<br />t09?9-'A'1~.RRANTY DEED-Joint Tananey-Vae£Ing Etttlra Tltfa in Survivor 'rL=ti.dfmao-. Ce=era7. Supplr Roux. u~c:d R, xrbr,
<br />KNClCti" .~~I. 11i:,\ BY THESE PRESENTS, That C~iiliam C. Ramsey, Trustee
<br />$2--U f} ~~ ~fi{
<br />in consideration nY Ninety Thousand.-and no/l00' (590, 000. C0; ------------- DOLLARS
<br />in hand Iaid, do he:c}~~ graa:. t,..t-rgain, sell, cnnr-ey aiid confirm unto
<br />Richard E.'AolmqustNand
<br />Laata. L. Holmquist, husband and' wife
<br />j
<br />as 1.:~ItiT TfSDiA\'iS, aTxr} nut :u tenants in cmm~tan; :he faftntiviug described real eatate. Sittiater} in the County of ~.
<br />Iia 11 and State of Nebra ka to-u it
<br />Lot 9, 133oc1c 2, in Re~lat of
<br />Riversides Acres, an Addition to the
<br />City of Grand Ssland, Aall County,
<br />`Iebraska gTATEMEN•i" A7TACkiEU
<br />5TA'v1P TAX
<br />$~ 8Y
<br />tr.~getl-ter with alt the tCtEetraenc>. her<dit3rziennts and app+rrtcs`aticcs to .thee. suLie belonging; aad all the estate, t;tle, '.
<br />dower, right of lwmcstcad, _}..in; ur ~:ie;r>3.nd tvhaLsoever ni ehc said grantor o[, in or to the wine, nr any part '',
<br />chCrr<,i; svbje~K to liens o restrictions, easer.±ents and encuniYrranees o€ record
<br />IT EEfIkG THE INTE\TICiN _~F :ii.i rS1RPIE~ !=Fkf.i`-~, T~A'I '.~ 7'rF I:3~Ji:AT Cr 1'HF DI/aTI
<br />i±F EITHER OF S.~ID ~;Ii ~ti i'P.~ ~, iHc_ F.:'~rii~ fEi: SI?1i1'L.E 7?_i.,' _ :; "LHE L.~ai_ E~1,+.TE DE•:-
<br />cC?IBEI_~ HERr:t'\ tiH:~ I ~';_~'i Iii '; ~1: i;I:1I\'i:~~,; (P.a'M?'~:1:
<br />TC~ rfA\I: AVn ~Ci t, )i. ttie a'vwe ~u ~-zc;ccs vitn e a}Iu .Fn ~~c~ ,•it thr ssii atrt> .a
<br />1OIti"t TL1VA.-:T~ ~nd nut ~; kenazs : , _c ..:.:.......... .. ~ne:r sk,;,, o. t~ J-c =_rs anc: a,,i~n, of ,hc ~n.,mor i
<br />of them, fnrrver, aad tlse grantor r~ me:, Isai ::ur r im521' .~rd his heirs, r.ticcutpa, an,l I
<br />dnn,:istr tors. do t"~~ets.ac;t with tht gran; _r~ ~ ,r r }- a and w th tl:e, ss ~vs and ~a~rtP t~ r ; e : a ; 1 ~ ~,},ns
<br />t },t ~arvs °cr of them, tha_ hF_ 5 1.., ;, zru >r ;i premisea { :hev Ore Ire c a ,nc r;l-raz cr.
<br />~rcci+t a~ ;Later] herein, and that `+p t},x _a,, gra,_.cr 'gas pare },>~ right an.i iaa~..~t ~.~,nor.tl t„ _ ~, .i., '.
<br />s'an;e, and chat he ,ciif and __1s hNVS, escratars and ad,tinistratnrs >n:att :ca,rrnnt sod dc-
<br />,.nl .;:e s:,.^ae *anta the t!r ntees ..acrrd here n nc1 unto titei; asagnb ~a,l cnto the h! is an+i sstga~_ of ]rr~ aur-
<br />~ 7 n( tfxzr ,r[+~c Ma,;. the is .si rain -t p 3r.~ utnas e:::r u~~iit+n ,e cs }u ns r;atncd he;r~,;
<br />._w .418'h,£.~S S.HL-h1~3F >~i; h~`rert,tr;ox~t ..~~ It:vd tl,:.; 2(I'~h Ia} ;.
<br />,1 i V ~ c.
<br />