<br />r (With Power of Sale)
<br />Amount Financed $ q 4 12fF 2~ A~reocl Rate of Intereet on Principal Amount of Loan ~' ~ r h
<br />PrintipalAmount: of Loan$ 14,m24.29 Amount of Firet,Instalmenf$~lS.,,0O
<br />Total ofPayments$?1 y„''Z Q.(~l" Amountof Other Instalments $_ 1-_,~:Tet
<br />Annual-Percentagel?ate 22;~ First Instalment DueDate goy~QT _, 19~
<br />Numtierof Ftontfily Instalments-~_, Final Instalment Due Date.giy~~Q._-__, 19~.,
<br />THIS DFSD QF TRCST, made this Itth day of ~fl~rL'.S$ - 79 ~2
<br />between ?ohty L. RoS:3e and Dawn .; ~o-rTe rusband and wi°~ -- ---
<br />whose maxHng address is 2115 Viking Rdi Grand Island, rg; 65801 _ _
<br />as Tractors, Stewart Title Guaranty Company '
<br />whose mailing address is 206 NO Locust, Grand Island NE 58801
<br />as Trustee, and `Dial Finance Company of 2tebraska :
<br />whose mailing address is '!20_WeSt T'ti.rd Street. P 0 30x 1'ii ~ Grand TGlaad "~ fi2~~ Beneficiary,
<br />WIT'NES.SETH, Trustnrsherebyirrevorably, grant; bargain, sell;and-conve}r to.Truateein trust;with-power ofsale.'tlia Following de-
<br />scribed. property n Fial1 County. Nebraska.
<br />Lot Forth T:rro {`t2~, LeT~ei~nts ^ourth Subdivision, :fall Count, Nebraska.
<br />Together with tenements: hereditaments. and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in. anywise appertaining and therents, issues and
<br />profits thereof.
<br />This conveyance is tntended lfor the purpoeeof. secaringthe paymeni to Beneficiary ofTrustors',promissory note of'even date'in the
<br />- amount stated. above es "Principal Amount of Loan": Theagreed fate of interest per annum. provided for in said note isthe Agreed Fate
<br />of Taterest on Principal Amount of Loan statedalioye, computedron unpaidbalancea of Prinripal~tnount of Loan.. Saidloan isrepayable
<br />in. the cumber of monthly instalments-stated above. The: amount of the instalment payments due on saidloan ie stated: above. The Sirst
<br />- and final instalrent due dates on said loasare-smetd above.. Payment may tie made m'advanee in any-;amount at-any ttme..befault
<br />inmaking any payment shall. at the:Beneficiary's optmn and without notice ordemand, renderxhe entire-.unpaid:balance of said'aoan
<br />aroncedue and payable, lesaany required: rebateofchargeetinterest).
<br />To ptoteM the security of this Deed of Trust, Truatm-.covenantsandagrees:
<br />1. To .keep the property m good condition and repair; to permit no waste ahereoF; to complete any building, .structure or improvement
<br />beingbuilt or about. to be built thereon; to restore promptly any building, structure or improvement thereonwhich_may be: 3amaged or`
<br />destroyed; and to comply with all laws; ordinances, regulations;tovenants, condxtionsandrestrictions affectingthe property.
<br />2. To. pay beforedelinyuenf. all lawfultases and assessments upon thepropert~• tokeep the property Cree and clear of all other charges.
<br />!fens or encumbrances impairing thesecurity of thisDeed of Trust:.
<br />3. Tokesp alL:buildings nowor hereafter erectedon the property. described heremconGnuously insured against 'oss by fire or other
<br />hazardsin an .amount not less than the total debt-secured bythis Deed ofr'I}ust. All: politiesshal!be field: hi- the Yenefiu.+ry, rand I:~e
<br />in suchcompaniesas theBeneficiarvmay approve'.and have-loss payable first to: the.Beneficiary as ..its interest may oppear and r]~e:~
<br />to tHe'IYvstor. Theamount collected under any insurance policy .may beapplied uponanV<<indebte~ner 6ecurcd in un order a
<br />the Beneficiary shall determine. Such applicatxonby for Bene&ciary shall-n~- muse disc~lhl~ roceedin~~ ti Ixec~o~c toy=
<br />Deed of Trust or cure.orwaive any default or notiee:ofdefault or iivalidateany act done:;yureuanljto~wtdffiI~tirx. !n t}~e event oC Inreclocure,
<br />a[1 rightal of the Trustor in insurance policies thenan force shall pass to the purchaser: at the foregloi~ry6e sale...
<br />4. To obtain the writCen wnsent of Beneficiary befor ~« hng,.conveying ar otherwise transfe~it~' pGyty or any l rl th .rec.` a nd
<br />any ouch sale, conveyance or transfer without the Beneficxarv swritten consent shall constitute a+ •~,~fbtt~t under the terms HerEO
<br />5,.Tn defend xny action or peoceeding purporting to atlect the security hereof or the rights or poiveeavf ljeneficiary or=Pruste~.
<br />5- Should Tnxstor tail to pay -when due'.any taxes, assessments, insurance-premiums,, liens, encumbrancesor other chart ~ ge; nsc the
<br />property Hereinalgve described,. BeneGciarv may pay the same; and the amount so paid, with interest atthe, rate set force m tn,_ note
<br />se:uted hereby, shall be added to and became a piut o^ the dehtsecured in tMa Deed bf'1'rnst asperviitted by Law:: -
<br />1. In vhe event any purtionof the properiv is taken or damaged ir. aneminent-domain proceeding, the entuea...ost if the sward
<br />or such portion thereof a map be nece~3r o fulls- ;atrir the obligation secured Hereby, shall bepaid YOBeneficiary ro .a-,,prylied is
<br />said obli~ lion. -
<br />2. I3v accepting payment of any sum secured hereby: after xts due date, Benefiexazydoes not waive its right to require.,p ~~ p,. p-i,mzni. /~
<br />when due of all other .,um~ so secured onto declare default for Cailure to so pay.
<br />3. The 'trustee shad reconve all or an p pe '. y
<br />y y part of the ro rty .covered b this Deed of Trust to the person entitled theist, on writcee~
<br />yueat of t} e Truster .and the Beneficiary; or upon satisfaction of the obligation secured an mitten request for reconveyance made by
<br />the BeneFciary w the pettwn entitled thereto. F ,O!
<br />• p`
<br />9y~ tR2 fNEl J ..
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