1 QUZTCL..4I:.{ DEEll C7G"~,j~,;}i2 `,a~;
<br />(farwerly Burlington rdorthern Inc.), a Delaware corporation, Grantor, for Ffty-
<br />£i;ht Thousand Five 3hmdred and no/100 Dollars (~+SB,SOO.OOj to it duly paid, the
<br />receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, Itas granted, conveyed, remised, ,released
<br />and quitclaimed,. and. by these presents does grant, convey, remise, release and
<br />forsver`quitclaim,. without any covenants of warranty whatsoever and without-recourse
<br />to the 'Grantor, unto the CITY OF GRAi+1D ISLAidD„ NEBRAS"nA, a municipal corporation,
<br />of P. Q. Sox 1468, Grand Islands Nebraska 68801, Grantee, and to-its successors and
<br />assignsrforever,_all its right, title,. interest, estate, claim and demand, if any,
<br />both at law and in equity, af, in and o-the foliowing described real estate, to-a~it:
<br />A tract of land in part of'the Northwest: ~Juarter of t}ie
<br />Southeast C~uarter {NtYl14 SEl/4) of Section 21, Township 11 D?orLh,
<br />Range 9 iYest, of the Si.Xt;~ Principai Aderidian, Hall County,
<br />?Jebra ka, more particularly described as follows:
<br />Commencing at the ?Northwest corner of lot 25, SUPJNY
<br />r~CR£5 SUBDIVISIt3h; thence'South-89° 55'x00".East: fore27.5G
<br />feet to the true point of-beginning; thence North 89° 55' 00"'
<br />tYest for 326.64 feet along the ?dortherly property line of
<br />said SIIlVitiY' ACR£S SUBDIVISION: thence iiTorth 00° 3i' 48" t~?est
<br />for'462.~7 feet-; thence South 89° SI' OS" East`for 295.50
<br />feet; thence North 00° 38? I5" P?est for 526:67`fest;,thence
<br />North 89° 49' S3" East fore 30.10 £~:et;-thence South 00°
<br />s$' 13" East. for 989.03 feet to the pint ofbeginning:
<br />Containing'3.83 acres, more or less. (The Northerly property
<br />line of said: SIL~JNX..4CRE5 SUBDIVISIOtd assumed 'North 89°
<br />S5l 00" Sliest in direction.:)
<br />SUB3ECT, however, to all reservations, rgi-its of way and
<br />easements of record.
<br />Together with ail and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances there--
<br />wito belangi.ng, T'0 EiAV£ !u`iD TO hOLll the above described premises unto the said:.
<br />Grantee, its successors and assigns.
<br />I:J tcI'I71i£SS N'H£REOF', said Burlington. ~darthern Railroad Company- has caused
<br />Unese presents to he signed by its Director, Land 14"ranagement and Contracts, and Assistant
<br />Sa;xetary, anu its corporate seai to be hereunto affixed, ti7is 20th day of
<br />July iy 82 ,
<br />STATEMENT ATTACHcU BUkLI'dGTON ??bP.THEP~i' R4iLF:~JSt ''0^P.ti~'
<br />STAMP TAX ~ ~~
<br />RUB 6 ?a8~ Director, Land ?~n~age~i:z :~;~
<br />Contracts
<br />L ~ ATTEST:
<br />;..~
<br />{_ ~ J
<br />~Ls~~ant ecru etary~
<br />