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<br />- ~ -~ ~ Q~ `S ~ V -J ~ Yutfman artd Felton R Walt WaROn Nei ~B&451
<br />~.1 Re~~is~d 1SF8 Q +~4~1k%~.
<br />Lo=~ 5. Detlefsen, an' a,._ ~m.=~^r~ed widow, by Darryl = . Det~ ..=-°n,
<br />;..ttcrney 1n :Fact, and ':~ T";~~ ~. vetlefs~n and Gwen i:ee Detl°~'~en,
<br />~`f~sharfd and Wi'€e ,Grantor; w$etherfone'er more,
<br />in consideration of TwBnty six tat~usand dot { ars (~26 ,OOC . t~~)
<br />, receipt of which fs hereby acknowledged, conve~~s to
<br />Near, M. Ita,A ;•}idciw .Grantee,
<br />the iollowtcig described real estate (aa defined in Neb. Rev. Stat. 6 78-241)' in
<br />~,1., Gounty; Nebraska:-
<br />=o* .,_:_~~en tl~'t of Roush 'le3santvi3le Terrace Subdlviscn,
<br />:>~, ~.a~.ainn ci' Lats Iz~.=nay i2{?},'Twenty end i21) and the
<br />- ,~,t 1 :_ 'set of ~, ~ rt,, (3G; o' tatthcw`s Subdivision of
<br />~ar~ .: *he ;terthwe,,L ':...3_ ~~r tt~nu~4) ci Sec~ion `_''wentS~ Setrrn ;27}
<br />_.. ~ ~. ~-~s'.~:_L ~l ~i>er. f yl) `3~rth, ~ansz Aline C g } fives ~ o° the 6th p. M. ,
<br />_:, H,L _ ..~..wy, Nebras3ca.
<br />Grartcr covenants (jaintl3~ and severally, if mare than one} with the,Grantee that Grantor.
<br />i 1) is lawfvliy ceased of uc,`. rcai estate and that it is Iree from encumbrances
<br />excer° easement;. a>~= ,est^ieti~ns. e? record
<br />f 2) has iegai power and iawfu? avs,t:o~ qty to convey the same,
<br />t 3) xarrants and will defend the title tr the real estate against the lawful clauns-cif ail persons:
<br />>: _.:, _ - _ 'yen
<br />- ~ NEBRAaSiCA COCU~1cPtiTAFY.
<br />STAt.1P i AX
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