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<br />'Cku Pi. ~n i rn4ect in cr nnc*c-
<br />~~~"1 ~,~ ~~ 1'~ ~ nr~~~+`~ ti~l~ ~1 ith ,,,~, t~.ns.py ll,~,~r~i
<br />.~~A3llr~l7C~ under the un~ te1 four fnrnrtj*
<br />~rch;.sionK~ uf. Uhe National.
<br />liouing .4ct.
<br />TPIi,~ 43nR"ff}_-AGF .r1.c aad ~~ ~~~YYdthi5 2$tl; daV iJf July. ,4.t)
<br />` Ciif*_cn ;~. I`9urray and setsy R, tSurras , Hustaand and Wire:
<br />e! h- ('+.+mr} u' Hal.':., , and :~rnte a#' a'y>`hrl~k;r. ~ar[y wP tine first part, hcrriaa#ter called
<br />the 1 ~ ttaee~r. rtl _
<br />b'uperiar-Mortgage,,. Inc.,
<br />,s:i[i,>n r sni.c_:ndc s.inguntYrFihe'1,+:.~5f Nebraska
<br />tsars rthcs~.+rvfm;rt-Ze~rroafttYeaileithe~1 r,:3yes.
<br />++~li'vFS;F;H ~t~hact'~e+aid~fa~truE:~r,r,~' :ndin~ nerdtritCioncifahe~iimoi Fifty .lour thous~na one
<br />I~undrec7 and N~/1fs©ths~.-=_~_~-------,.__..___- Lh+iln;,5 54,100.110. 1
<br />?=,y,•c the re~e ~.~hlcfi5- heir ~ .e~n1+~:}, r , - p1+ I,~t~~N!ort-
<br />( t' Gdeti.. ..~~ i~r;cn[etiE atlcl ti;eF,1 .,rd h1 ShP+~': p,:_ti+nt~ r.nes ~ranr.`F3ar-
<br />pain. ~~3t. (~ ~ ..,::nd ',~e7irrfl :nito [hr ~I agrc_ ,r, 5etcr~sSRr=. rn.i ..igta:. fisrever:.rh--~ soU+lwing-dcscrit?ed.
<br />real - r.,:r :ir ,.ed in 13?t ~ ~~~1ntt..l.,f Fda 11
<br />.:}ndSYate
<br />Lot =h-cee {3k, Cast2~ Estates Suhdi~san, fia31 Cau;>ty, Nebraska
<br />of Inc ~<<rh Nrnx~, _3 41cr as .•.-n;~sri is :n ¢?~ aarc. sa;rrdivs to LoV rrp-
<br />'~`i{~\}. 1 °~U T+I }( ..i Inc rrcn +..
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<br />PR<)4IDi.J~~~v4?.~ti..rn~tr"K•,~jlf,;~crl~d~ic..a. .nl..:_:~ ~,~ ,~,.-•r, ~„('o1~.initccl°1~id+tgti,te,ril
<br />I hr >?orte ~ +r xr ~ a~ i., tt ~: te:+,. e "rug me prr,.. ,nrl of °.lftjT fOLiY. thQik$3fld Dn&t
<br />'.:undr~i eau ~:o,"-CC7ths----------- i+u!P.+r:+~• 54,100.00. >.
<br />~_,~rn r. r f -a c ~l 1 ~'i"tee 3.n Jn Bali ~ o- r 15.50.: 1 pe:raranurrrgra
<br />the ~~i.at.. ha eul ~ ..[.Yn p .~. 1 he .~~_ F. nrki~~l n ~ ~r._e ~_. na: or n,.. r~ ~l +t c L.c~ .: S1pQxibx' N:or-`vages ThC.
<br />6ranfl Ssiand, `lE _ r.c }~z[ 6.~rc ~•. r • ao{dcrof
<br />~_
<br />Ihi-.o,e mdt, Jen r~~;rm ~-,Urg, rn ;n: ~.v<:n hv:ru: ~u ,-~_ „_.d ~4 'LU~t tIS--_
<br />~ni4c. ,~~tslss~ai. i
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<br />,~_JL .e.'>k~ `+ b !ia I-ar Je h i. -:h 1~ i. r.,.i .,ii ( !dr 'i43-
<br />,:re c fT:;'. :.rd. ~, ~<<;~. fh~r he '!nom'. _til,~n. .n. spa. _n.. ~c. i _~ a ..w, . t1c ant!
<br />ac e ?th; r t -~yuc ~ 2 -+. Jln ~.l rc e: the tc r;d a:c'i.,i ,pn~nna~.
<br />the 'ltor~'tic, u. ore ~.:rre fuit =..c. ~ ~.'~rR •. of lei. Alr nz::ee. ~g7eesi
<br />~<a ><f: r_ ... t e.: ~ .hc. aenl i !; 1 1, it ri
<br />.i.^it. i_:1. Cyiil5 ! 1 l., '. _. 1:;711 _ 1 f~~ : flrl 1~: [ Is. ~ v .~i .}!I< Un .R..: "~ ~t1 1F}c 1. 4~-. ~ ~ i ). ~, ..~Ii:.{;
<br />fia ~,..>r% f~~ ~iiC~ '4•~ i. ill-. fk' .., r~.+~ ~ ,t:t~ ~ - ~
<br />i '. :1 v .. ::1 i . _.. i .. .ti-~ .r1h ~i~~1 ~ .1 ::; ~:.:. n.e;~ _ F ~, i.>r ;.hr ~ Z3ee.
<br />.r is u t_ ,_?~•tt, ~,-. „l t1 °t. .. ag: .~+~.a ~: e(c.~l r.. '-ti ic'.~ . ,r.
<br />_l6, the
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