q,Z Huffman and Feltdn & Wotf, Walton Ne 6RA52
<br />---: -i- ~ ~-- t i.l i ~ ~ t~ ~:. _._.~.. .___._.. _~. --- --
<br />r
<br />Ftnbert J. Schrlidt and Carol. L. Schmidt, Husband. and ~~Jife, each in
<br />his and'her own right and as spousz of each other.
<br />Grantor, whether one or more, !`
<br />inconsiderationof- Fifty six thousand dollars ($56,000.00)-
<br />, receipt of,whic& is hereby adknowledged`convevs-to ~
<br />~r~,ae:~ R. 3y~~3alek and Leona L. Bydalek, Husband and Wife ,Grantees;
<br />as joint tenants and"not as tenants in common, the following described real .estate (as defined
<br />in Neb. Rev. Stat. 9 76-201) in Hall County, Nebras}ca
<br />:gat Five ;j) of the'County Subdivision of lots Thirteen'( ;;, =nd
<br />Sixteen'(16) and`gart of Lots Eight {$), Eleven (11 ), Twe .,,, (1.2
<br />and Fotzrreen 'l~l),. of the County Subdivis3.on of Y.he Southeast- t r':er
<br />of the So~~;thwest quarter (SE?~Sk?~) of Section Sixteen (16) i:: T~.tirnr.iF,
<br />Eleven (11i, North Range Stine (q), West. of the 6th P:M., Hall C~u>i`:,•„~,
<br />Nebraska:.
<br />As apart n~ the consideration for the conveyance grantees assume and
<br />.agree to rub *:^te mortgage: debt recorded at Book 7C, page Sl,, of the
<br />Mortgage P,ecords of"Hall County, Nebraska,.. and also he^eby assume the
<br />obligations"o' Rohert J. Schmidt anc Carol L. Schmidt under the terms
<br />of the nstriztaent creating the Loan to `rdemnify the Veterans
<br />Administration to'the extent of any claim payment arising frcm the
<br />guaranty. of the indebtness above `mentioned.
<br />Grantor covenants (jointly and severally, if more than one) with the Grantees that Grantor:.
<br />11) is lawfully seised of such realestate and that it is free from encumbrances
<br />except ease*nents and restrictions of record
<br />(2) has legal power sad lawful authority to convey the sarc__;-
<br />( 3) warrants and'will defend the title to the real estate against the lawful ciaims of all persons. ' I
<br />~~: Executed: .:....4{,`,.~s.K ... .... .......... 19fS.a2r
<br />STATEMENT ATTAG.-I-a .~L~P~i1' ..rkc~c> ....: ........:...
<br />. _ ............. .....:.......r........ r .... y i
<br />NE~iRASKA DOCUMENTARY Robert 5. Schmia`
<br />i
<br />STAMP TAX `
<br />i
<br />~ t
<br />.: `~ c~r..l ~; . Schmidt
<br />i State of ?vebraska
<br />~. i County of ...'~4'.,:~' .......... :.:....
<br />- I
<br />{ The forc:goinR irstrument was acknowledged before: me on :...v~4t~c-y~..:3~~y.. J.~.~'~>:..... .....
<br />byhahar.w.N....Sc. . ~..C~7ro1..L..:Schmi.3t.,..Husband.:lland.Wafe ......
<br />CF1~MllgTAR1•Sl+hofl
<br />lE0YA1tD M. TRAU07 .::Yx~P•T3l.G'~iG:C..,~.:.+~.'.4~?a4C, ........: .
<br />Ily Cwna. Ey lone 10, 1901
<br />`:,
<br />
<br />C ounty of .................................
<br />Filed for record and entered in Ni;meriaal:Indexon .: :..:... ..................... ...............
<br />st ....: o'clock .....'LR., a::d recorded in Deed Record .:.....:. .:.......... Page ..,.....:......
<br />By: ...................
<br />County or Deputy Cotityty r' .:, k
<br />Reg.scer of Deeds 4~r De~ruty Ftejister i. ,,lti., ~:
<br />