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<br />Notice of State Tax Lren .
<br />~~~ • Peal iMt rnuro v rerars~ side (~
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<br />- ~ e .,era "` ~. ` ~~ .o na, ~ Date _.. ~sooal ~e.;:r¢v tvumte~ r ~~ ~-~ it ~ ~ U ~ tom''
<br />a,
<br />2/Or 1162 _~_~ __ ?-2 `12 _ ,~ 505 5~ 9386
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<br />., I.G h',~. :: F Y p ~5 al Sr<uYlty
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<br />?~ 51 ,8n Hall ~~ _ t ~, -k ~ ~_
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<br />L------- -- --------- --- Larne -
<br />o,,,,~~t, .,n,,.
<br />Cafars_Qa>•_~il4urlae_-.-_-- ~~ Verlie G. Johnston
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<br />1~5__FasL 3rd Stre?i~ ___ __ _ 1 03 Shadv Send ?Dad - _ -- --
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<br />City .3'e Z Cyan ate Zlp Cctle
<br />' ____Grand_Lsland_.._ _ h~ _-- - X3801_ ~ -rand Island, _-- ~~"lE_ 68801.
<br />3'hn Notice of State Tax Lien is issued by the Nebraska Department of Rsvenuz [or unpaid laces pursuant fn the
<br />rzvenuz larva of thz state of 14ebtaska.ti'oticz is hereb}~ ~t'en that axes including penalties and interest, wltoch are
<br />iltnwn below, are due from the taxpayer spccifted above and remain unpaid after demand. These taxes cuns[iht to
<br />` alien in the county ftr r~tl artd personal property betonpngmtht [ax payer or. hzreaf ter acquired. ~7
<br />Tae ~ ~m~ -~ - -~- - -- 0alanta of
<br />- ~tpory I Tar Periotl ~ Dale tlf Amount of Tax Penalty Inter~at ~ Acd fort
<br />j Asrbtwnena '~ , Assafsmoot Dua
<br />, N, N m~ LhrU..:.~1 i --- - - -:~~~ ~
<br />O1 '3-31_82 ~J6-2-82 __131 .5d ' 5.62 ~ ~ ~5 ~ i 193.11_--
<br />4-i-82 ±hru i ~ ~ 171.x4
<br />C1 4-30- 22~~.~5~28-82 ~ 156.03 12_~~ 3.1~ i
<br />j5-1-82 thru !~ ~ I
<br />Ol 5-~8 '6-22'$2 L. 132.39 _5.c'4 __ 1 .61 ~, _ + 18~__
<br />i
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<br />roTa1 s 5 a~l~--
<br />T I r. rebv ce>t;rr 2nnt tn~ :,eor.s.a _e~a ' :( Revenue nas cnmvklaU wltn t"e •av8nue taws c' the gate of. NebrasHa in .the Qeter=
<br />nat~On o unt s~- ~~ tO G~~ tlvc ~ he `taXpd)'0/ haG ta110tl ftlgdX :tt5 ~ nova! 7UeiltBr (10"n]R{1. If t[Il5-NnNce 07: ,i LatO:Td%
<br />~,en ,> a t , bo<, of r. ,. , n, es :o Con~NUetnt pIlnrity-Ortna s:atat . varystir, tbn a'l~ttetl prnDertY or the taxvar?T/
<br />~'.A ~t ~ -- - - ~E1 P~-n'=P -r1 7-23-82
<br />----- Date
<br />Mtri~~~ r,n.
<br />- ,~soeci3l~gent ---- ~-2a az ----
<br />n~tnor~zca 7ttl~ Date
<br />a~vr
<br />- i ~-- ~- ~ __- ---- OR COUNTY OFFICIAL'S U5F _. _,,,._;___,-__- l'
<br />NEOR ASI4P ~ePAR°A^cNl' JF REV E^i l_~ ~~Vhtr end C ~~r m_ ..op,s•s~ `AX Pi.%i=R P nk.Copy COUNTY OFFICE Canary Cod',
<br /><-avaa~ ue~_ ~-n t
<br />gC JfiA-71 Rae'-3
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