<br />~F=S kNS~Rt1l~EN7;£E}idSTFTtI~ES #k EF#FkS~Rt}EZeL£#Ak.SSfk]~I°3:Y li~kF:ER£ST:;fII•IflER T#E N OQNS`RFIGTI(}fl .
<br />5?-A-RLeAL ESTATE MORTGAGE-(Wtth Tax Clause) Rev. 78 Hatiman andF~,o~ o~, Watton, Ne 59461
<br />xvow Aa.L ~+fl:r~ s~ TxssE rxssEnrrs: 2'hatlsaias J. Sanchez; Singe Pzte Sanchez, qtr. ,
<br />~" 5inale and Mike Sanchez, Single
<br />+~; of Hall : Caunty,-and:State oP Nebrd5kd , inconsideration of the sum of i
<br />© Tweriy-Five ihausand and 00/100-------------------------------------------------~ol.t,~r~s'
<br />~j ;n hand paid. do hereby SELL arni"LONVEY unta The F1 r5t Ndt'IOndl Bank Of Grand ISldnd,
<br />.^-J~ Grand Island, Nebraska
<br />~~P t1dl ~ Cnunty, State of NebrdSk$ thefollnwin$deacribed premisos situatt~ ;
<br />:n 1;a11 county, and Stateaf NebrdSka to-wit: ''
<br />lv
<br />lot One (:), In Blaek Four'(4), 9n "Vine Nill", A Subd ision of the South Ndlf (S Z):
<br />of the Northwest ~tuarter of the Southeast Quarter (Nk;SEt-0) of Section Twenty (20},'in
<br />'~ownship Eleven (li} North; RangeNine (9} Wes t. of the~Sixth P.M., Hall County, Nebraskai
<br />except for the vgrtherly Eight Feet (8'} of Said Lot, deeded to the City t~f`Gr-and island;
<br />!r'ebarska ie Warranty Deed Recgrded as Docuztent No. 77-006114.
<br />t
<br />The intzntion t~emg tocanveytierebynnattsnlute title in fec~simple: inciudingallthe rights af..homestead aud`dower.;.
<br />TO F1AVE.*. ~i 1>TO HOLD the prs.•miiees alwve described, with a!1 khe~apPu rtenances Yhereunto 6etanging, unto thes:aid '.
<br />mortt;ngre+; si and to his. hrr or heir },e+rs :,nd..i,ssiGns.:faret^e r, procided.aiways, andthese presents are upan the expresv
<br /><~tmdition ±haz ii thr~ said mortgagor(s)', his, heror the,rheirs, ezecutars, administrators:-orassigns shall pay or cause:to
<br />paid t, zhe said nwrtgagc~e{sj, his, tier oz theirheeta,executors: administrators or assxgns,tlse principal sum of $25 ,DOQ.OG
<br />payable av ti~itows, to wit: .
<br />Principal plus'accrued interest at 15`,R~ dtie and payable November 1fi, 1982:..
<br />with inc. ~ >t ac~vrclxng to the tenor and „iT,~~t o€thr. :gun ;:+,~n r~ written Wromissary Hate-kxaritik. even date with these: prew•nt_: ~;
<br />uozi shall Puy eti taxer end t,etr,.4sanirn is I, <<••el ulx, a..trJ n-:rt , .tats.. and all..ot4,er taxes, levies and aws,,asmyntalme ied,.u}>a» this i
<br />_ morti;aKe r~r the .Hate 'wlsieh<thcs martg-n„e ~+ piv.. z:: ,,.,,i rr~. bcefnra. the Name.:~xratu~eadefinyuent; itnd keep a},e buildizigs o»
<br />. utd 1•n-mt~.w utxured her-Ehe sum af..$2$,OQr?-GO :,~,,y.. if any, nayahlc ta Nie xaid mortgagee; }henthese~preseutsf
<br />to }x- .., ~i. oU,en. s•° r., b.• a~1^rcrmain .t Fait fog. a.. ,
<br />+
<br />f't IS F'C`hf`HET3 AGREED ttl.'I'hat ;( thv ~nxi tn,:rtuaxor shall tad topay such: taxes nr. prrx:ur~ ouch ir,-suranc~, IHe;
<br />I wrp,ag nrav ~ such :axes az~ ~n,curo t - w~: :.. and the xumsa advanced, w,th inlereriY: at seventeep per:
<br />-r t, shat[ i+:_ rs aid F aic! rnnrtgugor; and this a ~ rya t h stand ~ security far thesume. (2) `fhaz a failure to yay .any
<br />f -axi r •~ :•im_ [ u a,al ~r mtnrest. when- h ~ 1 ~mes 4ue, uc afatiure ta:,i~mply ..with any of the foregoing
<br />„br,x¢a•rt«, .hat; t.use ,z.,• wn~te s'utu o, money,.cr~:n oerar J !u btxxmadue. aoda)itectrble aE:u~nce attlie_aptianaf tl~o -
<br />t,a<,ngat;ee.
<br />Sigurd tiu. 19th day o= .July:.. I•) u2 .
<br />' In nreurxe <;r .;
<br />~~~ ~ j ,~' Pete Sanchez. :1r.
<br />" _~ U}ke ~an~hez
<br />S'TAfE OF .. .
<br />~~ "~ ~ D~
<br />?he foregoin
<br />~ cad' ~ ~~'• y
<br />by . .Pete. ~~
<br />- _~~~i~ik~i
<br />~ ccaES µ }
<br />~`` t~s a:~~<
<br />Py i.~,~ni<,s~cn ~xw,ir ~.84
<br />Co,:nty of . -.yd.i 1
<br />;w lodged 6efare me , .......Jai;/ _ i~~h .... . .........19 82 ,
<br />chez and"Isaias J. Sanchez.
<br />5tgnat re .Person T ' in ~Asknuwfed net:
<br />~ ~
<br />.... , .. ..~4tt~f'Y..°S~~?.la~ ............. .
<br />':stile .......
<br />S. XT£<: r~~'. _ _ .. ~ Errkc~;red on :numnrseaS_indez and 1'dkd fnr rc<. r S ' )
<br />t ZK.
<br />) r;.v:,?y .. _ .. .. , . j ins the Regtssx-r of De,tai~.O6i..w ufsatid Cx*exn:v ~I r-
<br />; . .isy of ,.. ,..,. ...:.~:,.. ........ A~_.. ..,..... at_.. .. ,... _... a'aloek and,:......_... .. ,. .__xninukts .. .. _.... V.,
<br />Ars°. rc*~~~tt1e.2 i_t :k ~~ of.~,_.. .......... ..._.at y*aga..._.
<br />
<br />