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<br />i,_,JEFICI.ARYS ti+."i i~ <br />DEED>QF ~RUS? - _ $~""'t) ~',2 ~ 11 TEtzxaTloN.aL, ~ c vlcES <br />.-,, _~ , ,. ~~~ ~r.~~a,r »Wlr~. <br />r.wfi nw Me r,nf Y, ~ Ynm,w~ ~wfTnwwf. ~ r,nfi ,n,i,w,. ~ Te55, <br />:'~.ltit~ t' ~. t_-c~.t-~ Stanle.-. ,f4f o ~r <br />}'ia I~,ast 'iOtn S±ree.` Grua~r'. IslEUat "i`~," :."C'7 ~ '"C.T:r, <.:1ra . NEBRASKA <br />rAGREED RATE OF INTEREST ON PROMISSORY NO T E EXECUTED CONCtiRRENTLY HEKEWITH: ' ~.% per annum computed <br />on the unpaid principal balances: <br />THISDEED OP TRUST, Made chic ~tf: _day of Uu~' 19 `~ betty en I 1 ' ~, ~~~n r.; 5, _;?;1i:'< <br />ti`I ~. _.,aa1; r~"`}; 74Y'.cC'~ ny,r.,.l Tg. ~='+r ~ .and Z .e >a err <br />hereinafter calledTRUSTOR..:whose atldress is <br />hereinafter called TRUSTEL, whdseaddress u: 1r ~ ~ 2a, nr -=tl ~..' i~r r+' C; ,-f1H,. +$r Jf=.:le <br />and AYC6 FI N.4NCiAti. SER4ECES INTERNATIONAL INC a Nebra corporation, hereinafter called BENEFICIARY, .whose address is <br />~2?2 _si; Seconc ~r.rPet ~'~ ...c3 '`ula.zd, [.~'~ ~`~CI~ <br />WITNESSETH:. That Ttustor GRANTS; CONVEYS; SELLS AND 'tVARRANTS -TO-.TRUSTEE, EN 'TRUST; 89TH PUWER:OF SA LF.,, the (ollowingdescribed : <br />az <br />property, situated in._ ___ County, Nebraska: <br />~o* c. , ;nn E oc?; ^r, ''t`. ~..,..~_ ,~"eel ~r. ' ^> ~,c,s?_;,_o;~ ;.o t ~ '~ _~:.; o. sr~?<d <br />'== r'=d-... ,. .'~ -- v~--~ <br />also known as 1 r ~_~ .,}'1 t~ ee <br />(Number and SxreeU <br />to;ether with alIbuildii!Igs and impruvemrnts noW or hereaRer erected thereon and: alt careens, awnings, shades, suttm: sash. and blinds, andheating, irghting;. <br />plumbing,-.gas;.eiectric_ ~~entilating, refrigerating .and air-conditioning egeipmena used in connections therewith;.aiL of which, far. the .purpose oP thts 6etd'of <br />Trust; shall tie deemedfi~tures and subject [o-.;thdlienhereof,and the herediraments andappanenances peitaining tothe-properryabovc. described,and,all <br />streets, lanes, aileyx>passrges, .ways, waters, water courses, rights,. Iibecties andptivileges, wtiatsdever. thereunto .belonging ar im anywise appertaining andthz <br />reversions and-rernaindrrs, all of •yNich ~~ reftrred_te'hereinaftez as the"'prcmases". <br />_.. <br />C¢-HAYt: AND TO HOLD thzaboat~.lzscrrbed pttmises, with tt{e appurtenancesand tTxtures,.unio the said Ocneficiazy, its usccssors and. assigns, forever, foi <br />The.-purposes and'uses herein set faith, tree ftorhaB: rigpts and henefits under and by .ague of any.'Hornestead Exemption Laws of .the. State oi' Nebraska <br />-whichmay: be enacted,which'saidrightsand-liEneCts ffiesaid-.'1.'iustordoeshereby'expresstr~ ~acaszand waives. < <br />Ttustor also assigns to Beneficiary aB xnts, issues and profits o(sald premises, granting ~ t r~iYtto collectand use the same, wish or without takitrepossesston of <br />the. premises; during continuance of default heretindet, and during continuance of such. default apthoriung Benefrciary to triter upon said premises and/or to coltect <br />.and entotce the same Without'tepprd to adcyuac¢ of any. security for theinilebtedness hereby secured by uhyaawfdl means includinK appointmentai..a recervef in <br />the name of:any. partyhereta;'and to applyahe-sameiess casts and expenses ofopera tion and co0ectlon, indudingrcasonable axtorney'sfees,mpon any indebted- <br />treu'secured kereby,insuch artier as Beneficiary may determine:: <br />FOR THE PURPOSE.. qF. SECURING: (i) Pertbrmance oC each. agreement of Tnastor contained herein, (2) Payment ai the principal sum with <br />interest, as. provided inattrordance: with4he terms, and p[ovwons. pf a: Promissory Note j.`Loan yAgreemenc.(harzinal ter. tefeired toast "promissory <br />note") da led s~A1,f ~s 498? _, her[~wuh executed by-Ttustor andpayslrle tothe <br />order of Beneficiary, in the principal sum iif, 5 8.937.88 anS .having.:[he dart of :its final .payment due..~on.~i~.1f~/R9 <br />or: as extend, itelerred or mscliedtuzd byaenewal or refinance;(3)~Payment of any additional advances,.with inteiest <br />thereon, as mq'' ~•eafter be loaned by=0eneficraty io Ttustor in a maximumaumof S7,OOO.QO.within IOyearsftom the date of this:Geed of Tnst..howevi9r; this <br />paragraph doeanat constitute acommitnrent by:]3eneficiaryto makefuture, demands;(4`! The payment of anymoney thafmay be advancedbyiht Beneficiazyto <br />Ttustor for aFy reason or to thud pazties, with-interest thereon, where. the amounu azeadvanced-to protect the securityrnaccordance..wrth.thecovtnants o(ahis <br />Deed of Trust; (S) Ary renewal, teFinancing or eztenaiodof saidpromissorynote,tar any o[heragreement to pay :which may besubsiituted'4herefor:.. <br />.411 payments tnadz by Tmstar on the obligation secured bythis Deed of.Trust shallbe applied-inxhe following order. <br />FIRST: To the payment of taros and assessments thazmaylYelevied andassessed'against said premises.-insurance premiums, repairs, and alt other uhatges <br />and ts~enses agreed Iu be paid by [he Ttustor_ - <br />SECOND; To the pay men[ of m;e: est duz on: said 9oan.. <br />THIRD. To the payment cf principal. - - <br />T6 PRIiTECT THr. SECURITY HEREOF, iRUSTOR(S)COVENANTS:A)•D-AGREES (1), To~keep:.said. .premises:insured-against Ions. Liy Yize andother <br />hazards, casualty and contirtKencirs up !o the !'call value ofallimprovcmen is for-.the-pcntectionpf8eneficiary m sudrmanner, 5nsuchamounl,. andin such <br />comoanics as Beneficiary-nray from time to [vPe approve and that, lass proceedsQess zxpenseof colleetibn)shail, at. Bentficiary,'s option, be applied onsaid - <br />ind•:btcdncc, whether due er nut ,rt [o the restoration of said imorovemunts, In event of Ioss'7tvstozwiifgive iminediau noUCeby,mail t:~ Bentficiitry; <br />wtro may make pr:got of looms T adz promptly by Tnrstor, and each'insurancecampany concerned rs hereby authorized and duetted to err ke paymen Lfor <br />such loss di:ecdt to th< Rar,~.i ra ms °a ~: to flit Trusior. (2} To pay aB taxes and speeiai':'aa~scnxnznisof any. kind~ehnt ttavz keen o{,: a•. be levied 'or 1. <br />assessed upo^ >rid przmist.< :rr.d to deli ~:y ca Beneficrary,-upon request of the Bene6ciary,ihe ofticia7: receipt.. showing. payment of all such ta>,zs aril <br />assessmen[s. (}) In thz event oC default by Tnrstor u:rdez 'Paragraphs 1-ot 2 above; Benefuiary,atits option, may {a)'plaee and. keep suchihspranc'e above <br />pro+ided for in force ~hrough~et 'he :Ile of thi> Deed of Trus[ and: pay the 7easonable promiuth5-and Charges therefor;:(b). pay aU surd taxes and assessments <br />without determining the :ahdav thereof: ;card (cl Pay such. liensand ail wch dislwrsernen is sYa27 tie Aeenred a part of the indebtednesssectired by. this Deed of <br />Trust aad ,hail be invnediu2'.y due and czbie by Trustar [o BeneScisry. (4).To kzzp the. buildings and other improveinents now zxisting or htrealler <br />e gg <br />:coed in gal rdaien and r p ~t n t t rut , r suffer any waltz :or any use of said pcemisea cort[raryro restiiciionsaf record or conirar}' to taw, and <br />is permit Benefi ra r} to cote. ..t of :ca <rutli dines °or the inspectingahe premises,not to remove of demolish any tiuiid[ng.Yhereon, ,~, iesiorc <br />promptly and in good and wcdmsn!ikc Dunne. anytwildings which may bedamagtd or destroyed thereon, andto pay,when d e,.alf :laiins fur iebeF <br />performed and materials furnished themfor; (S) T'mat. if asigneY of the Promissory. Note, he wiB: pay,: prornpdy the_indtbtedness secured hereby, and perform al] <br />other obligation> in full comolrance •.vith 4•e terms of said:Yromissory: Note and this Dezd ofTiust, (5}That thetime of. paynteni of flit indebmdnesshereoy <br />~c~cured, ar of am purno~. @ .roof, may h atc~de~t or renewad, andsny portiens.of the premises herein described may., without »utice'; b rete:rxd furmti[t lien: <br />hcrzor, ut~Yuut ~ekasing or tf ~ang flit personal liability of any person orthe pxlarityr of this Deed of Trus_i. (7) TMthedoes hereby: forever warrant and will <br />forever defend the ti5z and pessct_nun ~hu_ ~.f agairut Ltie lawful etaimsAf any and allpetsonc wl a. Jevet. <br />IT IS M UTtiALLI' ;IGRLFD THAT: <br />(ll Should Tractor foi] to :rake any pagrnent ar do soy aet es hcreui !srgYidtd, i. ny zctton or.procseciing is cammerrcedwhich. m,ate[iaAy affects <br />Brnefuie r''s io retest in the Premtzts, then Beneficiary oc Trucice, bSt ;vithout abiiga[ian io sq , nil u;rh ou! n.j[ieo.YO or demmand u{xyri.Tmstot, and'w°ithUW <br />rt3easingTmstor (znr, anv S61ine!ion hereunder, may make or do tha rame,and may pay', of ._ha_c. c- est ..r ,,ri t mmisz any encumbrunyt, c7iargt or lien, which <br />in the judgnent of either ppears !., afl~~t said pro pc rtv .:.nil i mG an: ~.F p ue a y habi,:,v ,, ~d c ~.pend. whutevzr amounts in the atrsn,u<. dis- <br />~~3un o; Beneficary er Cr stee chh,:r may deem nccczv,rp the._to._ AL' Ym.u ,.. t xu.. ~u cr cv_pend<il -e} 9au fiCiz;i !xi'.rustershal4 he wiihoat demand imme• <br />ilia tzsy doe roil payahle by Ttustor, shall bear in[e.est u* the rtghost tar perm t,eC by Tau,'•n i :ralf he t__.rd 1~vr Yiby. <br />, a , <br />?1 Sheutd she Prem ,c part [F •: e.,r her cat ?y •r ~ el n,f_.r ra.: ._~_inf a,c_ ~~wry shat! oe sottt4td tr>uli unq.e nretiun, ~a v,.ttis <br />:toil ,+~t:tr ltav m:,rr s __rc,.r v ,u .~ appi. th.:a .,r ..r .ar ~.nd eFt ,t,re_¢ x~i ~cc, hi rc 6v'. <br />lsj Hy rp, .~ 1,.: _r.t ~a b. r~,1 s rcr ~., due at_, .d. c. ~.. n,. ~ d~i.wh anu c,Y ~ vc[ft±n to a i. Hom;res } s .J u., <br />wui.~ i !; .qui.: p. pry.ncn ~h,~n d•i~ ,.. aL n. ..u Jr~l I. ;v ',ih w tt! <,. px} ui ta+ prncp.d az.h [h< tilt' ender <br />c sc <br />r. s=y .r ,:_e ;7e(auR m1 ~•: d_~.i-n ~r~, trill. t ,re u::pui v,l .-• ..n3 u•Jcb ;_x ss. 1{ BY„ r:.,. •. ury as..L n.. nail seta .r tr,-rail h!i}:+rcn <br />r~~d r~.N h} m )' : a the xrlc t rr ~ .i a _ rpc.+ : i~hu t>zl:.-a, uporanc ,,, stair a. ,, .: rs ern fir h tcundcr <br />;6Qi Y1 (!-3al NS-YN GT4LLMlydT t;O;:N to MATT IrDPtA6 WKT; <br />