52-A-RF_Al ESTATE4VIDRTG0.6E-{WTth Tax Ctauscl ~ R¢vie¢tl Y'~62, 7?,e klntin~c Genor+l ta~pp=i• Now«o, J rcolx, Nd,.-
<br />K'.VnW :1LE, hi>/N lsYTHE9F.F*RESFNTS: That. CI'1r1StOptler L.. Wi.lliamS and DOrina.JOyce:
<br />Williams, husband and wife;.
<br />~' ~ ~ 'dal 1 County; and Staten# Nebraska: , in convuleration of thesun. tt
<br />r '`~Si.xteer. Thousand Twenty Six and 62/00 ($16,026.62)--'-----•-------- DQLLARS-
<br />~ in hand paid, do hereby SELL and C~N~';Z' uat~~ TAE COTESFIELD'~COOL'ER:ATIVE CREDIT: ASSOCIATI,DV
<br />="J
<br />~, cif tIOW3Ti1 County,::~tate af. Nebraska the fnllovng devcribed:Premisres situa'^d ~.
<br />in IY317 Cnanty, and`State rrf Nebra Ska ru-tvit:
<br />~:
<br />Tone ?3artherly Forty Four'(N 44) Feet of Lot Five (5), n-
<br />Block Seventeen (17), in Original Town, now City of Grand
<br />Island, Hall County, Nebraska; ',
<br />?he so, -raoct~ein~ to canve~ herebyan ab<r.hro- t ;.le imEee vimnle,. mrludana all th¢ ribizts oG:homestcad riiu3 1a:~cr.
<br />I'O HAVE :;\D'S`p;lOLDtha nrcnxnr~ st .v ,_rihed:wi?h atP theapT>urtezianees thereunto belongsiig, nom thF .aid
<br />'. morn-a.;c ~_ : i ~+:z~s ;.o his: her or•t-heir hrr s.d ~ _ .< i~xvv:~r, , rovided:.lw~.ys, und`. theae. F>resent9 are upon the etii»c+
<br />r,nlitior~ tnaz :f ;r •;atd nznrtga~ar(s, ,,.. ~~r r ssecutors, administrators. a^ assigivk. sha11 pay o~ ~~au~= t~, br: '.
<br />paid t,. zhe :rid m. ,.,,.er!s}, his.. her or their i ~: cr~urs, administrators orassit;ns,the principal ei$ l6', 026 . 6 ~:
<br />. payahie .~, zuir >•.v.. ;:., wits
<br />Payableper terms or one certain note executed of
<br />even date or any subsequent notes.
<br />with 9n, n ,. .~.~rd ins; to th, ~,n-rt ,~: .r eY+,: ci. r .L.. ,.i.,rt_ ... r rite- i~r- , -orv »otr. hr,a ~ , .r aarc ritk r ~_ pr . rav I
<br />.m sh,ilt i .~ ai, [.. ~ .., issu,_ r;t: ta.~l.~l ~i, .n ~.~s 1 r< . .. ~rr ~ ..ril ,_ir ta_.a l,•viea a 1 a. > ,~.i. nc ~ ., _. upn r this
<br />mc.rtgah~ ;r t'r, r. .. ,r.;eF. trz~ n_.,rt,, ,~ __r. ~_...re ,.r~..r V ~, a,., 1- ~nf. r,d ~.. iL~. tai,..: ,..
<br />" said , r n <._ -... t„ .r L~f, 7~0~. (~~) I._ mv.. r,b: try Lh ,rid >>ort, ~ .nru it ;,,~ p~ , ,iv
<br />tot id, rth~i - "~ ~._ r rr. nani- n fu;! Cr~,rcr_
<br />I YT ]5 FGR'l'H t~ l A.(:Ii E:ILD f 1? Th:r. i' v....;ai~; rr tga gi. r rc eJt ::al :~~ ~ "rc ,~.~,: `r a.r_-: yr it , cur_ :..c ru: dn... ti.e ",
<br />?:u;l n t.,agcc .i• i..r .r L_<r_ and ~_r~x ur x ~ ms _ ana rtr.- ,um x ndcau~.n 1, r~~ith i ,L~.~.~L .,. ;rr
<br />cent, shall tx rri ~.d !, ~. m>r ~reho.- ,-uxi thin ~ ,.c sLr;ll <t.~nu ss w'+~ri[s fur the ssme. i_',. I'Ir,ix :: fader r u: pa u:ry
<br />of snid moaev_ eirhrr trindi>ei oc in,_ ~ ._ when [Fe .`a~,r:r<. ~wr,omos dvt. ,~ a fnihzre ~n eon,pis•~~ iVi an}" ci Lhc for ..ng I
<br />a~r<eme.n ~~. chaff: pause ... anolr su., _ car ~Y herein 4e."u red ra Uect)me u~.r arru nuh-.,hbn~ at <.ue ar, :! e ri,cuat r ~n
<br />mort R'aeec.
<br />signed the., d t r July 30 k9 /2
<br />~- Christop r ";c: G,'illiams
<br />___ _
<br />__ _ _ IIonna Joyc'e~ 'llliams
<br />-. cIALL _
<br />'` STATE UF___id1.BRAJICa_ < u. fv c
<br />R or<-¢~ rsLe.p , rt c ,.Lt~ti rr,i ror s: 7 ,. _ ~_.~~ath "an_.
<br />Christopher L. lvTilliams and Donna Joyce tJillians, husbsnc and i~:iie,
<br />kvo+vn to stir to ~ iha :dn~v:ca_ po~~nr ,.r Ix r ~ ur!ro i,.od !} r~gu.n~ -~_:Lrerua _. ~.i3 :r :zcu wlcdevl the ex~_ ~*~on
<br />C4rerrof to t~ hi~. ,_. or t'r ~ ralurc.t :ice ar, , crrd.
<br />n
<br />Slnnr v m~ ~trS un_L r ,'-.- ~_~ ~ ~_ /~ ly~ t1~~ ~
<br />~/ /// i-
<br />'.41y c-rr.n~.;,ori r.p~..... ~~~tllr ~./C..t~6[~'~L'1 _ ~4~%~1~F'otar: "~i,li.:.
<br />S:P.iTF.t~F- _ -___...-- _--- i~r,r n... ~.,i: ~ i. era.:.,. ~ . - :ard il ~ In: ; "
<br />c<
<br />r., ,, ... ;_s t ; is~ z •' 7 er [1 "ic: ~a! ~L1I f'rr:~.l ~- ch.-!
<br />rtsv o?ta'..t i :,nd._. mi::u'..:]
<br />_..._ _ lief;, ob c3e xis'
<br />TiY .... ..... ..,. ..... :iF ,tit .,
<br />