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<br />MORTGAGE 82=-~t~~~ l.~`~
<br />THis INDENTCtRE, made this __ 29 th. ,.__ __-_. day ot.~JUIy ....__~.__::~_ __..1982_.._,Uy andlbetws~n
<br />of ___H_a ~~ _ County, Vebrs_gka, RS mottgxgOt ~S , andHomt Fedora! Savings and Loan.AsaocjaCior, of Grand Island, s cerxretion
<br />organirtd and existing under the lays of the thtited Su,tes of America withitx principal offitt and platcnf bnsinerss at Grand Island, Nebraska, as
<br />monl,agrvr:
<br />w'iTlvESSETH: That said mcrigag6r'_~._;~,for andin consideration of Utc stun cf____,__
<br />_-, __..
<br />SEVEN THGUSANO FIFTY-THREE DOLLARS AYD OOf200 --------- 7,053,00
<br />the recnpt of which is hereby acknowltdgod, dp_ ~_; by these presorts merigagt andwarrant unto said mortgagee, its suxessors and acigns,
<br />toner, all the following described real talatC, situatedin tSe County of Hd'1
<br />and Stare of Ncbraska,ao-w3: -- ~ ---
<br />Together with ail heatutg, air conditiotang, lighting,.: smf plumbing equipment and fixtures, including screens, awnings, storm windowsenEi
<br />doors, and wiidow s§adee or blinds. used on or in t~aaectionwith acid property whetharthe same ereaow located on said property orhereafter
<br />plac,d [M gyn.
<br />TCf HA ~'F ANU TO fipLD THESRME, cugethrr with aL'snd singular the tenwoenta, hereditaments andeppurteaerces cherednu~ I,r
<br />:ongirg, or in anywise appertainity{, fomver, and »a.-rani the true [o the sam6. ,iaiii morgegor..S.. .hereby covenant with =:ud
<br />mortg~ee that .the }! __. _ a.1_~_ at tho ,leliverv here>nt, :.,'ue lawful owmr_5 of thepremises above conveyed r t arscr ued,
<br />nod _ _d 1'E?_ _eeued of a good end io.lefeasible c~tace of inheritance wherein, free audclear of all encumbrances, and chn t h,~5~_ r.ill
<br />warrant weld defend c},e title thereto forever against the <L,irns and demands of atipersona whomsoever.:
<br />YROL' 1 UED AL WAYS, and chu irv+trument i. e~crured end delivered to secure the payment of the sum of ~.~_____ _ _.. _
<br />SEVEN THOSUAND FIFTY-THREE COLLAP,S AND 00 100:. ---- 7;053.00
<br />__.----_..__ _.._. ___-_. ____. _. _._~~ ..._... Dollars lS_ST _
<br />with irttereat thereon, together wrth such chaq{es sad udvan~a asmaq badge and paya':ale u: saidmortgagee undo the [cons r n _ c,ndi.Ln
<br />of the ptomissoq• note of even data herowi[h and wtcurcd hareby,.exeetrted by seidmongagorS _._[d said murcF -ge,. •tayahl . sp-egad
<br />m said note, and to >ocure Che performance oI Bf the. terms sad ea~aditiots contorted tkerain. T}te terms of said'noce ere beret ~,rporat,'d
<br />henrm by this refarexe.
<br />I c ie the intaa[K:a a»d ~eemen[ of the partde.9 hereto that thcv mortgage shall aLgo secure anyfuttue advara;csmadc. [a raid - t~ agor_ S_
<br />by said rocrctgagee, and any and all indebtedness in addition [o the amount ebome siatad. whirl, saidmnrtga~rors, e: s.~v n: the .; ~; -
<br />~~ u,
<br />said mortgagee, however evidenced, whether oc noC~_ Von}. accoanc or otherwise, 'Chic :mortgage shall rer~aairr in. full force and Ef 1. ~tv; -zn
<br />The paniea herew and tfteir heirs, personal reprecrlitac ~ c, successors ana:assrgrts, :until all unount_. secured hereunder .r ,udini; !:;tu rt~
<br />advances, arc pod :n fuL with interest.
<br />The mortgagor -5_.- hereby axaitry __ - re saSG nro r_gegee rile rests and income'arts,ng ~ ny ,d a,l [im ( x ~ id t u a,r
<br />heroby nutborize said mortgagee or itv agent, at its op:ian uann default. co :eke chazge i. ,nid prop -rty eLnd c lle..t. ol: na c. „aJ .. .. ,n_
<br />Ureretmm end apply t.he~ same to the pay men[ of inter+wc, riaa insurnnce ,
<br />p pal premlun,s, taxes, c. menr_v ,~ s ~ r p ~ >n ,~
<br />oeceatary to keep ~d pnrpeity~ in teruntab4 mndiCmn, or W odrer ehnrges ur payments pns rdad for here o nt nc~ ntt . herc-b ec~red. Thi,
<br />mot assignment sham continue to fcrm uotii the anpaid balanx ct said note Cs fulh paid- Tb.~ ~xking o(q :ssoa be under sh:r I = r ra r :
<br />prevrme ar retard sasd ¢xrtga~ in the collection u( sera sots,- he [orcclosure cr a^ens~ise.
<br />The tai}ure of Lhe mortgagee tc asxrc any of its r±ghts hereundAr ac e~~ time shall ooL be con ~trac•s1 a= a wsiver of It< right to u~sctt the
<br />sanx nc aav later tine, sod w Insist upon sod e.dor.e _ compiience with, ail the terms ~ cd I_.o u. _ -, ..a:d ;ore : nd t f , ha nr> cyngs.
<br />Cf said moY.gegor $ shnil csase [o be ;wee m yarn :on,gagec tl c~re ~roour.[ Ca. n rt. de d is h t rn .
<br />of said note hereby sec red, itxiudiug future advarues nd any ez ten, ions or renewals th +xi, m assn enmr w i:h ne t rm-. , d Pn r ~i.,r,
<br />tirereo[. and if erod mortgagor _5_.. s}uJi eemply wtth :! L e }env,-ons <,f seSd ,nte sad', of LIU'1 mortg g tLen th p t~ h nd
<br />ilihtrwi. , w rentavt ~n full force and effect, and said nwrtgaf,r.. _ boll be entitled w t he poseessroti ~af ail ,~f w:ei pr>t r - j t - l t: ;:i.
<br />delve ibe whrde of said cote and ale 9ndebtadnras tepreu sled thereby Co be immedmtdy dce and, ~, blv. and ma t,: ~c. owe t)t v n:.,rt~..,,;,_
<br />ur [eke any other Beal action to protect tits right. ,1pp-aiseon~nt wnivecl.
<br />This mortgage shall }>K 6indiny upon and shat? rnura cr. the benefit of the h mss. execurnrq adminnr.raton sere :_ , ,rnri tssit,u,' S ~h.,..
<br />respective-pert ion horses.
<br />tN 1'. lT.".ESS Gt'HEr1 E4 F, owl Nortyogor S. ha Ye... ~runa> ~,z- Lhf'd'~ _har S t'rr stn t, .<:
<br />_ c,
<br />wrtU -, _ .
<br />,~._ ,
<br />~R:,~JK ~csTr~~xl - CSu~~~. ~oz~~t~~:~ __ _
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