<br />-v~aasrc~ c,ocuM~nr~xc
<br />5TaMP TAX
<br />JUt. 2 ~ X982
<br />FJAkRAtiT'.' I>EED ._;~~Y ~~
<br />Y.:~'~W ;1f C ^7EN BY Tt{ESE FRESENTS: That FD & L DEVELOPhtEN'i
<br />GR()iii', a ~tt;raska partnership cornprisetl -of Itieils ~~•. 'tcDer,.,ott,
<br />Richard L. Carp~t~ter, .and John iN.`-[3illman, hr:rein called the
<br />Grantors, in consid^rat.~n ~f Dour ,ousa~:] Thrc~c Hu^.dred
<br />Twenty-t.wo ik;3.? ars t S4. _; 2.0~) , recei ~~~: t r~~m Crentee, do her~~v
<br />grant haig ;n, sell-, Canvey, an~c ^, _rr. untt> th-a
<br />CI ~~'^~ ~~~i?D1SI:AND. ^:~'R,RASKA,
<br />a munL ipai cr;:o.atun n Halt Coun':y, State of Nebraska„
<br />hr r.,in ~.:~1'..~~d `h~_ ;rantee, the fo-lloc.~ _~ -IescriLed real property
<br />-n the tiorth,~es+. rJuarter of the So:'h~;~-~st .%uart~~c ,IVW'~SW~? of
<br />Scctior. l_.~en' •.-twr~ :22.3 , Tt~wnship;>f~e~FeP. ~: 111- North, RaAge 'Vine
<br />(9? idest of t~~ stn 1'.M.. Hall Coanty, Nebra ka:
<br />Beginnir,, at <r poinc !'gong the easterly right-of"-cony
<br />line or ~tct; Loeirst .Stxeer, which s 4&x+.1 feet.` opiltY:
<br />.,
<br />o[ the ,._..thr~r~~v riKnt-~>>"-wav line ~f Foraner F'axk
<br />Road, sal:' faint a1ti hein~ the !ti"orthwest corner oL
<br />L,ot thie , l i c>nner ~~!bdi~ ision, thence wester y along
<br />ehe ~xtc deu nort:hr:tl-v '~;oundar_v ofF-nmer Stibdivisiori'
<br />*or a distan~~ o seve!~ 'i '_=„et: ChF~!;;r~ ~leflect?ng
<br />ighr along .he ~•ascerr. .ght-~ t rarly tineof Soith
<br />Locus*_ _CreeC c-~ a ~~~ str r!ce o- 92.i reef; thence
<br />deflecting right !~-srp~rcii-cul_ar r,, tn~~ easC~rly lane c~Y
<br />S:;uti, Locuct ~t .et _ .- istar,ce or lour ;47feet,
<br />thenCS° 12`1'Ct:i1g i C !~ tGr J• :~15taRCe 4f S1,X't6)
<br />Lei^r--; thence + c~ in t 90" °ar a distance crf
<br />tour f.4? ~eeL: them- ~ie:.rc.ti,rg right a:tong the
<br />easterlti line of tit. !t i~ ~c<ust 5tree C'{~r a distance of
<br />IC1.5 ~Fet; thence. 1['i1e~C~;,v, >'i"ant ~O Far a d:stanee"
<br />of seven i.7i tact; ti?encF d`•~i,~Ctint= right in a
<br />southerly directi-o- seven _ee.t - ,.,, at~d para11e1
<br />tc, the eastern Ling or Soy t'n _ocust Street for a-
<br />distance u` i;?1.9 `e° ~oence ~.<-Electing lefbnarpepa~-"
<br />;.cuiar co the st< iv,l.ne o` South Locust-StrEet `or
<br />a }iscanc~~ o~ three `E~et: cn~nce :lefiecti:~g right:.
<br />J
<br />9C~ for ~i .ii stance .>i six (6i fe°t; thence: cE1c,>cting
<br />right y~` .cr a distance of thr¢e'{3i feEt; thenc.~
<br />~?Fiectirg _~-it scum .~ feet from:andpara37.e-i to
<br />the 2astert: _ ..t of ,rt~ti ~ct!sc SCreet- for a ~:listance
<br />Cj `7 '._ C'~2t to ti7C- ;~Glrit of be e,1 n41.n~, a.~,l 15:~Stlown
<br />cn the draw~ng ideal =ie~ ., _. 11~bit" "A";~ttaeheJ
<br />hereto a_~d i r;~ ,rr::r~~[ac ~;erc i : b~ reYere;nce.
<br />:,-> :~:~~ae =lnd `;, h;~ld thz ~o~ ~< .fes~ribe:l pretnis~s tog4ther
<br />;pith __ t~.icmer.cs, her -~' _.-.,ant, - ! a pr, t:. t4~nancc~s thereto
<br />b~1_c;ngic~; ~.ntc tt.c ~ ~. __c _~ _ t: r, .t, ~:` •e_ :~ and
<br />ass;x,nS ~~~reve°.
<br />.r~::+ t:, =ran? urs ! i > ~•: ~:,... i C;l-~ the Gr~,;7t~"' !rid wi t.t~
<br />h
<br />~.rac~,"r[° s ~s s ~:~z.; ._~igr'ts Li~iC _..r~tnrsarc_ Ln ~r.i`~,.
<br />af'. sc_=: ,i. 3'~. b~*~..~.. •_ ~ ~r.~ t-h~_ ~ _ i cc. fl"[... .-'1._ ,...~-. -
<br />