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<br />263-+~-Ri'c LEA4ECF MORTt}I1GE--CarPOration •. Revised t9B2) 'iY+e iYuBmant7ene+e:'~eeipply *_~3+w.~. L4uol.,. ~+~_+.
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<br />I~ CONSIDk~RATIO'~I of the payment of the debt named therein, the
<br />F.looeR.~v~vte ('cwtarJ,uty .Irec.
<br />f
<br />herekr~ releases the mortgage ¢Yade to j
<br />FLoecA ~vaeo i-~g~ujt,.I'+ze, ;'
<br />by ycncv~.eve 1i. .lux -
<br />~, on the following desrri`I real estates, to-wit:
<br />a¢ Laf ibc f 11 in $larh Thinta.~.n ! l j~ ,
<br />yilboet'v ridcfiti.rrt tv the ~s.t~ a¢ ~.w~rl ~larida
<br />tia.Lt (,amtef, rYebAaelaa.
<br />of 5ectior. . in "I'awnship Han;;e tsf the P.'~3.,
<br />Co:u:ca. ~txte of which is ncordea in c'3aak- bf $eat t,`,t,+t~. `~;c,; r i,,e~, ?:2tte
<br />o[ the recarci~ of ,ai<i County. ~aiefr~ett#s-~f~~` ''
<br />tti '?'F~T;~iOii"1' RHETLEt1F, t2xe said F,':,rae~,~,v:yi.~ ~,r.~ucY+y, .Inc.
<br />r:as cc:u.~ed
<br />the present:. tf~ be execttteri b. its presiifent 7.ui it_ -txx±t _ ~r.ai t., ~ ,+lli~ed nececr~this
<br />day ct ~.~,[~ .~.1' 29 ~1 ''`-
<br />~ ~, ' ~, Car, th1 2t_ ~y ;~+_' 8G_
<br />` ------._.-- - ~~' "-~"~ -__ .----C~uti2v { tle.urt nt, tr.e t_.t~l~ral~n_ i. :_s
<br />said C r~typ _ me_ - __ y .. -'.. _- L. ~v{YtO. - _ ,..r r t ~i t!~:e
<br />? rv ~~"
<br />__... mQ : - .- _ _ YQ7A (.w5.~/+it, J11C. t r : i ,r,
<br />_ ~to u~dli~Ylla4riyi~ ~IIe t' e~ den = n i r3e ties. mason w5o; ~ + f ~i ~ ~,c t i_e i
<br />~i acjc ~~~~~~ t-hereo€ r oe hr - lw7±s }~ aci and decd : ~-~1- r~ _.~ ,u ,t_ ...i
<br />dead f,~i,~ argor~ty're, d thsc tti ccrtx,rata soap was hereto e:;,x~ _ ., ~t..r_l~i~:-
<br />- _ b 4~q,.,y ~ ~r
<br />} -a-a3Y..~h'c~~~'_Antana: ~3i =;~.. vu~ ~ /Y~..: :. . - „~ f o~ .i-_c 4 ._. -ear
<br />l ~ ~t ai d~[~. ' ~~ /1
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<br />STATE (,F_ __ - ~ i r c ~ t .'tat ~ .c. s ~
<br />c`atirsty ~,# i 3r~. ,tc~ri~t. L~cK . ~jt ,
<br />su:
<br />.~.u. S~k~h ~z._ _. _ ._ 3~;e.
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