<br />AAID
<br />A~1D
<br />4'~ID
<br />A:'QD
<br />?`his Mortgage i<«,ntered mto 4etvreen ._ WiIliam_J~,De~en_, ask a.: William=F.~- Ak_.__~"en~Sr,_?nd
<br />51<ax-~, Arai Ilegen, Husband and Wife
<br />___._.__,._.,~.._____~_ ._.:.. _e~___ l~rcrein,"Mortgagor" i ant
<br />_ _"~ ~?k~'d.alY'D V~TIQI~L Fi~NES_ (zF_f~?~4T`Ip_~~1,T(~3A~ISya~p~'~,_,__.._(hrrein "btortgagee"j.
<br />Mortgagor is urdebied to A~for[gagee in the principal sum of $~17_,?,.Q~'~~~_., evidenced 6y,•Mottgagor'snote
<br />Jx.l~ 23, 1.982
<br />dated _ _ -__ (herein "`dote"} provid'm~ for paymer.tsot principal and interest, with the balance of the
<br />Iul.: 3n, 19f?~.
<br />indebtedness, iC rut sooner pa+d, dae and pacahle on _ __ __._,_
<br />Tusecure thepMyt7Y>pd o ~~zE"1t fader ri a: prop ded toemin, the payment of. all other sum: with interest,
<br />advanced by btortQa~ea~to pr ti~~u{' ihrf, Aicr_~,ag nd the performance of the covenans and agrremen±s oC
<br />the Mortgagor co9taiMd Y~~~~~~wa~Er h~ n~~or.6a~e and oonvey~4o Mortgagru (hF foLlowinK described
<br />pmperi.y ;ocsted in . _i~ft.~l- __ ____._ _ C;ounfy. 1'ebras ka:
<br />Lot Fourteen (14) in Brach's Second addition o the Citg,oz Grand Island, Nebraska.
<br />IAt Frnxr (4) in Block Three (:} ir. Spaulding and Gregg's Addition (:o the City of
<br />Grand Island, Hall Couple, Nebraska
<br />Fr3~Ct10nal Lot One (l) in Fracti,-anal Bock Sts `:(6) inwoc~dbine 9ddit ion to the
<br />CitF of Grand Island, Hall. County. Nebraska and its cClnplr~~.nt, I~~acr.ional Int.
<br />One (I) in Fractional Blocx ~i~aeen (36), inCtiarles Wa_aner's Addition to th
<br />CiSy of Grand Island, i3a11 County, Nebraska and?Wasner's ~me~ to First 9ddition.
<br />Part: of Intl Sit (6) and Seg. ~ ; 7 j ir. Bloch Fifteen (ld) rrE C'~arles R'asrner's
<br />Addition to the City of Grand :stand, Nebraska, rmre paz'Cicultxx-l}~ described r_,n
<br />Attached T~thibit "A".
<br />The East I3alS o:' the Northaast ~?uarter (E~NE~) of Section Thirteen (l3) Township 'Pen
<br />1(~ 27orth, Range ElevPn(11) Wiest of the Pith P M. In Ha11 Ca. EYCeoting a, tract oS
<br />and morte p~-ticu~l~.rly described nn attach ~hibit "B".
<br />Together wr all hm mg.. improvemenw, C xtur's, s;rr ;eq, passageways. 'asem u', nigh G,, privileges and
<br />appurtenances iocate.d thereon or !n any wl5e partainn~k -;leer ur, artd ilir rents Issues and'protits, mvrrsions and remainders
<br />thereof; including, out tot limited lo_ heatird and t oo;ing~equtpment and ,ueh personal property chat is attached to the
<br />improvements so astoconstitute a t~x[un•; all of uQurh, ~.r.cludin~ re•plocrmer,!synd add~tihnv Lereto, is herebydeclared
<br />to M' a part o1 the real esrate eecur[•d bg the I~en of h., ~iortgtttmand alt r,(thr-Foregaint; h~^i~.g re•terred to herein'as the
<br />"Property.,
<br />3ortgagor furt3rer eonrenan4 and artc•ee. ~c~th ~L~ngngrr^_ ra r.~lluw.:
<br />7. Payntenl. 'Co pay the indroteCne~. and the ~ntcrr>i tf ~ ..n as pn,.idrd :n this ;Yla'tgagr and the Note:
<br />2. T{tle. Mortgagor [s the owner nt the Yropert}. ha_ i . n~~iu it: author.ty to mortgage-Ctie Property, and
<br />wanrarti that :he lieu created hrreh~' is a pica and pr ;r hen on ih: F'n,pr-r ~. s-<cent an may ot3x'-rwlsr :~e~,et. lorth herein.
<br />'~:J '1'hr Property is sub}c^ct to a \h tgajty wher.in _ _.._.. __... _ _~~.__..J__
<br />is the Mottga~, recorded at Book _ __..._._ , Psge _ _.. ~. ~ ttr~ Att. rte ~~;~~ Nec~rrds r,t __.. _.- ___ ___ _houhty,
<br />Nebraska, which Mor gage Is a Lien prior to the lk•^ cn•a ~. t°d h~~rr i;r,
<br />~XOther pror liens or encunr beepers: ... _ ' '
<br />3_ Takes, =1ssevmm~ 4s. 1o puy- when due al ~asrs, ~,p --;a4 ~.,.^,;rnrnt-v and alt other charKes agal asi. lhr Pro~~rty
<br />and, upon written demand by \tortgagve. to add to the pas-n,, rus r~yulrrri undr~r the Note >ecun~d herebe, aurh amo~_+nt as
<br />may Ge ,ufFictenz to enaple the ~4ortgagie to pay soot t- e.,. a:.,esmint, c. r th,.. chargers as thec become due,
<br />4. lnsurance_ To keep the ~mpmtiements nu•N or hereai!er located oo the rgai e;[atr dtocd bud herein insun•d
<br />aglinst damage by Gee and such oL4er hazards :u Mort, b ~c- sr:ac rrymre.. ' t ounce -nd with eompznic^~ ~ .septa tz:e to th+~
<br />Martgagc•e, and with loos pa~~able to the Lr-t Rai, e_ In c:r_u t f:» ~.:.^. ~~- r _ ~_h p, .ties tt:e -dortgagce is au thnrized tc
<br />adju ;t, collect and ~mpromise_ in iL~ di ctriion, af? cVai ms th r•rrur~der at its r:olr° up!ion, auth:r~iied t~ ~lt'^.rr a{tpi ~~ the:~
<br />proceeds to the restoration of the fto~ap or upon [he indebt-~ ass t•cu red here -•t•. Iwt payments iiereuncder sha31 evr.~
<br />dnue untat the vums cecusd hereby are paid In full,
<br />a -_~ Esccow For Tives and Insurance- Aot>w~itbctan d. k ar :cL^urg ern taimr _r iaragraphs 3 and 1 I ~: ~^oi to the
<br />conlrar_, 'A~Iortgagor shad pas' to the Akir_Paj;re at tt r;in< of t_-. r.E the mon~n~c i.t _,u.rseats of princi p:il and interest,
<br />orre-t~xe;fi.tt o{ the yeasty tax ~, as::essm ~i.L+, itua&r9 i t,.urauce ~~:•rmium ~•nd gro¢n 1 r~~ms 'if any 1 w~hiuh mxi attain a
<br />prit>rity v.•~r ttris ~Aiong'zga, all ~s rr~-a<cnab : c.;t,ma c+ troai i, n c . 6rn~ } the yle r,l,~,;r~r. Tht amounts ,~, ps:d shall 6e
<br />_ he=Id Gy the titorigage=e wi?hout irtcrost and a{~plied !u the pa,: meat o: tl r_.tams ~e rusprct to which sue0 xtucanli u•:er;
<br />depixite•ti. Ttte sums paid to AIotLgaEe'A herescdsrr a ~: p4edgr~d +, addiLio ecnri!•,~ for tht• indebtedm,aa;.ut,+:u by thu
<br />1lorzgage..a~r~,arsnaL' pay to 6lurtg2gu _iie a:ooun! •.~! ar; 9~:iancc Y'i.~w~n tt,. ac.i.nl tau _.r>gtt : r,~surance
<br />parr*:ium_= ;m t, grouted rente sad Che• dr.pu_~.c her..=at 1t^r u~it!t~.tt Il d~}s : f_rr d.>n:a~~2 a t~mr.- r f- ~ i '. ~;tt,,t,•.r icq;;~ahn~
<br />pav;r',en e ! he re o..
<br />e ,
<br />5. ibepar". Svatnteranrt-tad i%sr_ Tr., ptr,m t} - r r:Uxr= , r c.. ~!i~°br F, i.r.pm ~-nea.l'.U paw fir
<br />trFre_3llapr t~r_ SPrc Y;ct n,y, to rtc•r^p tlsc Pc n: w i^ g, ,r rrxs.it•"•l ;. .. 'l:c.: t r.. I z•c `++, i ~c:u7;:ic`.5 r.~r
<br />~t tar Lcrr ~ i ~ spr+ :.gtrrc<r .r t.>d ,e ~~ -.a ,:r.-i _... .I-. ..~ ,•c r~,: i _r.;• ~ _ r.:r t.:r>diaraiit~
<br />..a ::r Irrt a Sfse vaih of ±txv r, rt r-_ _ _ a.. r _. .-..~ ,r ,tell :« ~,~~., .,,iii ; 1~:.~~r... ~ is of !a w' avith
<br />