<br />$2-~ i~t~3o~'?
<br />IU. That the vfartgagarwti{I hrrpttie bui{din~~siipan saidpremisee: in gaol repair, :tnd neitltercommi! narpermitwaste
<br />upnn i lan+i nor suffer tho aid'premixs ti>lx usad far sny unfawFul pur~tnse~
<br />1 - 'Phat ,, the prcmf . ~, or any pan thtrrcf, tee c~tindemaedunder the power of aminent domain, araaquired f<ar apub:ic
<br />use. !hr damages r+Warded, the Rvoceeds fttrthetaking irf, ~t the concidaratian fcir such sme'fuisition, tr+ the ex;ent of tha'Tull.'
<br />am ~ nt if fndebtcdre~ up ~n thi_ tterYgage andihe txi6e which it is given to cecurc remaining unpaad, :ire herehy~:~.ciened h~~ the
<br />titort.~gnr to hr ~forit.'+gcr end shelf he paid forthwith to said f`9~rtgagee io L,t applied by the fattetr an t~ecaunt of the re.Yt
<br />trstunng tnstahmcnts of sv.n tndet+r~dnrea:
<br />i?. iht tifutgagor further ngter~ thai-shtsuld this mot2g~a and the note scct+red Iteccbv not hz eLgih:e fl+r ;n-
<br />~irrancc under the ti'otictnzl Hewsing Act wtzhin Sixty days frutn~the date hereof (wiitten aatemeflt of an ~ officer
<br />of ttrr 33epartment of { ,s sing and ,trhah t?evetap mtntor auth~ri2ed [[gent of the tiecretary of Housing and Ihhao
<br />_ +A°celopment datr~ nuh,ryutnt to the Sixty daSrs Gme fromthe date of this mortga~, declining to insure <:lid
<br />notr_ smt this :<+rt~age, trine, dcrrnedconc)tssivepec~ofbf such ine{igibitityY. ih8 R4anpa~ee oc'[older utthenate
<br />- m c}. at ii> eptitie_ deciarr aR some ;<cu:reiihern^hy immetliateJy. [fltC and t+ayatrG~-
<br />43- llreai if the 4fortp;a~ror Gfih tit make iulypavfienr. ,if'asi,ne~ ~. hen Et+c _ ,c !,cc~,me due, ar fai{s [o,^onform to and
<br />cnmpl~ ~2h ac==7f Ibc conditions ar agreCmet,ts ctmtaitsed tnTbi< marlgtigt, or'he note ~: Mch it secures. Chen fht• cnrireprinri-
<br />foal tiun: and tl rust inters ~~ II a[ ~ occ became dF+r and t:cahie t the erti i or 1ortRagrt, mnd thiamnngage may'
<br />tnestctxm bo furr.J:~sed once. 3atdr for the a hntr of ;aid monea_ mt_~e,-. fa~nthl~ ;acnt n ;gas, groundr2rt;. taxes and
<br />the west of etitendink the ahttract of title from the date df Fis kufn tc- t~•c rime ql -- .mmeeun~ much fares{osnresUit. ;Irtd a re'a-
<br />uxlaAic atU+met ; (ee_ :-_i? o+' ~-hicn shai! 1~ mduded io t{ r ircrce ~ f nrccis~~u-_~. and the eonteac6emhadiad'in [hi5mor[gaga
<br />and aht matt .ecelred tlcrchc, shsll if+ si! ,'rso«li he f;ocerned.o?+-.rued anti ~u'P't, Zed he' the lave of IVmErr.iska, wherei [hE-
<br />~:; n5e 1•: fn:{SIC
<br />The covenants hercia u+mai~tco .hilt hind: ~d ~hc Went ii , d: ,;: f .Its hai 4,sure ta:. therespeativeheirs, execuiars;-
<br />admiruscrutor .u.a<s:A,_,ndszs;gmcftf+rpsrY€sshere.~~ h_r;:~t~ 1`ed ~.hc.ing~tarnumtier~hatiinclUdttheprurat.the.
<br />p;utal the :irkvlcr. cad tht cse of any gendEr:ehaff he apphc r -~ zS. eendr-s
<br />~I'hr. 4tregaing Coadiri n,. as arni <:ngijPi+r, lxingptr :xt,md .a .dini.'.o ;1 e,rnatural and:Iegat im}~rta{iis aooveyanee
<br />;hafE t>e 'toid :a+d said prantiEC. rcttyud _,~ thtrepen,~ oft' e ^,~1f .~sc otht; tv ,c m brand remain in fuN [acne-and affect.
<br />ttiX'ITNF.i~tXHEiRF.+tF,tttcs`cutgagwtstha~~ firrC:inti~t<t. ttT2Z hanutslthedayandvearticsr.
<br />crtw re wettten.
<br />{n preurtca of.
<br />l p
<br />-~,;1',c~f~C;~ ,,/ }'~ C ~~ fz 1 SEAL. 1
<br />1:31 -tJ fj7,, i SEA{ }
<br />~f./.~G~.s7 1~~tfsiK~~~ ISEr~I,j
<br />RAL~tONi3A ?C , S 2fiJESS, -
<br />j S£At. l
<br />~ til~At> ~
<br />t?n thi•, <~sr~9 .tey ci Sttly l f: ,v $2.;*eiorr inc.
<br />- .. 2:oCdT~.' Pnriic n ~nJ fa: tied r_~;+u ntS rcrvlmalE: imnc
<br />~.ichae"s ... Sotincia22 .t17st ~R K. ~.inaei~, ii~s:xtsssi and Wife
<br />pctwru~l{yt;sn~.ei,now~n.
<br />.u t~' the idtntital ptx,;trt s uhax SaamE $ _ Sze . ,t#Cxcd to th>r~ahos~e anJ ~u~e-
<br />yv>;ng,iaatmncnensM=+rtgasva..+ax1 t~Y tt8V~8.~. s:.knww}Cdgedthe,a~rn,tnfmtn2nndtht
<br />_ c><r:utt~u ihetc~f tube -tB101.Z ''v tt6stutarv:yct noddt,tG, foCahc per pUec!S tlrrt+':r+eajvra>eU..
<br />:n!ettlms+.mF:rc:.;,l~as~cac=et,n_t+.rtmyhaasianiaffisledbpnotar~al`vafnt Grand..Zsl~nd, *TE.
<br />Caa it+e da}:.n.: ddtc :vatah .a wnttrn. ,~,
<br />,: rvk
<br />_- -_. _~ J
<br />' ~,1L31Y fll fYaJ L'
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<br />t~~.~T'. !)~~i Elf {4AS ht~ .v
<br />Filed lot rcctua this d.w of \.1~ ttJ
<br />at ~.€.ki iti4::_andeacgte;lin'dumcroellndcx.anti
<br />,E art;cs in`ciasa~ of~tt~t:ksge.~n
<br />fate
<br />Regi~ttr cif t7ecd
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