<br />~ 82 --- ii G 3 U'7 ci
<br />ASSIGa?dT OF T~it~RTG~GE "
<br />~~tr~ a~~_ ;:~°v' BY T.,n,SE PP.ESEz' That Eilen Lauise Nickerson snd P.a.-,y- T,cu
<br />ac .. _e•, ~er~:a_.tl Rerresentatives a` the Last Will and Teetamert and tiE ~st1-e
<br />o;' i,• J. :3r~11r:: , c:ece~:sed, t.Fe undersigned, in consideration of Assignment of
<br />Note ana "~ortgage in'~?istri?.rutian of Estate, in hand paid the receipt ~rnereoi
<br />iF hereby acknowledge3, !:ave Sold anz: oy -;,base ~resents'do sell, assi&~~ ,-,r,
<br />r~nsfer unto ELLE~f L. N"ICI{EP.SOPI ~,Yy ~~~, LUti SC 1~:'ER, {assignee) a `certain
<br />It.dert;are of ~:c •tgage-dated .the nth day' of ...: a... 1°7~ end executed by V<-rr_aa
<br />S.edthauer an P,tricir A. Bredtha.ier, husbr,.d -..~ wife, in favar of"L. J. .atlas
<br />and, conaey..; :he aroperty pis uescibe!3 i:n said SEAL ESTATE MGA.TGA~E. sir,ue:ted
<br />in Sail Couniy, State of i:ebraska, andw}iieh said ~arta*age was'recor<ed i~t the
<br />recarda of said Coon*y on the nth ~~*r aS ?~iwrch, 1973 in- Eook iF,O r mcrt~a~es
<br />u*_ aage 439, ' taget:lcr pith ti"ie notes o: o'~ligutions therein descxibad; wa snout
<br />ecuurse i. <: an-r eveni or 'or any couse.
<br />TO FiA~"E ;.~'ZS TC h'C...Ti same-unto the s2ic ssignees, theis• esecutcrs,
<br />,~miniscrators or assigns, subject only to tae Mrovisions in the_said ainrtga~e
<br />c~rt~;red.
<br />V +?. _~~..., 'n =~i3E0N' the a ._:znar hr~s ar ::ave heraurto subscrioed, ]~.5, rer
<br />,.r:d ~hei~• . ~:~e~ __ _ iii:, .iay ci° trs~~~';tf' , "'.'8.
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<br />'ePr~. ~,±: ra tritive
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<br />~ "" wary out ScYiafer, er9onel
<br />~ ~.~~ Eepresentat3ve
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<br />~n t:... ~ &rti~'~~:_a~ of ' c~t~~ !:~~ ~~.'~; :~__re .. _'ce _r..:,..:;igned,-_.a 'd~tary.
<br />R.b':ic ..1 ti cum~i: 41~,n~ _ ,_ . _li ~~"ie _ -~-- _ _. .__ _ _ ,,. .; , ;;e. ^gnail, "tee
<br />E?~e:. :,cu1~a __„r_e.,.iut. s..,. _ _ _,,,._ ~e mac, __er P~ ~ ..._.a_ ..t:_c.r .atives = the
<br />Lr St »ili _:~ ___ ~i.,u-- =.__ _ __G ~e ..~ ~ .. ~.._ ..-, ~e.. .~e3, _~ as mown
<br />~c ee _--- ~can~~ cr1 .~e~~cnr ~ ~~~t _...~.c_: ~»c -_i._e~ _ -~~,l~::gina~_r.,~eiesit
<br />...~ _c~:_o«ledge __ .Aec.t~cr ~~_e,.e _ ,~ .air vat ~....ryact and Seed, as.
<br />. ~cr re ^sc,:41 ee . ser. ,' lire z;.
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