<br />_. _
<br />._ r ,. ..,
<br />$~~ ~ ))
<br />2Q3 uz~ELEASE- OF MORTGAGE-CorporsXfion ~ E: e?ti t4: ~ ~ rr,Y rI ,rr ,,,,,, ~r r..t n vpl, t t aye. Lu,e m, Nebr.
<br />1.A' E i~AFS17?I~RdTI(;N o~ the payr~tent ~J tlee debt tr~Mred tkrrsi+s_, fFse State Bank of Cairo
<br />Cairc, Nebr. h,ert+l t Ielc~rsec the ntnrtgn~e rraade :o
<br />The State Bank of `Cairo fit' Byron S. Fulton and Marlice M. Fulton
<br />~n the jo 1;eiit~derrribrtlrcalastute, to-7evt:
<br />Lots Three (3`} and Four (4} in Bock Faurteen (14} of the original town of
<br />Cairo, Nebraska
<br />~,t S ~;,,n. ira Toxinrliip Range o t11s di., Hall.
<br />~ cunt;, Sl rte of Nebraska :edaich is recardedin Book ~~cumenC ~7u1~06~i~3~~/rwtgagrs. page
<br />or tae retards of said Coea~nt~~.
<br />I_A' T ' ~TIDdO V'Y dd'i .1, ?Ol, tPee snid The State Bank of Cairo has reused
<br />1 r, ~ bre tx , trz be e z€.~utrd b, ~~,r president urad dts C"orpornte Se«l to be a~.e•ed hereto tPslr 3rd
<br />ark '.f Au~us[ Iq &2 ~ State'Bank of. Cairo..
<br />1 ht~sx:
<br />.....
<br />.. .__.--
<br />-,
<br />~~~~~.E~w, ~~
<br />__ .... _... ._ - ' L;y ,itabert G .Larson,-_
<br />' '--'~>f~~ ~]---~3~........ attest -..:irrc.a B.S: . A. ~: £.a-7Qnt.. .., Caskier, ~srrehsry
<br />}ss. On this- _ ..3rdd, ^ o} . August ..:_,.. rq.._82
<br />..... __....- _ --.-- ..-..._ -Ha1Z _ :....:.......-.Coititaty j hejore Ire, tkc rr.na°rvi~ned, a •Vgtnry Public do rnd for s.ici
<br />r cur'•,,, her;onulty cavn¢_.._,_ Robert C Larson F're,rident „:~'„
<br />_......
<br />The State Bank of Cairo .......- .... ..... ..,. -~ -. ..... -~ f
<br />Io nr, pr„anallykru~,cn ttr br the Prendent altd d r:ticnl ,,rsnn ,t &fl.,e ;iu ie tc a yeti^d to the r.oove release. ~rtd
<br />~r :nowlad~,rl the erecutiurr thsreo~ xo be his ~otuntnrl rid thez,ohcntnrv`aet arrddc~ri
<br />of .ruid`CorpornDion. ~~~ -
<br />N'iti~ass m1, /xauJ rnd 71'rt~rrrrl Sent nt _ Cairo ~ouatl Ilia ilav and'"~~eur
<br />lull nboxie urittstt:
<br />l1r culrtmissian r.; Aires ~•~i:,r~. ~ _... , q ~~ ` f; " ~-~-r ~ ~4.CZ:z-~ .-?Jot..r y F',ri
<br />4.~
<br />