<br />OG°'ll~e~ ~ ~ ~ iJ~E~ ~F 1 1CU~ I
<br />r-tts urn ofirxus'r ism.a~ tni...........23rd...:.. .....day d ... , Ju?y ........ ,..::.:. .
<br />r 19 82.,aaanrtAe'1<rwaaor,. .OOHI+l.W .I+AIL;L6R.ANDPA.T.RICIA'.A..M.I.I.I~R .HuSbaRd.arld lvzfe , „:.
<br />I .. ... ........................ (herein 'borrower) ... ... ........,; ,....
<br />... D~WNA.NA7TONA1...$AN~....... .. (heretn 'Trusiee"}. and the Beiie6ciarq,
<br />.,. DMAHA.NA7IOfrAL.BANK..a ;Ia,t,i.4nA1.6dl~k?~.4.A~~Q~ja*ion ...... ... a corporation orpttiaed and
<br />atsder tie ltwe d...?he. UPj ~kd ~~~t2~ of ,grt}@r~c.a; ..:, whets sddress ia ............... .
<br />- ... 1. ,QQ : Edrnam. StrQ~t:, .Omaha,. Nebraska, E8102 _ „ _ , , . ...:.. , {herein "Lender").
<br />BOSt+owes, in consideration of the ittdelxedtresc herein rt.oited and the trust herein ereated,' irrevotablJy grants
<br />tatd catt!tys to Tnnw, in treat, witA yow~sr of sak, tlse folbtvin~ dacribsd property tocated'in the Cawnry of
<br />.....................................:,-,Stateot Nebratks:
<br />Lot 13> 9Tock 2, West Bel-Air Addi.tion.'to the'City of brand IsTand,,Hall County,
<br />Nebraska.
<br />(Subject to a mortgage of record to Merna State Bank, Merna, Ne. for 550,000 Filed
<br />at document #81-000334 Register of Deeds office, Nall County, 'Jebraska.)
<br />1718 South, Elaine. .,.Grand Island
<br />riidt i.a w dltwt d ................... . .
<br />iadw~tl fGq)
<br />... Nebraska........ , . , . (barsitt "hoperty Addr+aa") ;
<br />ts+w..r ria taw
<br />TOOaTNaa wits all tAe inlprvveatnts now or hereafter erected on the property. ~~ ail casement>. nthtx,
<br />aapaeMneataa, ptMts (111ijeat i~navrr to tie tits std authorities even nertin to L.artder to collect and apply such
<br />rsstta), rgaiist, irrr~ al n/ ~ ry-4 stir! pevits. water. wuet rirtu, and water :rock, and all fixtures now or
<br />iensller anteintt b t;is petty, a1i d r+d+iri. ttttJudia~ raplaoosatls asd additions tharew, styli be tintlted to; be
<br />atsd retsais a pnesa[ tie psrtsOr oersted by ttss Dead d Trust; utd all d the foreioirt~, to~etner with said :property
<br />(a the ktuseioid des tt tiia Dead n( Trtsst a oa a leasehold) are hatin ro[erred to as the "Propaty";
<br />l ~ to [.ssitr (a) 1is rapersaa~t d the indetttednsss evidesoad N bea~teer's trees dated . 3uly ,2,~0.
<br />...... r.+.L.... (MMleiri '7isee"), N tie prineipal suim c(...T4!ENTY THOUSA .~ . A4~. `JOf.1.Q!~ . (,~'?Q OQQ,OJ~ ..
<br />......................... .... .........Dollars, with intatat thereon, PepwdvK !or rooggdy instaWstort4
<br />d ~ [)EInANaa>r ieentR rMlt tb ttaknee of tAt iedabtedAesa. if wol utowerpaid, dtrs and pa~bit.atl...:... ... .
<br />...... .U't+.+P.~..* ..............................: th! pGrtltMl Of au «hCr flltrY. with :ntelftilther'Cdf,AdvalTCtf
<br />is ae00edant:c htwtrdti 6o protaet tie security of this Deed d Trust; turd the perfortrrirtce d the cArertanls and
<br />' ~ d ~otteowst Ml~iu ottatsined: usd itt) Iht rep.ytttent of any nature advat-ces, wtti iatarest ticreon: triads
<br />to le~rrwer by 1~Ill~ilr Aletl[t/t tti ~r~~ 2 i hata0t (hareitt "Ft[tttR ~4dwt0ea"}.
<br />'~ and all renewals, ex enE s-ions and modification:, the!-eof.
<br />larrowar 0oswata list Hoem+er Y fa.ttany seised d the stale htxeby cottvcyed and has the....r+~ttt to grant attrl
<br />casvty Ii! hepeet)t, ilYat tie trvpatty is trnertturabettd, srt6 dsat Borrower will wattiant and defend genen~y tna'
<br />tint b Uro !h'OOIutY yeirt aY des and daaatxk, subject to any ~C•Lratians, usc~u cr restrntions )iKed ins.
<br />seirhdttk d aopWun b aoYa~yt 'tn any title ittsurtsncc policy inwuiwg Lendet'x iniecC3t in the is'opsrty.
<br />-1 rtl~a;y.._trrL-litrlfrlkltt IMWOaY Mtr+t11~IR
<br />