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<br />°,e the Completion Certifcs
<br />° ,KI{:subsei,gtmt installment
<br />each consecutive mouth un
<br />Iusur�n" ,..
<br />Credit life insurance and crodtx disability, insurance arc not i"ired t,
<br />not be prmrided unless I sign and agree to pay, the additional cost. +.
<br />�— �. Frectium Sianawe -, ' �
<br />Credit I tfi. w i .want credit life.
<br />,e { k' insurance a bi
<br />t Credit'ACrdcnt I wart crcdit:accide
<br />d Hearth and health insurance."
<br />?'re,'gcrty insurance is required, but i may obtain this property
<br />I'wwd- If i obtain this insurance'through you, ,`.i will pay's '•
<br />WTI ly,. IAa.fG IOU
<br />xopettybe{ngpttts'haaed,attd � ":'
<br />,rf+ r-s• w •• x:. S `house 'a11 at my ` Address «x, des {gnated..; Wow.
<br />....�.� - •'�
<br />ays after the date
<br />„FU1nYlRerordlttg fees S �'r�" �J. ;�
<br />on: the -of Tate ChaW: if.a payment is more that ten (10) days,
<br />paid in fW1.11, late. I 1will be charged 55.00 or 5;G of the payment,
<br />' I whichever is less.'grr in lieu of the preceding charge, in-
<br />obtain credit, and will ^ay, be collected on each delinquent installment
<br />r until, paid not exceeding the contract rate of 16% per
<br />annum! 1%
<br />prelAymentr • tf I }uy off early, I will not have. to pay.
<br />a penalty;'. and 1 may be entitled :o a "refund of part of
<br />r' J the finance charge.
<br />1 will review other portions, of this contract
<br />for additional information' about non- payment, default,
<br />any required repayment in full before the scheduled date,
<br />and.ptepayment'refunds and penalties.
<br />nsura xe from anyor� 'e means an estimate.
<br />F COMMEIVCEME,Yr OF THE FINANCE CHARdk -;: h 'finance charge '(intersst) pis estimated to start on
<br />(insert the date) except in the event that you compplete the Installation of the goods and services on another date, !hen ,a finance charge (interest) will begin
<br />to run on the;date, that i stall sign a Completion Certificate The, amount of finance charge (interest t:tsy be:rrtore rh toss than the amount disclosed depending
<br />,bo the amourts't Pay'you: and my timeliness in nuking payment ,
<br />PREPAY'bIEN'f: I may voluntiri)y ptepay the amotint T owe you {n full or'in part, at any nine: Tf 1 make a partial prepayment, 1 must continue to make
<br />my regular irtcrtts until I have paidd alll amounts owed
<br />•.;•,
<br />;AEQUEST I'OR` FULL. PAYMENiI•: if;l do ::not pay when ilue,.you can declare, without giving. ttotiae to me, all that i owe "'this contract payable
<br />u once. l"agree ; to. pay yaj' interew on that, amount. not to exceed °the; highest lawful contract rate of, 16%zuntil either the amount , i owe you . is brought
<br />!current. or. until .you sell my house if;l have given you Deed of Trust i understand.the definitions both of what a. "default" is and. what your power
<br />Js to sell my house under a Deed of Trust
<br />COLLECT? COSTS'. , it i am in'default of this contact and you 'demand full payment, I understand that you may'send irto an attorney for collection
<br />sand eefbm'trnzm :If. you'.do:ra I agree to pay your. reasonable attorncys .fees plus any court'cosu and expenses incurred by you, that is if you are allowed
<br />�`-t0 C011dt such Amt)tmts by. law. •+: •u;: .t.. : rti' > + _ ,r 1 x , t
<br />DEED'OF TRUST: As security for this contract i grant; bargain : sera 'ton and confirm to Thomas P. Egan Jr:, of Omaha Nebraslca`am! as 'a member
<br />of the Nebraska "State Bar; as Trustee, to trust, with the.�ower to, -sell' a" to,my';rea! estate
<br />"and improvements 'on it, 'including my house. ad] of which
<br />is ^cvmutonly:.referrod "'to and is-locsted,at my "Address ;'designated on the to�'poruon of,this contract. This* Deed of Trust protects you if T do not pay
<br />this contact as promised or if I break any other promise.made'on,eithei side of this contract ,
<br />REVEIt.SE SIDE: i understand that additional rerms�am- provisions`Rrinted.on" tlic, mverse -side of this Installment Contract area part of, this install -
<br />ment'Sales Contract and that am bound by them in the same manner: as if. theywere. printed on the front of this, very Installment Sales Contract.
<br />t -. t NOTCE:TO EU VIER r ,s
<br />11. I do � have to sign this contract before.I =read'{t or it an 'of the spaces iuteaded for- the agreed tetttw to the extent of then available lnformat;0n
<br />dare left, blank., 2.. am entitled'to a copy of thB.cuntraci at the�time IAA it :3. ,I may pay off, the foil balance due under this a mtract at any
<br />,ti rne,•and in so I should be'entided to a felt rebate of the unearned finance and Insurance ctarges (if. an ). 4. 1 MAY CANCEL THiS AGREEMENT
<br />NOTICE OF RIGHT TO, CANCEL FORM FOR AN EXPLANATION OF. THIS':'R16HT.)'5. I Understand thatthis Instrument is based upon a home solicitation
<br />sak and tha.t'thh Instrument Is not negotiable 6 It shall not be legal for you'to enter my premises; unlawfully or.commit any brt•ach of the peace
<br />to iepoyses goods purchased under this contract
<br />COPY RF,CEi'VED i acknowledge receipt of a completely filled in' copy of this contract along with two'(2) copies of the Notice of Rtjht to Cancel Form:
<br />IN PII TIESS WHl t t)ais Ueed of trust an l lnstallmentSales Cont -act has been signed on this ( t 1, /( 79
<br />State oC Nebraska r
<br />PACESETTER F� DU�CT55INC tsr_ wiFtct "'
<br />-cam.. r•c emit'f- , �. �r _ -I , %.
<br />By as agent
<br />Stau. of..Nebraska' _. .. GQiERJrI ttOTW -sbda tit Nebnslia STEVEN SNt� The forcgot instrument was acknowledged before me on this
<br />F'� a
<br />Cot:nty of t y)10,198ti w rl day of >0L 1 0 19 S',`� _ . the above
<br />.. . t ` . designated Buyer(s) - T
<br />a j t1
<br />.M".con{rttission.cxpl�rrs Notary Public'
<br />f _
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