<br />THIS DEED is made by ..... ,~yer Griinminger
<br />Personal Representative of the Estate of .....:. ALTA M~ STEUENSCN
<br />Alice M. Molczyk' AND lienneth 8. Stevenson
<br />Deceased, Grantor (whether one ar morel, to .... ........ ....... . . . ..... . , : ..... . ........ . .
<br />Grantee (whether one or morel.
<br />WHERkAS, the last will cf .......... A~TA..M- .5T~1J~p1SQN . .....:.....:..... ..:............Deceased,
<br />-+Ai_ L
<br />was duly admitted tc vrcbate in the County Couri:af .. ._ ..................... . ....County, Nebraska' .
<br />WHEREAS, Grantor were du#y appointed Peradne{ AepreaentativecE said e843te end i, navti- qualified and acting in yeid aatwcrty;
<br />and
<br />t`JH EREAS, the G rant xe is decermned to iie the person erit:t#ed to drstribdtidn of tFieh~ reiria#te--n. sc~ibr,~' real .~ropeny. and
<br />Gramor s authorized-to distribute the same to Grantee;
<br />NOW, THEREEOR:E; Grantor -.onveys, assigns,'trans4ers and releases tbGrantee the fo#Idwingdescritxd rcai property:
<br />A part ^f'the Northeast Quar er of the Southwest quarter
<br />of Section Twenty-four Y24), Township Eleven ill; North,
<br />Flange Ten (1D), West_af the 6th P.M., more partipularly
<br />described as followse -Beginning at ~ aoint'270 Feet South
<br />cf the i~artheast earner of said Southwest Quarter running
<br />thence due 5nuth.on the East l:#e ^f saio Southwest Quarter
<br />a distance cf 90 Fset,,running thence at right angles :due
<br />West ar:d para1.1e1 with the North line ~f said Southwest
<br />Quarter a distance of }03 Feet,`runnine thence Vorth parallel
<br />with the East line cf said 'Southwest quarter a distance of
<br />SO Feet, running thence due East parallel with the North line
<br />of said Southwa~t Quarter a distance,uf 163 Feet to ±he point
<br />c` beginning,
<br />Qegaf Description)
<br />together wtth a{i trnrmrnts, hereditaments and spputtvnanixs tnerBtD belonging,bUt :ubiecr *.o easemrr.ts end restrictions of record.
<br />Ezr.~uted ...,.,.~G~S,+~_ ....~ ~ . ,-tom .
<br />:~ f~,::j
<br />STAMP TAX Estate of ... ALTS M;. S T EL'F_i'dSOPd ... ,peceaxd
<br />U ~ ~Z L 198! } l . `/.,./ j
<br />,i Ii
<br />7. _-
<br />,G='
<br />6Y Sr~eGte of~P~fsonal Representatwe
<br />/'
<br />STATE OF ..:.. PvE~j1~SKa, _ . , _ , . _ - .. . )
<br />.. ) S.S.
<br />COtdNTY OF ..... riALL .................. )
<br />•, On ........:.. .. . ... .........., before me, the undersigned,:a.Natary Pubfrc, duly edmmissipryad aqd
<br />_ ~~ fir Grmmin er
<br />qualified for and residing ;n sacd county and state, person,liy ao4r2ared .. .... ~.. ........~ .................. ; .... ,
<br />RLTA ht. STtUEItiSQN
<br />as Persoeat Representative of the tsiatr of ... . ............................. .... Dec-,eased, to
<br />mN know~i to tx tha ` n~-o~rson w~io exesu?edihe_toregdmy Deed or ps:•~b~t~~-~ end ack nowredged the sameto be: . .....
<br />untary a~i'~d deed.
<br />. ..... _... ~.- ~L 11pT~ ;.1 ..
<br />IfAL c /iJ a
<br />irATE aF raE~IMrfA ~ '~ l
<br />> f•
<br />((
<br />,,, DEEFSOF'O1ST8UT60tV F3Y
<br />.;, _.,s.cyt„l .4... n~ uk.... , ,~.,. ., _,_ fiAGE 7 crf 1 F'1~GE_S 7
<br />