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_.~ _ ~ _. <br />ALIAS <br />flf~a#r of ~rhrueka,~~ ut thr ~isirid'(Qmxrt of <br />QIOUttSg D# ~RUglae ~DII~18B QYDIttltiJ, ~3rbrank~ <br />~- 82--- ~Jv3~t~d <br />'Linkan Oil & G as Co . , A Nebraska nlcinti~ <br />Corporation ~s. Drder of flttachmcnP' <br />.John W. Miller; Corporate Finance Associates, Bcforo Judgment <br />A General Partnership; Morley Zapursky; <br />William Runyan; and Corporate Finance <br />Associates, Inc., A Nebraska Gorporati~.t>rdaxr <br />HALL <br />TO THE SHERIFF OF txlDr'COUNTY GREETING: <br />You arc hereby commaxdtd to .,attach and safiJy `~etp the laxdr, fet:emexts, goods, ,rhauels, stocks, or iriterrtt in <br />stacks, sights, creditr, moneys, and effects ofYht abaoe-named Defendant, JOhn W. ` M1IleT <br />in your Couxty, not exempt by lam from dcing appGrd to the payment of 'the abort-xamtd PJaixtiff's claim or ro much <br />thereof at failT satisfy the sum oJ_ <br />Twenty Four Thousand and no/100 ($24,000.00);------------=---------- IJotlarr, <br />pussuaxt to ax Order of tlu Cartrt, and the probable tosh aj this action. <br />Ycu mil! makrdut rtturn of thir Order an the llth day a f August ~~ D jA $2 <br />WITNESS my tigxature and the seal of said Caxrt, at Omaha, thu 22ndday of July <br />.f. D. X9_82 <br />RtiDY J.-TESAg <br />CLERi~ O .THE' DISTRI CO T <br />,COUNTY, R9 <br />ow~f or srre[afnarrr-rte ~zafu o B , eptrty <br />H6FOftL sencuar <br />l <br />L <br />