<br />r ~UITCLAI~i DEED
<br />HILDA M. Si3NESS. herein called the urantor, in cansic~eratior.
<br />of 1W0 TFTOUSAND FIVE' HL3NDRED PND NO/.100 DOLLAI25 ($2,f~U0..Q0)
<br />re~eived'fram Grantee, do hereby quitclaim, grant, bargain,-se1.1,
<br />ccnvev and confirm unto DWASN C. IN:IESS, Herein' called the:
<br />Grar.tee..the fbllowng~describpd real property in Hall County,
<br />?~ehr~zseca;
<br />A part of i:c}t "~" in "GAFtD~:[~ SUBDIVISION`° of
<br />Lot:` One (1) , 4lanland„ in Section Thirteen
<br />{ 13) , Township E ec en { ll ~ ' t3artb , Range Nine'
<br />t9) j+test of the 6th P:t~i., in Ha11 County,
<br />Nebraska, more particularly described as
<br />xollows, to-w?tc
<br />Commencing at the Northwest ccrner of said
<br />Lot "A",: running thence in' an easterly
<br />directionalang,and upon the.:nrrth boundary
<br />lire of skid Lot "A", _`ar. a distance:-of
<br />nzret,.=-one t91i ~Eett running thence in a
<br />sottt^erly" direction, parallel with the
<br />westorly boundary line of said Z~at "~.",.for a
<br />distance of TUO Hundred Forty {i~iu) feet;
<br />running 'thence in a westerly direction,
<br />para13e1 with the, earth line of aaid Lot' "A" ,
<br />for ~ distance of Ninety-One (9i) fs?et, to
<br />the' wester3v boundari~ line of said Lot "A",
<br />running ;thence in a nbrthArly direr ion,_upon
<br />and aiong the cesterly ooundary line of'saic
<br />L(`it "A" for, a 3istance of swa Hundred Fnrt-;
<br />{240)-feet:tc the place o: beginning, subj~cc
<br />however, to one-hzlf esf the.. County Road to
<br />tt~e north of said: premises.
<br />TO iiAL'E AND '~'~J HOLD the czbC3ve-described premi.se:s t;~gt~her
<br />with ail tenements, nereditaments ,-d Zppurtenances _.~.ereto
<br />belonging unto tk:e Grantee anc t.o Grantee's heirs ai3d: assigns
<br />forever.
<br />Da ed ~. X9$2.
<br />r .~....._..._-
<br />+ Fnness
<br />~a'vNI'Y ~7F ~ ~ ~.
<br />~'-~-=-
<br />Sefor,_ ae, ~.ct~~, cur _ _.. ~~ __ a~rsonal'ly catzte
<br />Hilda ... . _ :.. . . ...... ... m.t: o x _ ~c _ r ~>_r ica3 p~rsan seha
<br />,~~ed t;~~ `joregoi-Zg i st~u cr._ a _ uri_ _E., the execution
<br />:~her.eo~ ~o ~e ,,e ~.:~_~ ,~~.rv ~t a;.ri dee'..
<br />6'iLrt~s~ ~~ ~,.;:~ ,: ,.~. ;~~taria~ Seal 'on 7`,le l
<br />r ,_
<br />ry f _4w / ~ .''S_.t__..
<br />_. _,._ ~_.~ ~ ~ _ 3°1t~t ~~
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<br />NE6RASKA SOCt !~1EPrTi;RY ~
<br />S7rh',~ TAB
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