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<br />~2---f~;33'~'
<br />UNetroant Covertntvrs. Borrower and I.endar covenant and-agree as follows:
<br />2. Payment-of Principatand Interest. Borrower shah promptly pay when due the principal of and interest an the
<br />indebtedness evideoced:bythc Note; prepaymentand9ute chargesas pravidedin the Note; and the principal bf and interest
<br />nn any Future Advances secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />2. Fonds for Taxes and Irtsttrance. Subject to applicable law or toawrittere waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />r-• to Lender onaha day monthly installments ofprinapal and inrerestare payable underthe Note, until the No[e is paid in full,
<br />a sum (herein "Funds"} equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority aver this
<br />Deed of Trust; andgiound rents on`the.Property,if any, plusaoe-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance,
<br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premiuminstallments formor[gage insurance; if any. all as7easonably: estimated ihitiallyand tram
<br />.time to time by Lender on thebasis oS assessments and bills and`reasonatile estimates thereof.
<br />- - TheFunds shailbe>held inaninstitutfonthedepasitsonaccounts of which areinsuredor guaranteedby a Federal or
<br />state ageney (including Lender if Lender is such an'fnstnution). Lender shalt apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments:
<br />insurance pretniumsand ground rents; Lender may pat cFiargrforso holding and applying the Funds; analyzing said account
<br />orverifyingahd compiling saidassessmentsand bills; unless LenderpaysBorrawer interest odthe Funds andapplicatilc law
<br />- pgrrnits Lender to make such-a charge. Botrower and'L:ender may agreeitrwriting_.at the'time of cxecutiom of this
<br />Deed ofTrust that interest ontheFunds sUail bepaid to Borrower, and unless such agreemenris made i~r applicable law.
<br />.requires such interest totie paid,ZCndershal4 not be required"to pay Borrawer anv interest orearnings on-the Funds:: i[endcr
<br />shall give to Borrower.withoufcharge, an,annualaecrnmtingof the Funds showing: credits'anddebits tothe Funds and the
<br />purpose focwhich each debirto the Funds was. made. The Funds are pledged as additional security foe-the sums secured
<br />by"this Deed of Trusty
<br />If the amount of the Fundsheld by Lender: together with the future monthlyinstallments: of Fundspayable prior to:
<br />the due dates of taxes; assessments, insurance premiums-and ground rents, shall exceed the amount required to pay',said taxes;
<br />;assessments, insurahce..premiumsandground rentsasahey fall`due,.suchezcesss}tall he,at.>Borrower's'option,..either
<br />promptly repaid to Horroweror creditedto Harrower onmonttily msiallmentsof Fonds. If'the amounE=of theFunds
<br />held. by Lender shallnot be sufficient topay taxes, .assessments,. insurance. premiums and ground-rents as' they. fall-due,
<br />Borrower shall pay,to'Lenderany amoun[necessary tamal:eupthedeficiency within30days fromthedate noticeis`mailed
<br />by Lender ro Borrowerrequesting'payment thereof.
<br />iJpnn payment infuli of all sums secured 6y this Deedof Trust, i.endershatl. promptly refund toBorrower any Hinds
<br />held by C.c:nder. If under paragraph 1&hereof [heProperty..is sold or the Property is otherwiseacquired byL,ender, Lender
<br />shall apply. no later than immediately prior to thesale of the Property or its acquisitio^ by Lender, any Funds hdd by
<br />Lender arahe time ofapplication-as'asrediragainstthe sums secured. by thisL)eedat Trust
<br />3. Application of Payments.. Unlessapplicable law provides otherwise., all payments received by Lender under. the
<br />Vote and paragraphs land ?,hereof shat' be:appledhy Lender first in payment of-amonntspayable to Lender hyBorrower.
<br />under paragraph 2 hereof, [hentointeresCpayablc on the:Note then to the principal afiheNote: andahentointerest:and
<br />principal on.: any Future Advances.
<br />4. Chargest Liens. Borrowecshallpay all taxes, assessments and orhercharges.`fines and imposnions'attributable to
<br />the Property_which may=attain a pnoriryover this Decd of Trust, and leasehold payments or ground rents;. if any; in the
<br />manner provided under: paragraph 2 hereof or,: if :not paid in such manner byBorrower making: payment. when due: directly
<br />to the payee:[heteof..Borrower shall promptlyfurnisbto Linder all. notices of amotintsdtie underahis_paragraph,.andinthe -
<br />event Borrower shatLmake payment directly; Borrower shall..protnptly' furnish to t-ender receipts' evidencing ouch payments.
<br />Borrower shah promptly_dischargeanyhenwhichhas. priority over this Deed:of Tntsk,provided, thatBorrower shall not be
<br />required to dischargeany suchfienso long-as.Borrower shall agree in :writing to thepaymencofihe-obligation secured by
<br />such lien in amanneracceptable-te Lender,ocshall'ingood faithcontest suchiien by;ordefend:enfarcemeneof such lien m.
<br />legal proceWings which, operate topreventthe enfotcementofthe lien nrforfeiture of the Propertyoranyparithereof.
<br />5. BTaaasd Ittsurnace. Borrower shall keep the..improvemeots now existing ochereafter erected nn the Property .insured
<br />against loss,by fire, hazards :included within the term"extendcdcoverage",.and suchother hazards. as Lender'. may require
<br />and insuchamountsandforsuchpenodsasLendermayreyuireiproyided;.lhat<Lendershalfnotrequireahattheamouniof.
<br />ouch coverage':exceed'That amotfnt:of:coveragereyuired topaythe.sums:securedbythisbeed. of.Trust:
<br />The insurance carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen Ey Borrower subject to approval by I:.ender.. provided.
<br />that such approval shallnot 6e unreasonably:withheld All:-premiums:oninsurance policies shalt 6e paid in themanner
<br />provided undo[ paragraph 2 hereof'or, if. notpaid insuch manner, by Borrower makingpayment,,when due,. direc[Iy toihe
<br />zowranca carrier.
<br />All rnsurance policies and renewals thereof shall be in form acceptable to-Lender and shall include a standard.mortgagc
<br />clause infavor of and in:form acceptable tolsender. i.;enderahallhave ihc: rightro. holdthepoiicics and.:rencwals thereof..
<br />attdHorrowershallpromptlyfu!'nishaoLender all. reaewat noticesane r.l'recerpts ofpaisi premiums.:' Inthe evenfi?f lass;
<br />$ottower shall giveprompt noticeto theinsurancecsrrier and Lender. lender maymake proof of loss it. nobmade promptly
<br />by Borrower.
<br />Unless,Lender and$orrower ofherwrseagree in writing, insurance proceeds ehallbe applied tti restoration or repair of
<br />the'Property'damaged;providedsuch restoration or. repair is economically-feasibleandthesecoritycif thisDeedof "i~rusru
<br />northereby impaired, if such restoration orrepair is notewnamically feasible or if the security bf this' Dced of :Trust. wauki
<br />lximpaired, the insurance proceeds'shall beapplied tothe sums secured byhfs Dced of Trust7'wich the excess; if any, yard
<br />iu Borrower 7f the Property is'abandonedby Borrower, ar if Borrower fails [o respond to Lender within 30 days from the
<br />date noticeis:.mailedby Lander [o'Borrowerthat the Snsurancecarrierofferstosettle a-claim forinsurance benefits. Lender
<br />is authorizedao collect and applythe insurance proceeds. at Lender's option either to restoratiorrar repairoC the Property
<br />or to the sums secured by this;Deed of Trust.'
<br />Unless Lender and~Borrowerotherwise agreem writing, any such application of.`proceeds to' prnctpalsbali'not extend
<br />or postpone: the duedale of themonthly ins[allmentsreferredto in paragraphs land2 hereof. or change'iheamouat of
<br />such installments, lf~ynderpatagraph i8 hereof ttie.Property tsacquired hy,Lender;'alYright, title"and interest of Borrower
<br />rn;and [o any. msurancel policres and in and to the proceeds thereof resulting from damage to the Property .prior to the sale
<br />or acquisition"shalt pass to Lender[o the extent of thesums secured by this Deed of. Trust irnmedaiefy prioraosuch-sate ar
<br />acquiszUOn. '
<br />6. Presrervatba and Maiiofenaoce ofProperty; Leaseholds:Condominiums; Planned Unit:Developments. Borrower
<br />shall keep the. Property. in good repau andshall not cmmrt waste or perm ii rmparrment or dclcrioranon oL the Property
<br />and shall comply with [he provisions of any lease if this. Deed of Tres[ is on a leasehold: Jf. this.:Deed of Trust. is on. a unit in. a
<br />condominiumor a planned unit development,: Borrowershall .perform aA;oP Borrower's obligaiians under. ttte .declaration
<br />or covenantscreazingorgoyerning the condommu[m: or planned. umt development, the by-taws and '. regulations vfthe
<br />condomiaitun'or planned unt~developmcnt,.andconstituenf document<. If a condominium or ,plannedunit development.
<br />rider rs executed by Borrawer and'recarded together with this Deed of "T rust; the covenants.and agreements of such :rider
<br />shall be incorporated into and shallamend andsupplement the ooven.~nt., .end agreements of this.Decd of "trust as if therider
<br />were ,. part hereof.
<br />7. Protection of Leoder's.5ecurity... df. Borrower..fads to. perform tbecovenanrsand agreements:. cantaincd in iteis
<br />Deed of Trust, or if any action or proceeding is commenced ..which materially affects Lenders .interest is the. Property,
<br />m:.ludmg, but not limited to, eminent domain, insolvency, codeehforcament, or arz•.angements or pracecdings involving: a
<br />bank nrpt or decedeot,tben Lenderat Lender's:optiun;.upon notice'[o Borrower, may :make suchappearances;. disburse such
<br />sums and take such. action as is necessary,. to protectLender's: interest, including; but oat limited ta; disbu rscment ii1
<br />reasanablc auorney's;fees and entry upon the Property to makerepairs:ff bender,required' mortgageinsurancc rs a
<br />canditivn of making"theloan securedbythis Deed of. Trust,:Horrowershaifpay thepremiumsreyuiredto ritairitainsuch
<br />insurancc in elfect until such timeas iherequirement:tor suehinsurancetecminates in accordance with Borrower's ,ins
<br />Lender's wr,tten agccement or applicable taw, Borrower shall pay. the amount a[ all. mortgage insurance. premiums in zhc:.
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof;
<br />Anv amowtts disbursed by Lender ~ursuaot. to. thrs paragraph 7, with interest thercvn,. shall become additivna:
<br />indct,tcdnas of Borrower scoured by ihu Deed. of Trust. Unless Harrower and tender agree to other terrns bf pay meth, such
<br />L amounts shall he payable upon no[icP from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof, trod sha;i hear interest from the
<br />date of drsburxmcnt at the rate payable t[om tame to time on outslartding rrincipa! under ihe.Naieunlcss paymerrt of interest.
<br />at such. rate •.vould betontrary foappticableIaw, inwhich event suchamounts cliall bear interest ai the hrghes[ rate
<br />permis,tble under applicable law: Nothingcontained in this paragraph 7 shallrequite Lender. to incur any expense or take.
<br />any action hereunder.
<br />8. Inspection. Lender may. make or cause to be made reasonable entriesupotz and inspections of the Ptopcn~ provided
<br />that Lender shall"giveBOrrawcr. notice priorto any such.Tnspection,sp:cifying reasonable cause therefor tclated tc~ Lender's
<br />interestintho Pcottertv.
<br />