<br />NOTICE IS HIiiait3Y GLVFN that an the day crf ,. 198:2,
<br />1^layne_R.;_and DSa'rve-,_M__ror4ey~____oE Sptinaview, NE uR]ifl
<br />_ _ _ as Landlord, whether one or more, did execu e a
<br />grit^en lease to.I>ar_ y I__ ar.'d Judy,A. Werner ,of 2847 Goldenrod
<br />~r_i re_, Grand Islands," NF.~6-E3801 as Tenant, Whether one or more, or3'
<br />the following described real property 7cicated in Ha'Ll County,
<br />hot 1, MeadawTane 4'th Subd'i isiari, Hall; County"
<br />Nebraska
<br />The'term of the lease, commences July 15 ,1492, an:°:,
<br />unYcs.= terminated"priar`thereto_by default orthe mutual consent of hott parties,
<br />extends to midnight,~July 14 ,19-184:.. The lease vrovices, among c:tiier
<br />pro~.~isions, thatTenant. is=responsiblefor all..utilitie and the r~azntenance ti-~e
<br />premises. It specifically provides as follows:
<br />"LIENS: Itis specfEicallyagceed"between the. par ties that no pers::r ,ha:.l.
<br />. ..a entitled ro any lien directly ar indirectly, derived thrcuyh r .:::drr
<br />'fena n.t, and. through or °under any:.act oc: omission of 3t,.supericr to that it this
<br />tF-ase reserved to'Landl~cduponeither`the Land above. described or any imorov^,mencs
<br />r,ow nr n,~;=~inafter situated thereon, foc~or onaccounc of any labor or materials
<br />.~.;r ni~~h,~rl for any Such .improvements, for:`or on"account of any matter c :^.inys
<br />wi.a ts_"~rver. '+11 her sons furnishing such labor-:or ma terials; aswell as alt ot`:er
<br />rersor~~norsoFVer, shall`be bound bythese provisions.::
<br />>[re~'^1oNSFlln OP i'ARTIES: .The parties hereto specifics ly provide .and..
<br />*igulaee tha ,rrs ,~asnshallnot create, act-as the r_reation of;oc be
<br />interpcr~ted ns crr~arir;a, sm, relationship o'fagency,;e4ther limitedor general,
<br />.-et,,~~~:"e the l,ar ~ r: ~ r . sn~, r,i„t venture, partnership or tcu'st relationshi;~ of
<br />;.ny : _ Thr it;a~ -rient- Hereby created is simply that ofa'Landlod-tenanC c^ a
<br />sslcNMrST, rer:an~~ s;gall not assign, convey,contractto trans Yee, morrga9e
<br />rr :..-rU _-rwiSe hyaorh~::rate this Lease, orany interest there in,.and.any uch assiyrmer.t
<br />-~r :~~:rre..;. i,~~ _~:,.a1i. !~~e oid ar.d shall-, at the opti:On of Landlord terminate tt:is
<br />r~,...:. Tenant mn~. ~.ot sublet tkse pzemiBee without Land:loid's prior written approval'
<br />.~y se, ,,__ r~. _-ien~: executed thesame,date, Landl~rdhas grantd rn o~~tior.
<br />to 'Pc?na ;r t<r to ~c.'~~.a -~ rl~.e et:ve-described premises for the price and upon terms a~
<br />,ec .r~ ir, id k~:l~state vnripn.-Unlessthuk"Option Agreement is ,__~ched by
<br />'Pecan ..- _ ;:in.-lc.c Lh ._ut,.al consent of *oth parties, the right t:~ r_xercise
<br />Char ...;Lion ~ha<: e ;<i t~ 3niynt, ~ul_t' L4 ____ ,i9 _84__ 'ibis
<br />`r~ri 7 pe r~, ;Hal ,to nc~ tenant and is not assignableby it .vi thout *he crior
<br />»cit~e:~ approval :. I- ;diord.
<br />,xee~:t d _c,u.e=s ref rl-.e ~r iGioals of the iabove-described Lease Ay,. •.c pent ar. ~:9
<br />-
<br />~, r.,t~. ~~,~i~;n ;r rho ~wse~-.ioi~ ~' each of the respect've rar"_w and, or
<br />-v;7 ,. _ _. _wn. .. _. _~_ m.le available. for inspection to any ~E, on ,au;-rstratit~q
<br />,,:, r-
<br />,,,_ ._ TENAU"
<br />f
<br />` ~ ~ ,.
<br />