<br />t..
<br />r rraric~ of r~ sAr~ coxr~cr
<br />i
<br />Notice is hexeby given that on the / 'y day: of July 1982, a
<br />Is3ilci Contx~t between ILL P. S~E~R and VSRGINIA A. ,F'E:R, husbani and
<br />-' wife, Sellers, and F.Ui+Y~R'D F.. CLIIRD axed .7E~N D. CLII~A~+.RD, husbazsd and wife,
<br />Buyers, ~.ras executed anci that said farad Sale Contract inwlv~l the 'following
<br />describe3 real estate, to-wit:
<br />Fractional iot:Seven-(7), in Cedar Park Addtiom to the City of Grand
<br />Tslarr3, Ha11. County, Nebraska, and... its: Ccxc>Qlement '.~eing ,Fractional Lot
<br />Sever. (7), Block lour (8); Elm Place, City. of Crand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />that the urtiersgned parties do. hereby agree that this Notice shall be filed
<br />in the Office of th2 Register:of '~eeds:of Ha11 County, Nebraska, and be notice
<br />to'aziy and all interested parties to the abrn~escribed real estate.
<br />OATID this ~ daY! of` -_~~~ 1482.
<br />IAF7RIIJ~ P! SCSF1Egt:
<br />r
<br />~- r ~ 'c t ~ #-- - ~~ / • I~ Vie. ~~
<br />! -' F_7SII,lR~D F.4CISI~F~SFtD.
<br />-JEAN D. ~.
<br />)SS.
<br />COL~TP'~ OF HALL )
<br />BeFore me, a ;.3otazy Ppblic in and far said state acid county, personally
<br />came LAt,'RE~3~CE P. SCf~1FFR acid VIRGiN121 A. SCfIAF'ER husband arr3 wife, knAan t>a
<br />me to be the identical persons who: signed the faregoing'instrument as~d ackrr~w-
<br />lodged the execution thereof #s~ be their wluntary act and deed:...
<br />~~
<br />wZi'g5S ~' hand anZ seal this ~'~..~ day of f , 1982.
<br />~.,1= a __
<br />~°^, .., r~ E,, ,,~ .s ' aw r ~ (! / jyyPUBLIC
<br />-_-.._--__._..~.J
<br />SSFITE OF ?~Rt~.~F' CA 7
<br />)SS.
<br />9efore me, a Piotaz-~ i'ublic in arra, far said estate an3 caLmty, pex'sonaily
<br />:~aue pJFr~I2i) F. CS.II~F3t~2fi a;~ SF~1N D. CISNL~Rt7, husbaix3 and wife,. kna.~ to me
<br />to 'x,e the identi:,a1 persons wkn signed the Laregong instna~.nt ar~d acknowledg-
<br />ed the ~.ecutior_ tr,ereof to be their vbluntax1 art and.
<br />f
<br />4Jii':~SS try itimd an: seal this..f'day o€ s rr ,,~'g982.
<br />/ ~/
<br />~p
<br />CEiFIAI fiCt~}Y-A~t.~wll~tf) ,ff / -Gj/ /
<br />3 ~ CAM~iSf G. GLAZE ~ `~.,:.,,,;~,..,x.~~ ~ ~~ ! ~,... ..
<br />~~°-`~"~ ~w winr~ Esp k~f:17.~ - i~''.Ft}.' P(JEii.IC.
<br />~ a~+ E ki! -c:5 f' t) 33~rT S !Ci'i
<br />R;c!iar't. ~?a~b< Hi~kir:. C4 1.~rr[~~ 1>a~; l4'r~, ~~a i _sa `+t_r,~t
<br />. ci~r~F. ~~ -` C; ruti.d {. f:~,r.d. ~€he:r,3. a s g,~),'<liFf,ti
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