<br />
<br />L'NaFaRtsrCovErtnrtTS. Borrower and Lcndercnvenank and agree. as follows:
<br />I. Yttymenf of Pripcfpalai¢d.IMerest. Bormwetshal9-promptlypay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />indebtetir[essevidenced byah+:Note, prepayment and latecharges as pravided in [he Nate, and the principal oP and interest
<br />an any Future Advances secured b}' this Mortgs$e.
<br />2. Fbndsfor Tatres and lnstustrce. Subjtct toagphcabie law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />to Lender nn the da}' manthiy tnstallinents afprincipal and interest are payable lender the hate, un[il'thc Nnte is paid. in full,
<br />asutn (htrcin "Food="1 equal toane-twtifthb£ khe' yearly taxes and 3ssessmeMS-which may afkain priotiry river this '.
<br />?Mortgage, and ground rents nn tlee:Property; fans, plusnne-Swetfth of°ycarly premium installments fa[hazard insurance.
<br />plea one-twelfth of seedy premium installments for mett$age insurance, if any;. all as reasonably estimattd initially and` [ram
<br />rime to time by Lender en the basis taf asstssmcnta andbills and reasonable estimates thereof. .
<br />The Funds shall be held in aninsiitution'zhe deposits ar accounu of which are insured or guaranteed Iiy a Federal or
<br />state agency (ineltadin$LtnderifLenderissuchan institution): L.endershail apply'[he Funds tti pag•said tases;assessments,.
<br />insurance premiums aad,groundtenis: 1_enderrnay ilex ehargefatso fielding and applying the Funds, analyzing said accauot;
<br />or verifying and compi3{ngsaidassessntents at[d<hi11s, unltssLenderpays Barrcwer interes~t'onthe-Funds andapplicabielaw
<br />petmits Lender ;o make such acharge. Borrower and Linder may agree in wrifing, at 4he time of execution of this
<br />Mortgage that interesi on the Fords shall be peed to Borrower: and unless, such agreement 45 made or applicable law
<br />,requires such interest to be paid. Lender shall :hot ix_ requiredta pa}':Borrnwct ;any inaerestar earningson the Funds. Lender
<br />shall give tc Borrower wi[itbut charge, an annttal accounting of the Funds showing credits' and det?its [o the Funds and the
<br />purpose for which each debit to. the Funds was made, TheFundsare pledged as additionalsecurit}' for the sums secured
<br />6y this ;•iortgage
<br />ti the amount ofihe.Fundsheid. by Lender, o$ether with. [ht future,manthly tnstaliments of :Funds. payable priarto
<br />the due dates of taates, assessments, insurance pmmiums and ground rents, shall. exceed the amount required tapay card taxis,
<br />assuasmentc, insurance premiums and ground :rents as they fall due, such 'excess shall be, at Borrower's option, either
<br />promptly repaid to Borrowtr or-credittdtoBarrosveron monthly. installtritnts aFFunds. If`ihaamount`of theFunds'
<br />held 6y Lender s}:a1T nidr b~'rsufficieat to pay rases; assessrntntst insurance,premiums and ground rents as hey tall due.
<br />Borrower shall pay to Lcndei anyarro+ant n-t;essary tomakeup the deficiency:u•ttlttn 30 daystromttie date:noticc is mailed
<br />by Lender to Bortawcr ;equtsting ga~ntent. [hereof, ..
<br />.:L}'pan payment in full of alt sums secured bvthrs Martgage.. Lender stiallpramptly refiindio Borrower. any Funds
<br />heldby Lander, if finder paragraph. 1$ hereof the Property is solder the.Propery rs otherwise acquires: by Lender,Lender
<br />shall appdy,;na IateY'-hue tmmedia[cly pear to thrsale of the Property nr its acquisition by Lender, any Funds held:: by
<br />Lender u thttime of apglieatianasa credrtagamst thesutns secured b}' tnuMaizgage. '
<br />7. A}Miy~tiota of Payments. t;nless applicable Eaw provide; otherwise. all payments received b}° t_endCr tinder the
<br />.Nate and paaagraphs t and Z hereof slialt tie applied by t_rnder tirst in payment nt amounts payable to Lender. by Bnrrcrwer
<br />under paragraph 2 heatof: ihtnto nterasapayable on the Notc, then to thepcincipal of the \ate;. and then iv. interest and
<br />principal on any Future Advantxs.
<br />4. C-~es; Liens. Borrowershsit paybei saes; as>rssments and otherch,crgcs,.fines and imlx suictns aunbutableto
<br />the Property-which may attainapt7arity over ihas .hiortgage,.and leasehold payments or:gmuhd rents. if ang'.:in the manner
<br />,pravided tinder paragraph2 hereof or, tf notpard is such manner, by Borrower making payment; whin due. dirk:tly tothe
<br />payee theteof. Harrowershall nmmptiy furnish to Lender all notices of amounts due under this paragrsph..and m the ascot
<br />Bortn+ser shall make payrnen[ uit;.~tl}'; Eetrrnwer shall prampdy furnish to lxnder reretpts esidencrna su.h payments.
<br />- Barrow•ershaif pramptlydischarge -any lrcnivhtch hasjtr:ority'c?.:cr rots Mottgagc.provided, IhatBorn~wer ahalln;itbe
<br />required to discharge any: <vch lie se ?ong as Borrower. shall agree in wntirg-ta the. payntcnY .rf i'.±e onS:sauon ,mired by
<br />suchGen is a manneracceptabk n, i.ender, ar aha.ll in gocxl faith cbrte+t vt.;h lien by;or defend enforcement oi'sueh keen in,
<br />'' egal prcM-~din~s whichapcrxtc tr. pre+•eqt the rnti,~ctrnsmtof tl~te lira ar inrfenure,of thePrtipeet}' or arty part thereof.
<br />5.. Hacard Insurance. Bor~a~tr ,h,N hcepahe nnpn+~er~~tntanov, esisnn$ nr hc.reafte: etcciedon the Property insured
<br />against loos by fire. fiazarrla included .~,titsn the term ";~:~nded coverage ,and Stich other hazards as i.enifer may. require
<br />aAi1Sn stu:h:amountsandior stab peneds a, L.endcrrtaq r •ti,..rc,pt,wrded..lhat Lender sh,ili notrequ:re that the amounrof
<br />Seth cavcragc excttxl that amount of cevusge required ~~~ { the .~rrnv vecured by ibis ~iongagc. "
<br />The insurartcc earlier pro+'idirag the insurance shall lac 4hoscn 6y Borrowe. uib7ect to approval 6y Lender, provided,
<br />thaesueh apprgvalsizaUnot tw unreasonably wuhheid AI3 p,~tmiunas nn insurance poli~tes ahalibe paid lot tt:e; manner
<br />provided undtspsra$raph2 hereof or. ifnotpard rn sanhmantter, by Borrower making pa}'mint, when dtta, directly to the
<br />insurance carrier.
<br />Aft insurance po#icies and reaewais thtree,t .hail tx in form a<cept„,blk to Lenticr anti s .~i r:,! id~ . vtaittl:~r l mortgage
<br />rlausa in£avor of and ixtform aauptsb[e [o l,tnder i;endcr ,hail ha;c the rigor to hold she g,,;.i~ ~ trd rcrn:- 5 •heier,f,
<br />and Borrower ,bah prgmp[ly furnish to L,ent3ar all renew.-ai naturs anu sit receipts of pia pr r in,~, (~ ti:e ¢.ant of logs,
<br />Borrower shall Fo-c arainpt notace`to. the tns[irance ..tierce and lender l~nurr sruv ntakc pox , i lc>, 'not made. promptly
<br />by Borewr.r.
<br />Unless Lcndcr end Borro;vuaitcr~- reagrce i wsitiirg, insurance pro:ecds shall fw.apptiedt:r restaratian or repair of
<br />the Propert}~ :iaoreged, are,raeu ,_ch restoration i r repairio c.:unomuetiy [eusibic anti the ,rct,r,ty of Chis. Mortg;tgc i,
<br />acs the-reby impmrec?. „such re. ;; s:..~ic.n ar. r~P1~. + not ecarattai;rail~ teisib;e uc it thh sr:rur,t}~`a£ this Mortgage.would
<br />be :mpaircd, the wsurance pr,'xeeus shwa be. aQpli~d icy :he sums-senure+l by' this ~iongage, witkt the excels, d env, paid
<br />;e. Borrower- 3f the ProFer v , . `.,tindc~iu:d h= Bt ~~•itir_ „r ,± B+vrriswee tatt> t,• respond to Lenderwit-_>ytr,3U day tr,,ntt:he
<br />dais. nr t:ec l; ;site:; b,~ 1_endei to & r ;rw c; ths[ ehc ins;;, an~e ~arraer c fters. u, settle. s elatm for insurance -benefit>, .Lender
<br />is autho.:ceu :v ~o: cct , nd upph tae insuran xprocr:eds at Leud..x's ootiurr auher to zesiuratwn ar repel: =.;C the Prnprrtg
<br />or to LhL' sum. s. , ' 6r nit tilaMga$e.
<br />t~nfess %enJi. end b ,.n ,.tr izihetuise agree m wratin$. an;-,;,, apy!:cir,on t proceeds toprunc>i•:>I .Fail not eaaend -
<br />er pcutpoce the ;?uc dais a ~ne rrcnihl;,r insfalhxtensFeferred to !ei y,r air:... `: I and ~ hereof. ar nai.gc ;'r.c .rtouiztoi
<br />such ir~ctsllnx^a t! ,:rider ru~i4:aph lg hert~f the i'ropeny is ac.;: ~ ^,~: 1 ~ndet, a[I right, title and rn.•:.r". of Burrower
<br />in and m ;u:i surance po_;cicti an;+. m and toahe proceeds [her,:of rc,w.,r,s i:~ci damage to [hc Pre, _•;~. pr;;~ ra:6?c sale
<br />or s:;hu:i.ici; shall p,vc w L:r.CCr ~, tfioextent o£. the sums secure .cu .Lrt~ge inmedtalei} r:;r :~. h sa'c ar
<br />acquisition.
<br />6. PrcxrratiVn wd }taintemacY of Frsipertya:Lrase~oatds; Cardontiniem,,: Planned L?nit-Devclt:pnietal. B>~rroweF
<br />shel_ keep the Protxrr; in gkwi ,~-pytr ...tdshatt n;;t c..,n'sm33.~3:~:c tt.~:..., t~ ~-~~ert of ~}eteric :era. t,, ne Trailer[}'...
<br />sod sh a'! :cmptt .c'hb tier procisiors ,t ae-; ie~.+e iL. rr:a 1o~t4 ,hc „ . o.~. ~ ibis st:,;:dag r :~ , - _ nni ;rs a;..
<br />cnnd.~niln!urr: u _ planneC .:nit dCVJ p.,~.. E. _.~., e: _.. -i; ,,, is .io: .. .. ...- ~ ._, „o.,
<br />cx ,~,cnartc rein .nt; er ..lad ,cid,±r .-gym ~. ,.i:~c~d v-t t, ri .. ..., i ~ gat.,. ,.the
<br />~ondont.u,;una ~ aenr~d ..u° :ie~e! : nt_a. ia~ ~.i.e _ __cur.;;..-s .- ., ..::~t:ni, ~~.i .a ~ .... i_., .. at.
<br />titixs ii ~atco•[zd by Bor:Gv,c, saW rcco:cci n:., ,,.,. }] s~.. _,.. .~i ai .~„ -. -~~e['
<br />shall bt !-tco:~,rs._;. ,ate and s: sli a_nc..d a ;<~ it u:,.r:u . , . _,~ :: ~1 _ _i , , ., ".r.~ ~A It'.:~o ,~ I ~ ~~.,
<br />writ t part hereof. -_ ,. - , -
<br />7 Proirt:us+n of Leader 4+:urtty 3t Ei ~r _t'- ~ ',,`tr
<br />3faa•t$~xgz, rr* a ;ufs ,tc tvt+t ,,rc~eci .ni. ! nr,^~.inu.3 ,_.~ rnai_ .a :, ., r..c th } ~;><-r'y'.
<br />m Se..Sn;, `_z:~t rr n:~'irn . -.~r,t uz,n;.::n ck.cn~. ...ir ~, ~! • .c+~ ~ .~ :4 ;_L .-,c
<br />..
<br />Yanir,r,r, a,s 1::_.:.r '_ :h. I.~:.+.a .t .._e.i5n(r ._ rt .. ._.: .,_ ~ .. ... .._ .~,~..
<br />yeses and s'sa .ttit.::.,,z~ nom. _,. . ti .~;, . ,_ ._ ... , .. ;... ,.r
<br />!; - ~..
<br />tcaa.r!:ahlc a;.~. ..c: s ..~:' ..r.:r ~r.-- ~hc } r,~.., ..:akc ~, i` n'..s r._,'~ ._. ,_i...: :_. _
<br />~. .
<br />_., _ -r r
<br />~52~.. s,.tix :-. '. tX~~. t. ,::;. ... r. ..rM .. ..,!Y' *t.fr, ,~ ,'~.i ~.. ;, i,....i _d.-G :" .1'V ~. '.T `. -,,. .. ~, f,'. .._. i 4.
<br />