<br />is
<br />A~nRTGAGE
<br />~Z =UU3232
<br />This form i~ used in connec-
<br />tian wttz martt;ai;es insured
<br />under the one to tour-fsmily
<br />-provisions of the tiational
<br />Tsou.~iri~;~;1cc.
<br />TH1Sti[ORTGAGE.made;inde~ecutedthis 317th davo( JU1y ,A. D.
<br />l9 gg .bysndt*etween Conald P, Drahota and Jar.e M. Drahota, husband and wife
<br />of the Connty of Hal ~ ,and State of Nebraska, parry of [he first part hereinafter called
<br />theMorrgagor,and Superior Mortg;,ge, Inc.
<br />a corpara[ion organized end asistine under the lawc of Ne brd5 ka
<br />parry of [he cecond parr, hereinafter cai!ed the Mortgagee.
<br />W[TNESSETH:ThatrhesaidMortgacor.fnrandinconsiderationofif:esumof Forty Seven thoUSdnd and Iti`0~100---
<br />--------------~ ~ollarsFti 47,000.00 LpaidbytheAlort-
<br />eagee, the receipt of which i< hcrehy acknowledged, ha< Gr.,nred and Seld and by these presznts dues Gran[, Bar-
<br />eain. ~e1L Conveg a^d Confirm unto the Mortgagee, its ,uecessor, and assign!, forever. [he follo~i~ing-described
<br />real estate, situated in the Coun[v vi Hall ,and State
<br />of.Vehro;ka. [e wit
<br />Lot Five ~5) Potash Subdivision, Hall county, Nebraska
<br />of the Sixth Principal Meridian, containing in all acres according to Govern-
<br />ment xuvev:
<br />TO HAVE AND "f0 HOLD_he premi,e9 above described, ~.vi[h :JI the r.ppurtenances thereunto belonging and including
<br />all heating, plumbing and lighting fixtur<s and eyuipnunt now or heteai ter <<+tached [r. nr used in amnedion with said real estate
<br />unto the Mortgagee, and t:~ its succes~or<::nd assigns. forever. The ~fongugor represents [o. end cevename with, the :Mortga-
<br />gee, that the Mortgagor has egad right to sell and convey :aid premise;; that they tare tree hem encumbrance: and that the
<br />Morgagor will warrant and de Cend tha same against the !awful ciaim5 of a!I persons whom. e. er; and the said Stortgagonnere-
<br />by reliayuishes ail righu of home.[esd. uad aIi martial tights, ether in lam or inequity. and ail other cun[ingent interests ~'f the
<br />hfutlgagor in and to the above-descri'rred premises. the intznrion baing to cuuvey hereby a^ absolute title, in tee simple, includ-
<br />ing all tights of homestead, and other right4 end !rite tea, as aforesaid.
<br />PROVIDED ALWAYS. and these pr_sents arc executed and delivered upon the following a>ndi[ion;, to wit:
<br />The Mortg~or agrees to pay to Ute-Aiongagce, or order, the principa! cum ifi Forty SEVen thOUSa rid
<br />and No/100------------------------------ uu=~arsi$ 47,000.00 >.
<br />wrh [merest from date at the rate of Fifteen and Ono-half War cantum ( 15.50 =/) pe; annum on
<br />th<unpaidbalanceuntilpaid.Thesaidpri~otpaiandinaere.l•ha86epa}aMrattheoflkecf SUperlOr MOrtgdyP_, IRC.
<br />in 8 rdnd Island , NE 68301 ~,r st <uch otlter place as the holder of
<br />il>` note may designate in writing, in moethly installments ur SiX hU rid Yed thi rtee[i aFld 1~ ~].~H----------
<br />DoL'ars iS (13, jQ commencing im the fiat dae of
<br />$ teltlber .1982 and on tha firs[ da9 of rich mouth thereafter until the prm,ipal and In-
<br />terest arc fully pa~~Pexcept that the fins! payment of priecepal ^m9 im.-rest. if not sooner p,~id. ;h r t he due and
<br />pitiable on the hr.: day of AU9U St 2012 ~ ; :31! according to the terms of a certain prornis-
<br />s~ c note o1 even dare herewSth executed hg .he said Mortgagor.
<br />The Mortgagor in order more feliq to protect the security of tii& Mortgage, agr.c.i:
<br />i. l~hat }+e will pa} the indebtgdness, as here! rhefote provided. Pri:ilet iv re:er~. d ~ pay trio debt in cool e, or in an
<br />ameuet equal to cue or more :rcn[hty payments nn the principa! [hat arc ne.tit due on the Hole, on the first day of any mon!n
<br />prior to enaturitg: PSro ~ideJ.ho•.~evur, That written Hafts of :.n mieaiion [o axe ~i~c .ctrl pn:ilegc is (ti-.a^ a[ lets[ thirty ;?0)
<br />Jays ,riot iv prepay meat,
<br />'Card. together -sith_ ::rid in :xldid^~ to, the ni;r,hly ~ aymenis of prirz°inal tent i-t t~rasi puy~aMe under tL~ ten'ns of the
<br />Wore seEared hereb}°, tlx. Mcrig;tgctr ~~iU pay to the Mortgagee, on the first dae r etch mundr anti: the sai5 ^o'.e a ,11{ly paid. ttte
<br />LoHi~wntg au;~i<:
<br />- iaj :,oi~utzt silfLue,;t to arosiae.,lr.: horde: iretcot ti~lth fun.., ;v pay un; ^eti .. tgdoc ui u:u;:vc ~:un;am:Lti~1s
<br />_i s,r r.:~a: ~,td tLC nr .c xiur.:o hcreh arc iv~ured, .>, v .. w,t.hsy ;.urge ;ni Lou ~: ra » ~.-'.q~'~ av .rang' pn'-
<br />a.e, ~ iP rh-v ai. n~... ,- thv Se•~. a^ .;H-usng auu Grh.:.. Lti~ _ uu i ,~.s_..
<br />fir if ev .t ca .?±itt; .~s said ~io0. nt even .late :inU his iFtstsu. rr~t ar,.- tr .red ,.rt s _ nsu;ci -J~r !ac p:.;
<br />. u._is ,:_ A tier, al f 6e-.:.mg A.t. u~ :rt~•ttnt ~aif:ic~tc..t .. ,re.~iu;,c,:.~~ .n a ..~. :{~ ;~~i .:~i 1,;~.; ~,:~~c
<br />ti~-;;r.~n ~ s a v to?~.r N_ _ i, • , d n~ _ ., ~, ~w i- c.~xr~.,.s,~ ~'; :~F F:I7P 11 i I'=A.5IC.1.
<br />