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<br />SPECIAL k'ARRANTY DEETJ <br />The CITY OF GRAND ISLANB, NEBRASKA; a municipal; corporation, <br />herein call-ed the ^Grari'tor"; ir. consideration of Two-Thousand One <br />Hundrzd Twenty-£iue Dollar ($2,125,00) received from Grantee, does <br />hereby grant, bargain, sell; convey and-confirm unto <br />FRANK E. KQLAR, <br />herein c:alied the=Grantee; the following ;described real property in <br />Ha11 County, N~hraska: <br />itre East 3P t;eet`afLot-Twot27, and'the West ~2 feet of <br />.ot Three (3) , 81ock Three l 3 }_,. Pleasant View ", 7i rd <br />?.'.*.ai_ti_on to tine City of G~rand'Island;:-Hall County, <br />V~br::ska, <br />hEreS.naftcr referred to as the "Premises". <br />'Io have and. to hold the above, described' premises, unto the <br />Grantee and to Grantee's heirs and assigns forever so long as the. <br />Premises ;s used:in conformity wiC:t the Urban Renewal Plan and the <br />Com;~unity Development Flan of the City of"Grand Island, Nebraska, <br />and so lang''as al the icllowng conditions are met: <br />1. Grantee shall cleveigp the Premises herein conveyed for <br />resident~aL vst ie~ aceprdance with Grantee's proposal to purchase <br />said Yretr~ises, which proposal is gn,file faith the Community'Develo}?- <br />meat Agency, togeCher with thz final plans for said redevelopment <br />approved by the Community Development Agency and chief building <br />official c,t the City of Grand: Island, Nebraska: <br />2. Grantee shall begitl consCrucCion of the irnpr~uen~~nY= on <br />the ~=rem.ises ~.,ithin six (6) .months: front the date of to 5 ~,~d ~ <br />conveyance, and<said construction shall be completed ;within-.:one (i) <br />- L.~ <br />t <br />