<br />,. Then form is ustv3 in corner
<br />/~ lion with: rnortKages insured
<br />- MVR i'17.A~"~j' ~ ander the onp- t~> four family
<br />-provirons= of the National.
<br />* Hotisin>'1ct.
<br />82- t i ~i ~$ ~ d~l
<br />THIS MORTGAGE, made and executed this 30th dev of ~3u1 y , ~ ~
<br />.4 g2 by andbetwaen Gary M. Mitchell and Shirley Mitchell, husband and wi`e
<br />of the County of Ndl 1 ,and Staten[ Kehraska, party of the first part. hereinafter calied
<br />tneMt~rtgagor,.,nd Superior Mortgage, Inc. ,
<br />a corporation organised and existing under rhr laws of NC brdS ka
<br />party of the stcond part, hereinafter cai!ed the Mortea~ee.
<br />W{TMFS~ETFi' That the said ~1ort2aeor. fur and inenns~iderrtion of the sum of FOrty Seven thOUSd^d fl V8
<br />hundr d and No 1(~0-------------------- -- --- Dollars i~ 47,500.00 ~. paid by the mort-
<br />g+gee. t~e rece,pt i~ vlt,ch is hereby acyk~noulydged, has Granted artd Sold and by these prrsenu does Crane, Bar-
<br />gatn J'e11. (.Davey and Ganfirm unto ~ I Lk-rtgagee, its sacCRSSarS Nand tyscigns. Forever_ the folfoe~ing-descrlhed
<br />reef estate, sit ~a[ed in the County of a ,and Jtate
<br />of Nebraska. to wit - -
<br />Lot Ten (10), Potash Subdivision, Halt County, Nebraska
<br />of the Siuh Prfncipul Meridian, cuniaining in all acres according t<> ~~overn-
<br />ment iun•ev:
<br />TO HA~'6 4?!D TO H>`)1_D thr prcmisas soave des nhed, pith ~-I the.appurten:mss [hereunw pedunging and indudirg
<br />al hearing, plumhing and lighting futures and eyuipn~~ent rots or here ,Rer atLtched to or u~_-d in coon€c.ion with said rest estate
<br />unto the mortgagee, and ~. ifs success~.,rs and asigr,s. 4xe.er. The Mortgagor represents tn, sad covenants ~a-ith, the m~rtga-
<br />gee, that the Mortgagor hat k>L.d right to sell andconvep said premises; than. the y- are free from encumbrance: and that the
<br />Mortgagor will warrant and defend the _same against the lawful claims of all persons ahomsoevar; and the .aid mortgagor here-
<br />by relinquishes all rights of fiomesteaJ, and all marUtd rigbu, ehher in tau ~x in ~gaity, and alt oiheramtingen[ inirrests of the
<br />Mortgagor in anti to the atxrve<le.cribed prentfses. the intention hieing to convey hereby an shsoluta title. in fee simple, iadud-
<br />ing all righU of homestead, amd other righb .tad interest+ as ,yfore;aid.
<br />PROV IDF D ALW AyB, and these presents are exeCeted and delivcreJ urxm the following conditions, to wiC
<br />The Mortgagor agrees to pry ur tlx h4ortgagea• or crdcr. the principal sum of Forty seven thousand five hundreU
<br />and No/T00---------------------------- Doti:rs~'S 87,500.00 i.
<br />with interact frost date at the ;ate of fl fteen and Gne-hdl f pxr o~ntmu ( 15.50 °?) perannum art
<br />the paid lylanc ant I id.'lh raid principal and interest shad he payable at the ot}ice of
<br />~uperior ~Aor~$age, inc.
<br />in Grdnd f s) dad, hebras ka , or ut such ~therylace as the holder ~~t
<br />d~enutetnaydesigoatein.vriting.+nntonthlyirstaElmewof S1X hundred ninett?en and 6b,~100----------
<br />(k elara t5 619.65 i comnrncutg on the to st da~~ of
<br />,~,ED te(p~r 19 82 ,end on the first dsv of ,h month [h- -e~a[ter until the pan ip a: and in-
<br />terest are tatty pat excapt that the nna! payment of pnncipa: and interest, if nc1 sooner t.~id, shalt he due ;tad
<br />pay r6le on C'ne. First day of AU9ust 2012 :dl acaxding to the terms of a certain prumis-
<br />sor< note of even date heteuith executed hp tb~ surd mart gagor,
<br />"Pre M1tongag.>r in ordu niure fuiiy to protect the security of this Nlsxtgage, agree:
<br />t. Thathe w~iil pay the indebtedness. ss hercir~txiure previdad_ Pri:isege i> resened Fo pay the debt in wtio]r-, or in an
<br />amoan[ equal to are nr more rttonthiy paymenia on the prineipaC that are ne:ct due on thr Hole, on tha first d¢y of any : ronth
<br />prior to tnatetrity: Prurdded•nuwerer, Tha[ w;ittCn nubs of an intention tc crercire such priviie5c is given at least thirty ;3t)}
<br />days prior .o prrpayment_
<br />'. Iltat, together with, and in addition to, the monthly pnytncnts of principa( and mtuest p:.ry;,ble under th? term., u. the
<br />ni Ie secured hereby, the Mortgagor .vili pa: lu the !.iongagee, or.the ins[ dug of each month until the ; ii1 note r; foils paid, liac.
<br />loflow'ing>ums,
<br />iai Amount uflicient to provida the itt. der hCp-uf -wt[f~ ftanUc to l?t,y the next n r sage i?t: ruu• pro nwoif (nla.
<br />insvunicnt arzd the note secur.d hereby aa- insure+d, ar a month]; 1 a.cr ;";rt 1'-t~ ; _(~. ~ r~rtt::fie Ltr•~r~rtce• Frre'-~
<br />n:iurt~ it thcv arc hzld b? tie &•.uct~rv of Floi._:ng acid Ur is Ch.v=~1- t ti.,v, as r Lo:vs
<br />(! 1 ??~ s,2d - . i ate as ,aid ~.mte of even d.a [:- and thw , ts.:unr-n u.e intiu r~: ;t :; r. t is tees a :viii the t~r,t-
<br />.isicr~ of the Ma~iuna] Ha,uit;g ,4ct, :m am a:nt sutficGcnt tat su:nuf a ir. the ~,,.~i~-s vi rl.;. l4~ l~r .~e,c
<br />Fcc,.A.~-r.+:.: tL3r.. v. rr, ~,ar ,.. ~+wo „r. min'' s~axt,;~ooteei ti3'V'1 F: t3F ~, L: Li EtAS h..1
<br />Ht7q at„tas+n !~75f
<br />