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<br />82~~ UEi31~~ <br />4.Condemnalion. The proeeedsnfany awardnrelaim fur damages. direct or consequential, in connection with any <br />- condemaation orothertakigg of the Properly, nr part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation,. are hereby assigned <br />.and "shalt be paid'to Leoder: <br />In theevent of a [otaltaking.of theProperty, the proceeds shelf be apptiedtn thesums secured by this DcedpfTrusr. <br />whti the excess.-fang, paidtrrBorrower:.inihr evenao[ a. partial taking gfthc Property; unless Bnrmwerand 1>ender <br />otherwiseagree in writing, thereshail beapplied to-the sums secured by this DeedofTrusfsuch proportion of theproceeds <br />r as is equatta that proportton which the amount of the sumssecured Ay this Deed of Trust immediately prior to the dattof <br />:taking bears to [ht.fair market value of the Properly immediately prior(n the date of taking,.with the balance of the proceeds <br />'paid to I3ermwec <br />If the Proper(y is abandoned by-Bolrawer,'or if; after. hotice by Lent3ec ro Borrower that the condemnor offers o make <br />an awarder settkaclaimfor8amages, Borrower failsm rixpr,nd_tn Lender within 30 days afterthe date suchJnoticeis <br />:.mailed, Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds; at Lender's: option; .either to restoration or'repair of the <br />Property or to the sums secured by his Deed of Tntst, <br />Unless Lendefand Borrower otherwisaagreein writing, any such application of proceeds tnprincipal sfial6 not extend <br />or postpone the duedate of"ihe monthly insrallments referred to iaparagraphs 1 and2fiereof or change theamountof <br />suehinstallments. : <br />10. -BorrawerNot Released: Extensionof the time for payment or modification bf amortizatiom of-the sums secured <br />by this Detd of Trust granted by'Lendcrto anysuccessor inintcrest of Borrowecshall'nnGOperate toielease,inanymanner; <br />ihe~liabifity of the'griginal Borrowerand Borrower's successors in in[erst. Lender`shallnot be required to commence <br />proceedings againct such successor or refuse to extend time: fur payment orntherwise modify amortization of the sums <br />secured bythis Deed of Trust byreasodofany`demand madel?y_the'original Borrower and Borrower's successors ininterest <br />11:.Forbtwrance byLenderNola.Waiver. Anyfortiearance by,Lender in'exercismganyrightarrernedyhereunder,,or <br />o[hetwiseaftorded by applicab'e law;-stiali notbeawaivelof or .preclude the°esercisc-ofany such-right or-remedy. <br />The produremen[ of insurance or [he payment of taxes or other liens or charges by C_erder shall not be a waivernf Lender's <br />right to-atxeleratethematutityof the indeMednesssecured h}• This Deedof Trust" <br />12. RemediesCumuldivc;:Allremedies providedimtliis Deed of Trust are distinct andcumulatdve to any. other. right <br />or remedyunder this. DeedofTrust or aftordedby law oc equity; and ittaybeexercisedcancurrently;,independentlynr <br />successively. <br />13.SUccrxsorsand Assigns Bound; loial and Several Liability: Captiotts. -The covenants and. agreements herein <br />contained shall 6indyagd therights'hereundershal(nure to, :the reslx:ctive. successors and assigns o["l.enderand Harrower,, <br />subject to:[he provisions'of paragraph 17.hereof: AAcovenants and agreementsof.Borrowershallbe jointand.severaf.. <br />Thc pptions and-headingsofaheparagraphs nfthis Ueed'nf Trust are for convenienceonly:andare-not tri beusedm. <br />interpret or define the provisiots hereof.; <br />14. .Notice. Eiccept for;aoy notice. regwred:iinder spplicable law to 6e given in another manner, (a) any. entice. to <br />Borrower provided for in this'Deed of Trust shall be given by mailing tick nnticrby certified mail addressed to Bnrrowerat <br />the property Addrtsiror at such other addressasBorrowermay designate by'notice toLender asprovidedherein; .and <br />(b) any notrae m Lender shalL:be gtvert by'certified'mail;.:retum receipt<reguested; ro Lender's address'stated rhereia or to <br />'such other address asLendermay. designate by,no[ice toBorrower:asprovidedherein., `Any notice provided for in this <br />Deed of Trustshall be deemed. to have6een givento Borrower or I_eader:when:given inihe manner designated :herein. <br />15. Uniform Deed of Trusq Governing Law; Sevenbilfty. This form of deed of trust cotnbmes w~niform covenants for <br />rational use and non-umformcovenants with limited roariatons byjurisdiction to conshtute'auniform security instrument <br />covering real property- This Deed of Trust shaft tie governed: by: the taw'.of'ihejurisdiction in which the Property is' located. <br />In theevent that any provisionbr clause-oLthis`Deedof.Trust or [he Note conflicts withapplicable-law, such. conflictshaiV <br />not affect other previsions of this Deed ofTrusfor the Nofewhich can he given •cffectwithout theconflictingprovision. <br />and to this end the provisions of the Deed of Trust and the Nate are declared io be severable. <br />if. Borrower's Cory. Borrower shall-bc furnished a conformed copy of the Note and of this Decd of Trust at-the time <br />of~execution or after recordation- hereof..: <br />97. Trawsfer of tYe Prorertr Aawmpfbn. if altar any part of the Propem•.oran interesttheretn is sold or transferred <br />by Borrower without Lender's prior written consent, excluding {a) the creation of a lien. or encumbrance subordinate. to <br />this Deed of Trust,'rb) the creation ot8 purchase money security interest for household appliances.; (c.) a transfer 6y devise,. <br />descent or:by operation of law:upon thedeath of ajoinf tenanC:or.(d) the gran[ ofany leasehold interesbof three years orless <br />not containigg an option to purchase, Lender may, aki_ender's option, declare aft thesums secured by this Decd of Trust to be <br />immediately due and:payable,Lender shalt have waived such,optionto..accelerateif;..priorto"the sateortransfer Lender <br />and the person to whom thePrbperty is to be soldortransferred: reachagreement inwriting: that the: credit of sucli,pet"son <br />is satisfactory to Lender and that the interest payable: on the sums sc___ed by this Deed of Trust shall be. at such rate. as. <br />Lendershall regttesli If Lertdtr has watved [he accelerate provided in this paragraph 17, and if $orrawer's successor <br />in interesfhas executed a written assumption agreementaccepted inwriting 6y Lender, Lender shall: release Borrower Elam <br />all obligations under-[his Dtxd.of Trust and the Note. <br />If Lender exercises such option toaccelerate; ]-ender shallmail Borrower notice of acceleration in accordance with <br />paragraph 14 hereaf Such notice shall provide a•period of Writ less than,30 days, from the dale the notice is mailed within <br />which Borrcawer theaums declareddue. IEBorrower fella to paysuch sumspnor to. the expiration of sudipcriod,. <br />Lender may, withoub-furthtr notice or demand onBorrower,.invoke anyremcdies permitted;byparagraph.'-7:8 hereof: <br />Norr-l%vrruxnt CoveN~urs $orrowerand Lender further covenant and agreeasfollows:: <br />lg. Accelerolion;.,Remedies. Exceq-as provided'in paragraph 17:herrof, upop:Borrower's: breach ofany covenant oc <br />agreement of Borrower en this.Deed of Trust, .including iherovcgants,lo :pay when: due any isums. secured.. by ibis. Deed <br />of Trust, I_egder prior to acttkrotioa shali'.maA notice: to'Borrower es. provided in paragroph.I4 hereof-specify'tng:•:(1).:the <br />Meat h; 12j the action requiredto cure-such breach;.33) addle, not Irs.. titan 30 'days.:from the, date theno[ice umailed to <br />Borrowe.-, by which sucA breach muse be cured; amf.(q) Ihatfailure4ocure sucbbreach onior beforethe date,apecified <br />/n the gotice may result in acceleration of the sums: secured :by `this Deed'of 'I'rusland sale-of. the Properly. TAe:.notice <br />shall further inform Borrower of the right to reinstate afteraccelerolioaarrd ..the right to'. bring a court.':action to. assert <br />the non-existence of a default or am Wher defense. of Borrower to accelerolionand sale. :If the breaeh is noLrured <br />: on or before the date specified in the notice, Lender: a[ Lender'sbptionmay declareall of thesums secured bythis:Deed <br />of Trull to 6e immediately due and payabk without furtherdemand unr may invoke the. power ofsale and any otht:rremedies <br />permiUed by applicable law. lender shall be entitledfo collcerall reasonable rolls:. and expenses incurred in pursuing the <br />remedies provided in this paragraph IA, including, but not limited to. .reasonable attorgey's fees. <br />If the power W sale is invuAed, "1-rLLtilee shall record a notice of defaulE in each. county in :which thr'Properly or,some <br />part Ihereuf is heated and shalt mail capies of such notice m the,mannerprescribedby. appiicableaaw.aaBorrnwerandto the <br />other persons prescribed by applicable law. Ater the lapse of such 9ime asmay 6e required byapplicable,law, Trustee. shall <br />give public notice of sale to the persans and in the manner prescribedby applicable law. TnMet, without demand"on <br />Borrower, shall .ell the Property at public auction to nc~ highestbidder atahe time andplace :rndunder the:ferrnsdesignated <br />iq the notice of sale in one or morx parcel and in such order as'Trustee may determine. Trustee may,postpane'sale. of all <br />or any parcel o[ the Property by public annotmccment at the time and place of aqy-prev'iausly.. scheduled'. sale. Lender or <br />f.e nder's designer may purchau the Properly at aoy sale. <br />Uron rsceipl of payment of the price bid, Trustee shaft deliver to the purchaser:Trusfee`s deed tmnveying the Property <br />sold. The recitals in the Trustee's deed shall br prima facie evidence oF. the truth of-the statements made therein.:.Trusfee. <br />,hall apply the proceeds of the sale in Ole fallo i~tg Fprder. (a) io_all reasonable casts and expenses. of the Sale, Inc}uding, bmC <br />not limited to, Trustee's fees of not more than ~ _90 offhegnr~ safe prier,rcasonableattarney's'fees attdeostsoF <br />tilk evidence; Ib) to all sums secured by this Deed of Tnu4 and (c) the excess, if aoy;, lathe person or persons IeyaHyemfitled <br />1hrRtO. <br />19. Borrower's Right to Kriotf ate Vet ih t in lint t ~nder's a rztion oi" the sums suurcd l>} this peed bf Trust, <br />Ftorrnwer shall have the right :o n: ~~ dry xis«c:ing dun by 1-b.~dc; t, cnf6rce: this Deed of Trustxhscori[inuCd. at <br />a^ imc prig tc the Intl rr o occur c r i. tee itch irk- hr ~ ~, I - i t~- I i n4 pt, usn; [o the power ar vile untamed' <br />L in this Dccd r Tr ill or I ) c :[n iF a c t, nc,it fo ping h (7 ~ d t 7 r t : ~: ~ roc pa; ~ L:cndct 31S sums which vaxgd <br />bc. then due a der the De 1 f Ta ,`te N. rct nor ,in f'i t q nny..,h'ad nc accetcruuan ,~~ 'r .;,i <br />[b) Bnrruuer _t ._ alt brc a~n+s ~f .any otter .: ~na~t r a2r r .. ;:•( F ~:.oat,ained m this Decd u[~l rU~!' <br />(t! B_r ,we; otF: ~~I dtlc r~ it rr7 5 [ ni r n is 'rif by c. tivut3nh nrd c.nx•~~im •~ <br />Bc rn cr c ~ L,.n .I in ihi nc d 1 7 u t ~ r 1. -d - '~ 1 s as pr ~ tded lit i ,~,`~ ~; <br />hcreel ~ncl,idrng but n. ~r.`tt<I ; re; ~ a re•. r t ~~~_ t ii i ,~ r t ~~. ~teh ition 1 v tdir its t • <br />rey ~r~- tv as tic tr ac the beer at t ,y f~r_J ~( 1, „_ 1 rude ~. mtc~ ~ .: the Propcn} and Bor-rr u~, . ;rt ,-, pap <br />