Loan No. SOILS-L-iii
<br />~~~~ `=~T DEED OF 'I' R ti S T
<br />82- i,tr~?,_ra
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST is made this...... ''2??a... _ ... .... ..c!ay of .... r1??~N .. . .
<br />I4. ~' ,among the Trustor,N~yne, ,F...FUrgeY. and .~Sarvel. ,^'(., . t~org~y...iiusband..and .wire,. jil.i`ntly.
<br />aa¢, eacn .i,n . irh~ir, uwn _ Tighe ... . . ... . . . . . . (herei~r 'Barmuer" i ....................
<br />Joseph H. Hadam (herein °Trustec"l. and the I3~nefician~_
<br />sIRST,FED£RAL.SAVFNGS AND.LQAgNg~~.P~tSeS~QC~ T~Q77,9F.L?:+.CQLN...,... ., n corporation or[,tmzed and
<br />~~'.~..
<br />------ eaistinQUnderthe laws ot£~1FRJ~>•1F]F~~rrca whose addres, iti. 123
<br />Sl<1~e'~.. Lincoln,. Nebraska. h850~ ........ . ........... _ .........iherein''_ender";.
<br />BORROWEP_, in consideration of the indebtedness herein rcCi:rd and rile Trust herei~t created, irrececabl~~ erant~
<br />and conveys to 'Frastee, in trust, with power ~~f ia1e, thz following described propcrt} !Dented ie th~_ County of
<br />Hall ,State of TCehrak:~:
<br />........................................
<br />Lot. One (1), f~ieadow i,ane _'ourth Subdivision, all county,
<br />Nabrask~.
<br />28L7 Go2denrad Drive G~anrl Isla~ad
<br />which has the address ol ... ..... .... . ............ . ......... _ .... .
<br />[s::.~,.i F,,:ri
<br />Nebraska 63801 lherei.^. `'Property Address' );
<br />. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ iSN:< enR ~~P CCdlf
<br />7"oar ~tiex with aII tbz iivprovcn;cni~ n~ro or ;ieriaftc: ~ ~_rcci i=' ttic f!roF ny. and i o_ncmuit,, riitit:~.
<br />appurtenance , renu (subjecr however to the righu a, d author ii s 2n'en h r'i .:o i.:rdcr tt oil<ct a. ~:f plp s;ich
<br />rents), rot'aIties, nnncral, oit and gas rights anu profits. aa.er_ water righu, and wa er stxk, and all ~xwres noa• or
<br />har~aftu attached to the propery. all Qf which, inci~ding respla~enrm~ts and additions thereto serail bc. ace~nad ;o b~
<br />and rcmai^ a part of [he property coti~erc-d b}~ this Dee~~l as Tru:~t, aid eli n; [hc iore~oing, to,;erhrr ui:h .u property;
<br />(or thcit~aseholdestate is this Ihed of Trus.::: ar a i aseiu~~ld7 are ttr_rein r ~crrcci * ns r , ~`Pranen~
<br />Ftr $ECURe Ccr I:ender Sal rho rcpa:n~ent of the indebtcdn s ; videnc~d is~ BOBRtl[ ` note ardJ~uly 1.~~ . u32
<br />...._.:.....:`haCn;n "Ko[e"j> in the prirc=pal sum of Sevaa"Y Thcusand a a f)o11o0
<br />.... ..
<br />............. ~ ..... - Di bars, wi: intortst tnarcon, pt r <ir.~g for morathL ,Ltllmc r.t>
<br />ral! ana tntc^:c'.c, ~a7til @te >a.Iatce us the indebtcdocs>, f .,oi :enr' paid, due and i~a::r'?l~ '~..... ... _ _
<br />.... ~`ttiifllwy. ~..>. J,1~, . ..... ......... ~h_ pay~.u.~~ ~ a?I ;zhc ~uri_[h t.. cr s! t:rcr_~. ", ad~~um cd
<br />in afiorc:ar,cv atcre;vs!}t ts~ ;~~oteet She s:cur!t} :,'.` this Deed o? 1ru~C: a..~° t ~ :-r;_ :uane r;f tLe ~~.Li:;~nit anJ
<br />4
<br />agrcuncot3 of 3~rrnwc_ r.w _~r. car t,ti,a=_U anB (bj ter _zp.:ymut~ of Ong iaci. ad: .__,, u!tf ~r ~. ~.! t ~ :, ~.,:, uia:4~
<br />lE~ $orrvw;rr h'a I:ar.Ger pprsetant to pa regr~y,ir ? 1 her ~E i 11QfCl.- "tutrre Ais~ ~.•« ").
<br />I30(ri?Ht.. ~F:;;fagfs tit ~3trrtotaB7 t; lawfullf Sc 4LU vii lfi~ .craft tier 1, ~ons~„ _, „n~ f~ rt t~:',11 `1r=t ;: n;'
<br />ccrrv~., l:ePr+r,crry, tftr:I the t'rC.;>4a1 a t~.aeutit'ctr-_it. ar,4f aF~~ E+~s;~ e. .viii «.r ,-~ .. .c ~t<~.i-.~~; i.",Ile ah~
<br />at)t, ,rs ;he Y _%~°r~r alai Est ,;h cl...nt .t,svt d:n -~.,ai>. ut~r:~ .t ~;~. _I~t~ar . ~,., ,. ... ~ c, t,t~~ ..
<br />~ehec,e;,e r,i ~ ~~.; >,ivrtS ru rcw, rah. . t .i ;x' ?~1e ka•ari _ ... lr:y __. ! t .I : ~ . ~ . ,:: al n,,, °:,~-
<br />liEgpA$ilA. ~. _iwHn;Frtut uxirt:est tx~`R~k=.A;
<br />n~-
<br />