<br />This fnrnt is used in connec-
<br />lion with nx,rtKnge, insured
<br />MURT~AGE under the one- io fpur-farrsity
<br />provisions of the National
<br />i~{dusiny=.4ct.
<br />82_v~E~~i<~,n
<br />THISMORTGACsE.madeandexecutedthis 27th day of Jnly ..A.D
<br />1~ 8 2 . by and betEVee n
<br />Ralph v. Palmer and Patricia E. Palmer, husband and wife
<br />of [he C'aunty of Cass :and SRateof Nebraska, party of the first part, hereinafter called
<br />thr 4lortg:~gor, and:. ,
<br />Superior Mortgage, Inc.
<br />a corporation organised and esistingunder thra iawsof Nebraska-
<br />party ofthe'second'parta hereinaheroatled t'tie Mortgagee.
<br />V/ITNE~SF.Thti That the said Mertgagor,fcir and in consideration of the sum of Thirty eight thousand-one
<br />hundred appd No/10 ths------------- Dollars t$ 38 100:00 ). Paid by the Mort-
<br />- gagee. the-.receipt oY.`whtch'ts hereby acknowledged, has Granted and Sold-and by the&e presents does Grant:; Bar-
<br />gain. Seth Convev and ConRrm unto the Mortgagee: its successors and assigns, forever, the following-described
<br />real estate situated m the CnuntV of Ha11 . andSi'ate
<br />of Nebraska, to wit>.
<br />Lot Two (2), Chateau Orleans Subdivision, is the City of Grand Island;
<br />Hall Cotutty, .Nebraska
<br />o. i Ise tittth Principal Meridian; containing in e!F acres according to Govern-
<br />rnrnt surve3'~
<br />Cir H9A h AND TO HOLD. the premises ubave, described, with a3! theappdrtenances thereunto belonging and including
<br />all heating, piumbir~anii lighting Iixturesand equipment now' or herear« ~ ritiached to vi u.ed intonnectionwith said realestate
<br />unto the ~tgrtgagae, and to its sucrecsars`and a~stgns fnrevec The Mortgacor represents to, grid covenants with;'the Morcga-
<br />gee thartiie Mortgagor has good. right to sel! and convey said premre~; hst They fire free from encurnbrahce; and Ihatthe
<br />Mortgagorwillwata'.anianddefendthegameagam,i-tfielawfuLclaimaoi aJ per~omwk>•omsoever;andthesaiilMorCgagprhere- '.
<br />b} relingmshex atlaights of homestead, and al' martitl rights, either in late o! i n equity,and all Ether-eabtingent interests of the '
<br />x4nrtgagacinan3[otheabove-descrilxdpremise,-:fiein[entionbeingtoconveyhere6yanabsolutetitle:infeevmpleinelud=
<br />trig .ill rights of 6bmc;toad, and ather rights and rose i cap > ac aforesaid.
<br />PROVIDED A LwA~'~. ;md ihe,epresen~> are executed and deLvcred upon the followingwnditions, town:
<br />'The Alortgugor agrees to pay in the 5for_~gee, ocitrder. ihepiincipai sum of Thirty eight thousand one.
<br />hundred and No/l0oths--^--=------- Dollars f3 ;38,100.00 );
<br />with interest from date ai the rate o' Fifteen and One-half per centunrF 15.50 ~o) per annum on
<br />th ~ u^psid bn~ance until paid. The .a id principal andintetestshallbe payable at [heofliceOf Superior Mortgage.< Tne:_ ,
<br />in Grand. Island, '.v'E ..or at such other p?ace as the holder of
<br />the note muy icsign„[e S, xcritiog, in mmuhly inu.,llmenis of. Four hundred ninety seven and -02/100ths..
<br />__ _ __ __ __fl~l.ars (S q 97 4~ ), commencing on the first day of
<br />Septenbes~ _ ~ i ~ 82 andd on the rst day pf each manih thereafter until the principal and in-
<br />tere,t :u~e fn:w paid, e~.~ept tha. the Ens! •iat~ment of principal and interest, d~nui sooner paid,; shalt be due-arid
<br />pa able on the tir~.ut:rc of E~x~ust, F.012 ~ ;idl accordingtoalie terms of aeeriainpntmis-
<br />cur nrte of even date here ~cilh eseare~~d h, [fie <zidMoctgagor...
<br />?he Mortgaaor it order more full. to pro[eetthe5ecurityof this Mortgage, agrees:'
<br />1. That he wi- pay the imietxcdnes, a, hereinbc£ore provided. Privilege is reserved to pay the debtin`whola, orirt an
<br />;,rni~unr equal i one ur morn mor, h, y p:r: me eta ua theprincipal that are next dtie o^ the ntrte;.gn the firstday of anymottih
<br />prior to maturity: Previdcd. hnu-t,rr. That watt« notice of an intention ro.exuece such-privilege;is given at taast thirty.(39}
<br />d: sa prior to prcpa~me~t_
<br />_. 'that, together ,cith, and in i 11~*.ior to. ihcmonthly pay~menis of principal and: interest ;payable. under the tcrnis of the.
<br />sift s cured hereh>~, the Mlo-tgugor watt p,_y t~ the 4tangagez, onthe first days! each month until the suit{ nUie i~ fuBy laid, the
<br />(o~ < w.ng su:ns~
<br />(:) Ain ~a:nt suuc,ci,• to Ix. v;d2 the holder Jieteof pith fund, to pad ;l.c ress? ~-tnrtgagc,m.uram_~ ; ~utuutn if this
<br />., >tr~tutenF an<; the rc tc u:cu te:I hereby, areinsured, ctr :~ <nonthi} .tarns ; at lieu r~J 7777tnrt,yac ,nrrtrance pre-
<br />. »,i~ ,'i( Ihes are held ~ the $e •:r~iaq uFFluusrt;nr.~: ~.asitll~~v um.•_ttt.asfet7tbws:'.
<br />(! i it and av 1<,in~ as 53ianof~ .+i`even d:x~ =rid this insirrernen; arc insured orasc reinsured undo; the pro-
<br />. v~ion.+= of zlts :4si€t>nal t-I lasing. R.::, :,u amautt suffr'nieae at accusttulatr in i7te hanu5 of t3tcno.dcr oue
<br />K?ctNrr,^s r+i A:2t$3M :.,r,ict, ma~v Ut, uceU u~tu xr.nnty ~s+3at:ausxetl tit' 1TF: t)p, ;ti by liFY:0ti11,,:1
<br />