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<br />ss 1.i6i33
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<br />WilEREAS, Paul ~'. Praven, and tugs wife, ikrrathy E. Fraven, hereinafter
<br />referred 'to as "Eorrower," under date of January 19, 19oi, executed,
<br />acknowledged and delveZed a certain D[ar.tgage to Fifth Transportat;ton Stations„
<br />Inc., a Gelavare corporation, whaae Hama has'been duly changed zo Delos
<br />Sta*_ions, inc. an ac:cardanc~e with ehe :apzs of the State oP D~rlawarP; heceinafter
<br />referred to as "Lender," covering certain property in kall 4ounty, State of
<br />re`:rscica, as mare pdrtiLUl~arly described :n said Martgap,e, whoa said Mortgage
<br />k~as duty failed fnr record and recorded in Book 1?5 of ;lortgages', page 161, of
<br />~hc cf_irial. Records of ttre above c~:med county, said Mortgage having been duly
<br />is;i~ned to Iiax2tcers Trust C,ostpaxzy, Trustee, a tiNw York corporation, and W. R.
<br />'fesecht:nk, as Trustees, said SJ. ±~. ui.senbriric iaaving }peen sizccEeaed as
<br />iadividual Trustee by G. E, ;-taier, the ts:ria Bankers :Yost Company .and G, F.
<br />?~Sa2er as Su4cessoz Individual '~rustee being; :aeYeinafter referr-ed to as
<br />~.+~~cgneeb;" vhirh .~sil;na:es are tt:e ;ire sent Legal owners artti hnlderd a£ said
<br />ktottgag,e, :cn:i :,.~r~uwer Further ese~_ .t..<q a::.. r:e,iver~t~d tc Lena3er a:a Assignment of
<br />rents , da c:~~, Jsnu,ary 14, 1961, w}13cts ~.-~! 1 r , c,;.i~aeut sif Rents was dxly filed for
<br />recora and recorded in BooS~ $ vt Hzss;4.i3aineau.. S~«curds, 5*age b;'7., o: :}ia,
<br />Gfftcial Records o~'tha-~Yrav. :~aa.-d c~rtutp a;~d w~ duSy esslgnec. ~ .,..,~ ,,r1~es
<br />rahu are the Fr~,ant" Iegai ;: nr.-; :.nd holders tnereof;
<br />titAk. .Hc[i4,FURE, in canz;ideratta~n of the payment of ~n~ .Jo ..i::r ; ..';+;}
<br />.; ad ~ci<,r go~u a;xdvalua~l~e co:xside:rati~rzs, the,raceip+r,axnd suf; .eney r~ w'.:ich
<br />srG h._rer.y ~zp.~scjv aclcno;rledged, and .the peV,~:2t in f~iil ni ::ht rrc~~t.ssuty
<br />:duce secut~d S. sold '"ortgage, Assignzc:a d~ heC~s;ry re~sise, relearz~ -~~;::, yvatclal~:
<br />a13 a ci,.- right, c.tlr and iatazxst which they have acc}ulred in a.~i tr, the
<br />pren~i5us ~,td prar~rc; hrzcinabovr bpeciPically described under and by virL-ue ai
<br />said i,~rt~a~za „.,,. ..._~ ~~si,nerent of Rents, ~~.,. :gib r~.lu~st'ana authorise tae
<br />t~a~ ;tr. :~1~ -_cc~:~ ~ e ;er 'Y;'i c_ ~r.~.o.,~ 5_..~.,.. ,. -.~a_,ion: ..n,t
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