Truslor :n ina payment of any <br />fndNl~dWN.aecurad Mhby cr In lee pertormandtl ofeny apraementMreunaer, <br />Karla}(diary may bao!ate ail puma sacuretl DerpDy immediately due and paya0!a by <br />depruy:ld TnutN ofwrlttandeclarBiion o/ tletwlt.TM.Tru9tN snail Mve the <br />power of Nle o! IM Property 13enellClary deslrea the Property to be sold, It <br />shNl dapDalt with TruantN title Fruat Deetlartd all promissory notes antl documents <br />svldendlnpezpeMlturedsecuratl Hereby, anU.ahail deliver to Tru91N,:a wrl[ten <br />notkboi default :and election toCeuBetMProperty 20 MaolQand thaTruetee In <br />turn atu2lpryparcaslMhr Notice In Lhe Ewm repaired by law, wRlohapall beduly <br />nfa0 fa recprdbYTmstea.. <br />W AriartM tapes of :such time as may Da requlretl by law follpwlnq tM record- <br />atiOn ofsettl notida ofderault, end notice o! dehWt and nplice of able havlnq <br />Wan phena9 hquired py law, Tfp$iN, vAtnoul demand on 7ruator, shah sell <br />' tM Property on the date and at the ili:ie andpfate dealgnated In saltl ncilCe o} <br />NN,:aI puD7lc aUCtbntp the hlghasl bidder; IM.pui[hase price payable In <br />hwiUl money otlha Vniletl Shies at the ;inis of gate, Tne parson conduclinp <br />tMNb may, for Any. causehedNm9ezpadlent postpone Yee sale !nom lima <br />totimeunlli It shall be cpmpleteQ.and.Indveryauchteso,npli[sotpoatpone- <br />maht aheliba pNen: by'bublk tleciehbon lnareoi.Dy such pehpr. at the time <br />and Dlaca lBfi[apPOlnted for the Eak; provided, I! me eatatapoSipoflatl for <br />-longer (nan (S)day: beydrd IM Gaydeslgneted in ina notlda Of sate., nonce <br />thereof enact Deglvan In the satire mariner as top orlpinai notl0e ot. sale. <br />TnglN @MII bxaputa artd deliver !o YRe Furchrrser Na Deed WnvaYing ina <br />prpPertY 6old,but witt`usuf any. covenant dr warcaniy, sap; say, or impliatl. Tha <br />raoitNa. IntWDaed b( any matteh br facts anal! tin cnndualvo prop{dt rna <br />tr thtLiness lherapf.:Any parson, InWlyding t9anal}dery, rna! purchase a; ino <br />gala. <br />(D) When. TNBtae aetis. pursuant tort:*0 p wee tterair., the Trustee shall apply the <br />progerWe b} tlra Sa1810 payment pf Sneoosfa and expenses OP bkarC191nG Iha <br />power of eats and of na sale, InE~yCIRp}he paymo t 0 [tie Tru ea'a Feee <br />eC.ud>ty ineuned, rtott0 aNCOBd_-..-,[__J-.'1_.% 6f IM 9 is pr!ca,. d teen !o <br />iha dpma In subparaprapn(q Irv ins oroar rhem staled. <br />(a3 Ages papnp tMfteraa spacJt cd in suaparaptapR (D) If iM solo rs by Trustee, pr <br />the endear doUR antl otMr LdBta Oi }ore tiMvV a and 9819 the a io's pu+xuant <br />td fudlclai, t'ra prOCa~eda n) pale snarl Co pelted ^ina otdgr stated <br />idtMP Ym'+rd of; <br />(Ij Got fEnyav3danpa of title p±U^.ursd meOnrva EIr1. anen solo end Or <br />arty rarenue stamps: <br />rye A .a iha-^. sa ~•w nareby <br />rant rh malnoar, Ir . ,,~n pa. ep . r ., a m a..s <br />18 puttee anA Obllgxifone ca Tryalep. ru ; t },,; as a o_.Ilg» U of . <br />tier ae Anxmr. ort... »r. a»I tined nnp~ <br />Y ustab <br />shall nOl p@(lab¢o .a., fJ. En(ilclt AuP.e9:lnd ODllgallpca R4 err <br />!t'ea!IV salt h n v!I. seal gallons snan tic <br />mppsetl open I n'~Nn ,r s T. ust Deetl snail requ!ra Trusiea to <br />need of ttSk n:s Uwn. lands. n ., any t•nancial pbllganon in [ha <br />partotmance of tiny of Hs CuN.9s hrsrountlar9drninrihe evertise of any of Its right nr <br />opwera. {} It ana11 nave grounnx tar b»liev!ng teat iha r9paymenl Of 5ucn coeds pr <br />Adopuatn mdemnlly against xuch risk or ((satiny 19 not raasonebly aflanrad to rt; (cl <br />Tiusiea may consult w'fh co f '. awn ~ho0ring a tl t dvipa tit such <br />counsel snap Da calf and conpi9la aulhon..udOn antl protection Iq tn9 respect tit <br />any acllon Iek9n pr quit»red by;t narau ndar lu good tallH and rellenc@Ihereon; idl <br />Trustee shall tint bo liable for any action taken Dy title In good taltn and <br />nalteved by rum le De autnarized u wnhln the discretion or rlgms OI powers <br />confermd upon ~! ny rate Trust Deed. <br />17. Add111onsl Sxunty Inetrtimania. Tension, al i(e ezpen9e, wll! execute end tlalivar <br />to Iha 1'm9tse, promptly ;neon pemand, such sacurlny Ir,strumenis as may be <br />required by Trustee, inform anC suDStanca setlslaciory to Trustee, covering any of <br />me P;Oparty co eves Dy ihls Trvs{ DeoC, wnh Ch se unity Instrumanls shall tin <br />addilonal s@cudly for TruatOYS ±althtui panotmanCO of a!I OI tea terms, cOV8nan14 <br />and contlitlona of this Trust Daed, fee promissoy notes secured hereby, antl any <br />Other security Instruments esewted in ectlpn wlih this t!ensectlOn. Such <br />.nstrumenh Shall Da recorded Or tiled, antl rerecorded and nettled, et Truata'e <br />expanse. <br />5 B. MACNlenaoua <br />(a) In the a+enf arty on or more OI ins provlslons comelnad In this Trust.Dead or <br />ina promissory nose or any Other security Instrument given In Connecibn with <br />(his transaction snah lOr any reason ba Held to be Invalid, Illegal o <br />enforceable In any respect, such InvallAlty, Iflegellty, or u entorceaDlliry <br />shall, al ina oD:lon of Sen9flciary, not aifeGt enq other provision of thla Trust <br />Dead, Dut Ittis Trust Deatl shall ba conetruatl asif such Invalid, Illegal, or <br />unantorceaDlaprovlsign Had never been contalnod horeln or therein. <br />(b) TniS Trust Deed snah be construatl eccordlnq to fh9 laws of the State of <br />Nebraska. <br />(c? Tnis T ust Deed shall Inure l0 and Dind the heirs, legalese, devisees, <br />adminislralors, axecuYOrs.s ra end asslgne of the partlesMreip, <br />(d; Tractor anon pay au taxes layleaappon inis cost Daed or medebt sacuretl_ _ _ <br />-" er-iaxN aa999mant9 w'hlcn me b - i- IiM <br />soy; tug t y y <br />palest it a Trustao or oenPllciary cr melegelholder. of sold prorate Dry o.a <br />On accpunl'ot :ha lndebteoness evltlencad thereby, <br />ie) WMnavar uses narein, the sing War .number snah Include the plural, IM <br />singular, the use of any ganger sna110a appllcabla to all genders. and the term <br />"Benatlciary" sn811 Include any payee pl [na Indebtedness neraDy 59curetl pr <br />any transfer tnpreOt whether oy OOaretlnn pl law or otherwise. <br />19. Succauor Truant. Benafldery may !nom brae to hms su DStitute s successor or <br />seers to any Truslea tie Teo herein o<ectlnp nereuntle: 10 specula Ihig Trust <br />Deed. Upon Su Ch apPOinimani. arM witnput ponveyanca t0 :tie Successor TrusSN, <br />tea latter shat{ t>e veetatl wlln all hits. Powers. and OutiesconfarrN upon any <br />Trustee n mad n acting nareunCer- -ace such appointment end <br />substitution sneli abe madgby written mslNmenl by: Beneridl8ry, contalninp <br />reference lp thlsTrVat: DOed and Its place of record. wMCh when recorded Inlhe <br />oftiea of the Ragls[ar ofDaeda of ins tounryor countlas in. which seltlprot»r1Y le <br />9hUaled snah ba COOClu9ive pfd0t ct ptOOaf bDp01n'.manl.Ot ina aucC8ve0r TlUetN. <br />Thetorepolnq. power of sti05hNllOn and the procedure meratMaahall opt Da <br />zciuslva of !na Power and procedure provldatl for by law for the aubsliiullOn DI e <br />Trustee Or Trustaos in iha piece of the Trustee. <br />20. FOrManhea tayeanelkla7a' TruaiNNIN • Walyar. Any..lorebearanca.. Dy <br />BanBtlCiery Orl ru41N In axtlrCl9inpany flgnt Or rtlinndy harbunOBf, Of OlhefWlB@ <br />afidrded by apµllcabie law, moil nottre a waiver of or preclude the ezurcl9e of any <br />rl_' .+ady harnundar. uzewise, fee waiver by Bnneiicleryor Trustee Weny <br />dB18Ui1 Of Tlustol under IniS Trua: Daed shell n01 DB deemed t0be a WalvBr Ol any <br />other of arm ter defaults subsequently occun'inq. <br />21:Truator Hot 13aMSa0. Bxtenslon of trre time far payment o[ modlbcatlOn or <br />amOrtlzalion of the Gums sacuretl Uy Inie Trust Deed granted by 8anaficlary to any <br />aasor in imereai OP Truetor shall not Oparatn to relaflee, In anymannBr, :tee <br />'siabillty of the engine( Truetor Or Trustoi s supcnsspr in Interest.80ne/iciary snah <br />neI be requitap m commence. procsedinps agalnsi such9uccessoroi. ratans to <br />axtena IImB 'or payment pr otherwl5a motllty emdrtizallon of iM suntssacuretl Dy <br />Ines Trus; Dowd by mason of any demand made by the origlnai 7ruator and Trustor's <br />suCCas6prs lnlnferast. <br />22. Dalaultal mere sneU-0e a tlefeult untlor ihls Dead of Trust or under anY Prior <br />modgape,. ino 8anat!ciary. rnfly Curs au0n detauh, ana ma amounts advanced. by. <br />end Omar costs entlezpnnsea of iha bare}klary In duringsuph Oafaull, with <br />Interest a4 me deteuli rate Lontalnetl in the Note Ncured Hereby (rpm the time of <br />the advan[eso .pay erta snah be atlGeC tothe,ndebtodnesa sacurao Dy this Trust <br />Deed and may M nectetl ho 9untler at any brae flttaf Una Ilmeol such edvancos <br />a'payment9and snah Oe deemed to ba secured hereby. <br />13. Dptlon to Forxlwa. upon the occurance of any dntauli Hereunder, 8anaficlary. <br />snah. have the option tp foreci0ae:mis Tzust Deae in the manner provides by taw for <br />me torociosura of moripagna on rsa! property. <br />2a, 7rustMS. Rlpnb, Atnant Datauft Unili any delauli In Ins payment of <br />lndebtaaness hereby secured or antl(. iha breech of any cpvenanf narein contalnatl, <br />ina Truster, its sup[essors and assigns, shat' pon98a9 antl enjoy the property, and <br />edei a the rant nd prattle top f . UPo p yment of of o[vred Dy this <br />rust DaaU, Berefielary snail request Trustee to'raLPnveY the property sod shall <br />surrender inis Trusi Dead and all notes avidandinp Indebtedness sacuretl by inis <br />T ust Daed to 7 t T uate9 bnaltreconvoy the propay:y ling (warranty artd <br />nhdul [Y,arg t to per"ohs legarly ant'[Iad insr»tc. Tha Grantee in any <br />y y Da aasp;~rroa as ~ rna pa persona emotes tne~etp,° anq <br />Ih ecltafs to any m or fact shah bd c nciusive prod of the <br />iruthfWnosatheraof.such pprson~Or parsons snah pay. all costs of radordlnq, (t any. <br />25. Acaslera8ort In the Ewnt of Tranadar.ln iha Brant lnP. cite ID seld real 6atelo is <br />nsferrad, Pr conlreateC Ip ti t tied. `r m iha undar5igrta'u tat any mason or <br />Dy any methoG whatsoever, Ins 6nlire Grincipsi sum and accrued Irtb;9si shall al <br />La Cacome dce ana peyab'p h n of iha B9na!icl ry. Fafluro lc »xa: tree <br />[his Option Decease of iransta o 1'. a as above staved In ono instanL¢ snail <br />conS:llute a waiver p/ina right !c nzercisa ina same in ina avant o} any su DSequ¢nt <br />transfer. <br />M. Title dean nt vas'. fa juniorbone dated. PDt'11 ~~ ldG2 <br />,___..__ 1-._..~. .___ ._....M <br />axaputad Dy T,Palp, tp Equi tabl_e_., Bui ld~i,ng _&_Lga~.rgy,~p. <br />aecudnpa principal note tor. ~~2.x ~~~ ~~ -.-"-' ,__. __... <br />IMIh(E end ;Intl p -w.ol'fw.!fri"a Pnglpt'ar p*ilnads s.J (dent-lad xa fa;ew s: <br />D.9_c.. ~g2-t1Q1553_ <br />i.ot 7_r giock,l:~ in_lya:,tic~>'s Addltiun_i.17 <br />*ne 4.ty of Grnnu sl~nr, N,d:l. ,~,, ~ cus•asFa <br />