<br />E 108-A-Corporation Warranty Oeed QL ~'~ ~ ~ J I, ~.,~ ~ Hul}n•er. anA •e~tnn 8'ti~tt WdYton. M1r 6N461
<br />J~NOWI-Y3.MENBYTSEBEPESSENTB,That C.G. Industries, Inc.,
<br />a eorporatzan orgzsnized and ezisiing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Nebraska.
<br />l,incansiderationafFifty Five Thousand. Dollars {$55,000.00)
<br />j re,::eived from grxutees, does grant,. bar~sin, sell eapcey and confirm unto Clifton D. Murray and
<br />- ,`Betsy R. Murray, Husband and Wife, as joint tenants with right o£ survivorship
<br />and not as tenants in common.
<br />herein called the grantee whether one or mare, the fallowing described real pcroperty in
<br />Hall County,. Nebraska
<br />lot three (3), Castle Estates Subdivision
<br />~q'TEMENT: AjTAGNE.D
<br />JUl. 2 8 198?
<br />5~
<br />BY
<br />Tb haee and to laald than ahnre described t'rrcmisex rauether aF•it.h all tenements, hereditxtnents and appttr- ''
<br />reuecncesthexeta belonging >;nro tine graur~ ., :and to q;•anter.'s 9aeirs and assigns forever.
<br />:\nii +he ~ra;nfor far itself: acad rt L ,ceisTOrs does herehv cavenant n~ith the grantee and with grantee's j
<br />hens and e:ti~ii,~ns that grantor is iaw-Yully ~easrd of said premises.; ghat the}-. are tree from encumbrance:
<br />~ except easements and restriction of record
<br />i
<br />tt;at grantor: has good; right and la:rful antharit to rtlm•ey the ~::.'ne ; andthat grant*~>r warrants and w~71 defend
<br />~! :h~ c.itle to said pretnisey agaiustthr' lacafal r„aims of all per8ons >vhasoes•er.
<br />IsrK•iuaess >,elaereof, grsutor has hrrennto caused its corpnrata sent to be affixed and thew presentssigned ~~
<br />~' b its President. `:
<br />t)ated ' ,luly 22 lr} 82 r
<br />i
<br />C : ru . • ~fflnd~rs r:T ies ; • IQC : , ........ _ ... ; , ..... .
<br />_ - .President
<br />STiiTE C7r : Nebra&ka ,) Cn this .:.22, duy July TF~. 82.relere me. ,
<br />_..,.. .. : .. ..:jam the .undersigned, a h?oicarg PucHc in cmd for said Cour,p
<br />G . >+ta
<br />Dean.^.:i!y came yne Molck ~ ,
<br />'' __ G.C. Industr3es,.Snc~., .. ,.__... ,._.. ..._.._. _:...., .... _.. _..._. .__._.,. `a.^orptrration'-
<br />to^.ie pttrsctnally known £o iae the President a.-ad the identieai person whose acme is a{`fixed to the a5cve cc-aue;'- ~
<br />anca. ~d acimowledged the execuw~an Chereoi to be his vol;:n:ary act read deed as such officer o^.d the •.olw-atar}
<br />^:,! a:zd dc~3 of sold eorporatian cad `,.hat the Corporate seal of tiie sc-nd ororperaticn wrs tl:ere;o .affixed fiat' ;,.
<br />I cu:horty.
<br />'N:tr,ess ^ay hcmd':aad Notarial Sacl ef.Czand. Is3and, .:in said county the dny red yecr i'~t cxwove •.> r:f;er..
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