<br />~l~IFIC.ATICIN AT.+TD PY'I'FStSIO~I .9LiP'tiEL'?'cF~'v'P
<br />r-~ I~}HJ~'r C: DGE~tTNG and:Cxl~.''~LNr1 hY. DC1F.E2IivG, FIusk~,nnd and wife. whether: one or more,
<br />! herein <~tted ttae Mortgagor, sand The Oc,>erlant3 Vatic>nal 13•uik of Crrand Island, Grand
<br />i Island, Hatt County, Nebraska, hereiln called t'he ~4art~a~ee; herekay agree as follows:
<br />' 1.. ".S ~rt~agar has execut;2d and deli vexed to "tarter a. second real estate mUr*. -
<br />gaga dated i?c;tiIzer 15, L~382, -and recorded Cktober 2'7, 1981, as lbctunent r<o. 81-Qft5427
<br />i n the office of tdie Hegis-ter' of 11c~*tLs, Ha13 'County, .~ebraska, to secure their debt to
<br />_ they Ytcirtg-a~~e under ~ certai.n tmrtga~e note dated-October 15; 1~1, in the amxnutt of
<br />52:;,,x. ~~, ~:hir.h is a G-a.Iid" sistng oblgatian of the "A'brtgagor and accordingly'
<br />th_~ terns of the aforementioneci'~~c~nd real estate r=~artgage shallbe modified 'and
<br />er:t ended as follpws:
<br />A Hate dated Oetobpr 15, I981; on FFfii,ch ~ k><alance of 523:500:0()'
<br />remains unpaid, ~cz11 be s-rspaid .n monthl_, installments. cif. S35Q>0~
<br />per :;zunth, applied First to intere~`t aszd then to tarinolral,
<br />be4{ixxning ~tu~vst 10; 1982, :and on fine 10th of each month 'until
<br />Octot~er 1C1, 1'"i8&, at: which time the. entire unpaid principal
<br />balance and accrtaed interest cw7ll be due and pavahle in full , at
<br />the intF•t~~t .~.te of 15.C~,, with interest_ accruzYg at that rate
<br />fxx:r; -July 22; 2982; to matzzrity:
<br />2_ t3artgagor a1s~ ple'd~es to d"rrrtgagee additional collateral in tho fornz of a
<br />19?6 lic~da. Sex. :~io. 202-2413 an the fnand.ng stdte~nent/security a~reenent
<br />~~la.ted It~lr 22; 3582, and this financing statc~nent~security agr~~nent .is made apart of "
<br />Lh~ Piodifi'cation rind Ft;,ensian ant, clang z+~ith the P,.ssgnment of PxY;ceeds
<br />c~tf=d !~:•zc 23. ?381. c~nr: rcccirdt~! Jt~ 24, 1981, as Iluccanent ~o: ' 1526 in the State of
<br />Icxva, PIt~>uth Count, . per Securitg. Agrc~.meznt dated' ,Pone 19, 1981.
<br />3. 111 <~th~-r terra ::end conditions contained in the .original second meal estate
<br />marrgage cia tE : cx~tr~ia~-r I.S. :.981.. =ha11 rein the .tiame, <~tnd this: ~bdificatian and
<br />F_Ktersinn ,S~rec3~ent ~ made :a part -,f she original ~ecc~nd real estate mortgage bS,
<br />reference and shctl t inum to a.~ ] -4cce~~c~r~: quid assigns and the'.ir, heirs.
<br />C;cac~i this 2`?r?d dot, c~S .''ta; . 12.
<br />bent C 9r~*s-i;ng, .'`' ~`~= =1
<br />~':
<br />~:
<br />V% ~* f ~ //4 ~> ~~.i-ALL-'~ . _
<br />REGQ~~E~ M~ti`C~ - ~ ,, - r:4;1'ina '1. ?Y~c . 1 i;[;
<br />'iti1l: ~ '.RTi~?N3L, t3~.^IK Oh' GHfii'~D ISIIA~TJ
<br />~.~ ~1. ,~j/"", n,
<br />BY=~ic 'r -`~~R~
<br />He arci I,. I3a1es, ~'Lssistant Cashier
<br />i'ATE O2:_~'hL3R ~z3Cx1)
<br />l`DL=NiY r~F HAiI= ~_ .
<br />I~~f~r«> :nc. :i ni~taz ,til',li c;~.L~,fted fnr said c:crunty; persanally catrac ,~lx,i't C'
<br />It~r•ring .uid Glenna ".. iX~e ing, i.LSbard z,nd '-r'if'e, :~~m•n to me to 15e thf~ ici~ oral
<br />I~r-siu:a •.~iao :~inneii ttie {i~re~k~>i:~g ic~:~tnirrnt :ref ~uw~;:^nsvledged the e~c_c~.,;:cr *he~t•«~,t
<br />to lx, his and her :otuntar~ ac.t and dew-c;.
<br />,rztnt~.~ r:,v hancf~ai3 :.ot~ ~; «,,i c~r_ .loll ~ `,,, cy~~ ,-,,
<br />~ *tota7 r Public
<br />S~'A'i E: OF' 'v~ISEc?'4.~:i~l i
<br />:`:5.
<br />13-_*c .,. `;~, ,a 3":otf~i> ,1;_:_. u,1i1'~t~l °S~r W~]dCL~LUri:',. ~-~ci~~Fi '. .°ar'x ic.'~Earq .-
<br />s~...c~, -~,, i>•_.7~ c.~aric. ,~f ',1x ' •cr'_~,Yd '.~at:, cam, :k,ni`: c?~C Grauzd-.1-. ~.~._!, r-:ncn~.~~ L<, ,~~
<br />:~F, 3~= t`rt '_r~cn'c ..,~ ;n;i ~,t ~~r~y ~srnx-a ar ; ~,~,rnix~f, i t a~.~ t, ,_~.~ acr:nt~~: ~ _,2 t!i~?
<br />- t-.ti `(~Ut lE?t -13i'[:^.. i. _. .._ I2 id1- _ ,3 R:~ ...
<br />;~, ,~ .~ .r <-. ~-
<br />I~Mdta MIYf-lrau at ~
<br />4'tl BMAlAMMtlKO ^~
<br />