<br />AFTER F;f C0#2CiAT l flN, RETUr2` TO:
<br />t4ornan ~=uaranty Trust Gampany of New Yark, as Trus ae
<br />cio M©rri i k Lynch Huntoon, Paige Inc. ~~Q?f>
<br />P. t~. Bok: AGC34 ~ye~11 r/
<br />San Deigo, CA 92135 -T vL~UUa].Ll~~
<br />gttn: ktr. Fred Knox
<br />GNMA,MO. 6-26°63.6652-5
<br />ASS' GraMEN7 E7F MOR7G'A$E
<br />FOR VAL~J` R'rCL I'r ~D, #fie unders 'gr.ed'granfis, se l i s 'ass i ghs, arrd
<br />transfers to MC:RGA.N ~~U,4P.ANTY TRi~5T COMPANY OF'N£W YQRK,.as Trustee thct
<br />certain ^arYgaga execeteo cy OL I L^,4Y 6A~RgEN TOWNHQUSE~S I I , a Nebr-aska
<br />Genera! Partnership, ^~ortgagor, and OON'J. HURRAY CO., a Nebraska Corp-
<br />oration, Mortgagee, late. ?~1arCF 10, 14&l, and recorded March 23, 19&L as
<br />instrument 'do `~'i~%1393 and '-hat certain_Modi'icatian AgreemenT dated
<br />.ianuary 5, 19E2 and. recorded `January-21,,1982 as Instrument No. &2-OUQZ70
<br />aES of Official Reeerds inthe C7ftice of the Cauntyof~=~aii Stafie of
<br />Nebraska.
<br />TOGETHER with *he Aipte thereindescribsd a~ raFerred to,'"-the money
<br />due and tc become due '•herean withinterest. ,J~ ~~~
<br />RECORAER~/MEMQ: "'^."E~ ,f .z, r '-~/at.~,-s--~ ~ L ' ~`
<br />DATED: J~s^.e ~~, 1432 ofDeeda
<br />GCY~ftNMEM1T NATiQ?`!,A' `~ivRTGA(~iE ASSO`;InT!GN
<br />ss_
<br />Or, this 1E31F~ day ... Jung, fy&2,~e;n ~ r.,e, ttaa undersiJ ~-cJ, a
<br />Notary Public of said S*ate, duly com,m;ssioned and swcrn, Fiersonaliy
<br />appeared n. .. =x~.)~s= „~rsonal lv known to ma r_n _~. `i,a person
<br />described in and waose name is ,ubscrlved to the nithln instrumer'~, as she
<br />Attorney-ir?-Fact-of GOVERN;~lLNT PtA.T;Oti.4L t"CRs'~SP_GE f~SSC~t;IP,TIG?J, and aci:nc~-
<br />tedaed tv ,r,e that .,_ Sub3,r-b~,. 'he came ,, vflVERNM~h ~ NA"!.->AL ^~.I'GP,C,`.
<br />fiS50Cik~LI+JNYhareto as ~incoai an~ ~ cwnname as."tto;:y-~,--a_..
<br />i". F±:?NEC- nF'eP~t;F, ~.t ~.~~:~ta -~e' nand en,d a4fix~J a,y
<br />., t'#-: r_; s~aa, '" e -~y ;~ ~~ yea' ~.. ~t .._. _. '"strafJUV~ ws .~ti
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