<br />BY
<br />1 FIRST STATE BANK` OF SHELTpN, vEARASKA, a Nebraska Banking Corporation,
<br />Personal Representative of the Estate of Zenon Rivera:, Sr., Deceased,
<br />GRANTOR, conveys and releases the-following described real estate:
<br />An undivided three-fourths (3/4) interest in
<br />t"0.o Cr.:rl. tio7 F .~. F. r 1...... c..., rat.....; .. r' 71..>. .. rte, ..~: /C3. CCS i.\
<br />an0 Lne iVOrLRWe SL l2llar Cer OI Ltte 'JOllL nweSt
<br />Quarter: (NW~SW~), all in Section-Fifteen (1.5},
<br />Township Nine. (9), North, Range Twelve (12),
<br />West of the 6th: P,M., in Ha11 County,. Nebraska.
<br />and to the following GRANTEES:
<br />-The life tenant interest in said 3/4 interest until
<br />the earliest happening of the following three possible
<br />eventsc
<br />(a) `The dea h of Maria Rivera,
<br />(b) the child of Zenon Rivera,
<br />(Josephine Rivera who was born Jan. 26,:1980)
<br />:attains her 19th birthday, ar
<br />(c) Maria Rivera zemarries.
<br />1/13th:'of the remainder `intere t to Antonio Riviera
<br />1/13th of the remainder znterest to'Trinidad Rodriguez-
<br />1/13th of the remainder interes to Rosie Knapp
<br />15'13th of the remaindeY interest to Narcissus €to,jas
<br />1/13th of the remainder interest to Mary Helen Rivera
<br />1/13th of the'remander-interest to Do^~ingo Rivera
<br />1/!3th of `the remainder ~nte,:~st'to.Pedro Rivera-
<br />'1:/i3th of the: remainder interest to Rosa Maria Rivera
<br />: 1/13th of the remainder interest to GGneva'Rivera
<br />1113th of the remainder interest to Lupe Rivera
<br />'1113th of the- remainder interest to 3asephne Rivera
<br />1-/18th of the remainder interest to Larry ..,Carr
<br />1778th of the remainder interes to Ramona Sheooard
<br />1!78th of the remainder nteres to L'aniel Rivera
<br />L,~'8th of the remainder interest Co Theresa Slaci:
<br />:/?8th ci the remainder merest to'Racha~~el' Bertr:nc'
<br />'!78th of the rcrnain~?er.nterest to Mary Stcemer
<br />ll~2n? ni' the :er:cinder"interest to .Richard Ple!~uek Rivera
<br />i!32nd of the r~~ainder`_interest to `David Feregrzno
<br />':!~~Ln~ of the. remainder interest t:o John Fere~rinc
<br />I/>2r,d of the remhinder'interesttoDolores "'chards
<br />subirct to easements and restrictions ofrecord'.
<br />GRA\TOR has deterrinec? that 'the above GRANTEES are the persons en-
<br />:t~<'.~. tU .~_~~ _~Jttt ~i~"[_ _ ~i1L" ..: -ills - 1i ti7 e.abOJe do :r~i ~, 1, ~~ _~1_.
<br />real estate, Fron said estate. ORA4f(3a:`covenants with GRANTEES that
<br />Gxe\ti'i0x has ie<<al .power and 1ac:ful authority to.canvey and release the same,
<br />"r_';YF('UTED 1982.
<br />--
<br />- ESTA~'E OF ZENON RIVERA, SR. Deceased
<br />STATE OF ^1EB4r~KA 1 y
<br />P%~'rahiJ ~ ''~'' $ Personal Re resentative
<br />COUNzI t7F ~L. i p
<br />The. {ore~oin~; .n; vrur..c~~it wa acknok~'_e~i~d before me on _ 1982
<br />bti La.x~ret::.~ H'~_ t-resident =~f .._.,~ 5catc .Sank of Sh~:lton, Nebraska, 'a
<br />Tthr.ska f3an~ii;~~:r~~oeat'_on, 'Nrs~,.i presenCative ei the Estcatc. of
<br />~ ~ . w u ., u'r a , ~- r . ,~,...
<br />~ ` ~~~~. '.~ -~ yam.,; _. ,,._
<br />~''° a+rr~nrraw-rwr~ew.r µ~ ~' -.---- ____
<br />rr~~: *+v raew~. # M~tl~ R t My. ~ Jhz..> ~ 4 c,t2. _, x €_ , r r,. ~. ~..._ ..__..~_....__...._,~.__.
<br />